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New Poll - The Holidays

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3 weeks ago
Posts: 10797

This week's poll was suggested by Afiaki. The current holiday season isn't over yet, but how have you (or will you) spend that time mostly?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:

Question: Opinion on Daylight Savings Time?


  • It's fine - votes: 375 (19.2%)
  • It sucks - votes: 1022 (52.2%)
  • It does not affect me - votes: 306 (15.6%)
  • No opinion - votes: 254 (13%)

There were 1957 total votes. The poll ended: December 28, 2024

We should get rid of it if most of us dislike it


A just ruler amongst tyrants

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3 weeks ago
Posts: 139

I want to say "lazing around all day after finishing houseworks", but since there's no option for it, I choose the closest one, "just life as normal". Long weekends are the best, since I have extra time to laze all day. 😄

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3 weeks ago
Posts: 5

I have important exams coming up in early January so I will be busy with that. Though Im wasting my time right now sitting in front of my table and still not geeting any work done. Neither studying nor enjoying. This can sum up this entire year too.

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3 weeks ago
Posts: 2444

Home alone. I am off work for two weeks and am focusing on gaming this year while listening to Alien/Predator audiobooks from Youtube. I just finished Gran Turismo 7 for example.


I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb

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2 weeks ago
Posts: 87

I picked "Other" since, although my family and I mostly go about as normal (with some extra reading, as well as sibling gaming), it also gets busy.

Since we're Christians of Ashkenazic extraction, there's a lot packed into the end of the year. Then there's the food (lamb for Christmas, latkes for Chanukah, blini with roe for New Year's Eve and Day)! And the music (Die Fladermaus, the Vienna New Year's Concert, and Joel Cohen)!

It's very busy, but also a great mixture of meaningful, fun, beautiful, and tasty.

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2 weeks ago
Posts: 27

Mostly just normal life as usual. Though I went through a literal Home Alone situation on Christmas Day. Woke up at 7 am with family gone and garage empty. (We aren't even Christian.)

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