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New Poll - Partner's Interests

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4:17 am, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 566

I would've loved an option for "What significant other?". Some of us are #foreveralone lol. But to answer in the hypothetical, no it doesn't matter. I think it's important to have some similar interests with your partner, but for me it doesn't need to be manga/anime.

Post #775586 - Reply to (#775585) by KaoriNite
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4:32 am, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 612

Yes, you are totally right, yes we should have similar interest points but it doesn't supposed to be manga/anime, It can be books, nature or random things. We shouldn't restrict the largest topic like "Interest" with anime/manga.

1st: Death Note
Post #775609 - Reply to (#775565) by HikaruYami
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9:12 am, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from HikaruYami
Also super amused that grigo can't get over how most people want to experience an original story in as close to its original form as possible 🙂 Almost like that's the whole reason we're here on mangaupdates reading manga and not watching anime that were shittily adapted from those manga!

He probably doesn't like the fact that homogeneous Japan can produce more original material with a wider variety of diverse characters, settings, and views than anyone pushing the racist ideology of Progressivism can.

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9:16 am, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 104

I think it is important for me i mean we need a bond to cling and I wanna weeb type of bond.

Post #775635
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Scarlet Sorceress

4:05 pm, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 75

Doesn't matter to me. I'd love some open mindedness though, respect each other's life and hobby and all that jazz.

~Give time when it's needed~
Post #775636 - Reply to (#775635) by kujika
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4:13 pm, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 612

Yes, as I said, It doesn't matter, out of topic, which character that is on your photo?

1st: Death Note
Post #775637 - Reply to (#775636) by toprak
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Seinen is RIGHT

4:21 pm, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 2410

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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Post #775641 - Reply to (#775637) by residentgrigo
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4:51 pm, Apr 6 2020
Posts: 612

Thanks, grigo!

1st: Death Note
Post #775710

3:57 pm, Apr 7 2020
Posts: 490

This in particular doesn't matter, but I want to share at least one or two hobbies with anyone I'm serious about.

Post #775860

11:59 am, Apr 10 2020
Posts: 263

It doesn't matter to me, but what does matter is you have to be non hostile toward it. had a friend/acquaintance go into detail about their warhammer hobby, how the SO of the time forced them to quit, and was hostile, he had to get rid of everything, and because that relationship didn't last, he was out in the low 5 figures on rebuying in.

The obvious question is why, and he thought it would work, outside of that hobby which did take up a fair amount of space (some of the figures were well made and used as display pieces when not in storage) so once that was done he could have moved on, but it was never just that one thing, it was that his primary function wasn't money and his secondary function wasn't kissing her ass 24/7 and without her he would die.

But, like the dope he was, he didn't file divorce first, he tried to make it work, and at that point you are playing defense (second to file) you are already screwed.

learned 2 things from him, well, 1 thing and reinforced others

1) if they give an ultimatum like demand, walk away, do not take them back, do not reason with them, cut your losses because now that they know this works, it will be the go to threat
2) NEVER be second with filing anything where you have an adversarial relationship. If you think they may file something, make damn sure you are first, collage culture and the me too movement should show that even if you are in the right, saying the story second is almost always a losing position

Post #775906 - Reply to (#775636) by toprak
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Scarlet Sorceress

2:18 pm, Apr 11 2020
Posts: 75

Oops. I rarely check this forum. Yes, quite tragic character of an old manga/anime series.

~Give time when it's needed~
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