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New Poll - Attitude Toward Manga

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11:09 am, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 10734

This week's poll was also suggested by NoKissNoLife. Nowadays, what do you think the general opinion of the Western world is toward manga (and related things, like manhua, manhwa, and anime)?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How would you rank these (best to worst)?
Manga, manhua, manhwa - votes: 450 (13.8%)
Manga, manhwa, manhua - votes: 2153 (66.2%)
Manhua, manhwa, manga - votes: 31 (1%)
Manhua, manga, manhwa - votes: 32 (1%)
Manhwa, manga, manhua - votes: 512 (15.7%)
Manhwa, manhua, manga - votes: 76 (2.3%)
There were 3254 total votes.
The poll ended: June 11th, 2022 11:01am PDT

A lot of disdain toward manhua...

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Lone Wanderer

11:53 am, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 2130

Yes, but not just in the West. I'm pretty sure every society misunderstands anime and manga as well as their fans. I mean, I live in South Asia, and there's no way I'd never let anyone except my sister know I'm into animanga, 'else I'd automatically be considered "immature and weird," regardless of how mature and responsible I am IRL. That being said, the West tends to be more vocal about their hate, which is how they are about anything they don't like, so 🤣

Last edited by calstine at 11:57 am, Jun 11 2022

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12:42 pm, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 2425

No but I wish people would better understand what demographics and production committees are as these are products first and foremost. Products are made with customers in mind and animanga is supposed to be very disposable on top of that. But then again, most entertainment products have a short shelf life.
Anyway, animanga literacy is at its peak right now outside of Japan, a far cry from when I entered the scene in the 90s, and Japan itself isn´t treating these as high art either. The otaku stigma is still very real and only select Ghibli or Jump products really break out into the mainstream. Still crazy that Eva managed that too. A billion-dollar IP. Somehow.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 12:47 pm, Jun 11 2022

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Post #797753
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1:30 pm, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 9

Sometimes? By some people? What's with the constant black and white answers in this polls?

Post #797754

2:34 pm, Jun 11 2022

No. It‘s generally seen as a weird form of comics for nerds who love trashy stories, as well as pedophiles (every manga with underage, sexualized characters). And that‘s exactly what most manga (>80%) are. So it‘s correct.
Of course the good and great manga (<20%) get the bad rep too, which is unfortunate, but…. the majority of a group gives that group its reputation. That‘s just how it is.

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6:22 pm, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 132

Well, I don't live in the West, so I don't think I could answer this. But what kind of misunderstanding do you mean? If there's a misunderstanding, then how do you think the perception should be?

Post #797759
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8:07 pm, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 110

Tbf manga is misjudged/misunderstood in its own country lol

Last edited by Ceiye at 8:08 pm, Jun 11 2022

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Josei Addict

9:58 pm, Jun 11 2022
Posts: 205

No more than other types of comics, especially when it comes to adult consumption. I am actually surprised at the results. Lately, it seems like anime is extremely mainstream (more so than before) so I'd love to hear from some of the yes voters.

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4:08 am, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 234

Manga specifically yes. Because it is often even misunderstood by peoplewho watch anime...

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4:22 am, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 17

I think only with Hentai and Borderline-H is misunderstood since most are about highschool age and below stories.

Last edited by mevan883 at 4:22 am, Jun 12 2022

Post #797764

4:53 am, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 194

I'd say no.

It might be true that most non-manga readers refer to anime,manga and any similar artwork as anime, but that's quite reasonable since what usually reaches them are mostly adaptations.

In my country Heidi, Marco, Mazinger Z, Saint Seija ... Were very popular way back, just like Dragonball, Naruto etc. amongst other animes later . Most of them are children's shows so it gets treated as childish, but given the money they move you can't dismiss them as being non representative. There were also other animes such as Do Re Mi, Pretty cure ... these would be the shoujo variants, but those usually got drowned by Disney stuff (just as MCU universe / other franchises Disney bought and shounen have similar demographics ).

The thing is, that once you go out of that age group there are tons of heavy political thoughts, edgy tropes and fan-service on any show with that target public, it's really difficult to break tar stigma and get to air other stuff in comercial TV outside some anime specific channels.

With the new streaming services it's getting easier for anyone to reach them and some media made for videogames like the FF series or visual novels like Steins:Gate are part of mainstream pop culture. They are also trying to adapt to international tastes ,for example Devilman crybaby has lots of mature stuff without the typical tropes so it's well received internationally ,but then again since many Jap ultras don't even consider as anime anything with international collaborations we cant say that tropes shuned elsewhere are getting old...

But all in all, given how many mangas I drop each month, I must say that they aren't misjudged. Most boomers and below have been introduced to anime and manga so they are mostly based, even in Japan where most of the society knows of other kinds Manga the stigma exists. I mean WTF most manga movements that tried to dismiss tropes, hiper-sexualisation or political stuff were crushed by the rest of the industry not so long ago usually, and even branded as feminist extremism ...

Last edited by Joese at 5:12 am, Jun 12 2022

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6:45 am, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 566

It's hard to say that manga is misjudged or misunderstood in the West when I feel like the general public doesn't even know about manga.


7:39 am, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 19

No. Manga outsells western comic books in USA. In France teenagers are spending their government handouts on manga.

It's as mainstream as comic books can get. The people who misjudge it would misjudge comic books as well and are not a target audience. Same with games, there are still people claiming they make you more violent, but their opinion is irrelevant from the point of view of the market.

That being said, I won't be surprised if manhwa surpasses manga in sales in western countries sooner rather than later. It's getting more diverse in terms of genres and art quality continues to improve. On top of that it's full color, so western audiences will have an easier time accepting it.

Last edited by thatgreenb(l)ob at 7:43 am, Jun 12 2022

Post #797768
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8:37 pm, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 352

It's getting better, but most people, especially the older people just don't even care to try mmm...

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8:41 pm, Jun 12 2022
Posts: 6

In the same way all niche hobbies are misjudged by people who aren't interested in them, yes. Manga (at least some genres) is probably misjudged in Japan, too.

Last edited by 5chickens at 8:41 pm, Jun 12 2022

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