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New Poll - Trump

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2:53 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 9

leaving policies aside since there's enough people on both sides who hate him enough screw with anything he sends to the senate, I couldn't vote for him because he's an asshole. he's said some wildly racist and/or misogynistic things, dishonored veterans, made fun of the handicapped, etc, and when called on his bullshit he denies it and tries to hand wave it away. the dirty secret no politician or pundit wants to admit is that in this day and age is about half and up to 2/3rds of voters aren't actually voting FOR their specific candidate they're actually voting AGAINST the other guy.

every 4 yrs we Americans go thru this, our ugly nature that we usual keep hidden is put on full display for ourselves and the world to see and our country becomes divided, after about a year and a half we've licked our wounds, picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and united again, united in our hate of whoever we just elected as president. its a universal constant, we love them while they're seeking the job but once they have it they piss us off and we wonder why we ever voted for them in the first place, lol.

the 2016 election came down to this to me, we basically voted in Jock Cranley. I can honestly hear Trump go ".... at least you know I'm a dick." hahahaha.

Post #685651
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3:03 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 74

Electing Trump has essentially given the stamp of approval to the scum of the earth wearing human skin to behave in a way that is completely unamerican. This country was established with the intent for people to be equal and free from persecution. It's the reason why the founding fathers had trouble coming to terms with slavery and ended up putting it on the back burner for the sake of pulling people together to fight the British. Their failure to deal with the problem of slavery then and instead create a nation that was a contradiction to its founding principles has reared its head time and time again, and every time the country has nearly been torn apart. Will the country survive another battle with this cancer? Who knows? Before it has always been whites against blacks. This time it's Trump supporters against everyone else and the fact that Trump didn't win the popular vote seems to indicated that racist, misogynist, homophobes, islamiphobes, and zenophobes are in the minority. And that is probably America's only saving grace. The fact that the majority of Americans are not Trump scum will be one of the few things we'll have left to be proud about.

Cogito Ergo Sum (I think, therefore I am)
Post #685652 - Reply to (#685651) by leoak

3:38 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 3

Proud of that 0.5% difference between majority and minority, YAY!

As a Canadian I think both presidential choices were absolute shit on opposite sides of the shit spectrum and it was a pity Hillary fucked up Bernie.

That being said though it is ENTERTAINING to watch that Hillary supports will automatically talk shit about Trump supporters as if they are the absolute worst of cretins in the world when they probably have never met them in real life.

educate yourself.,_ 2016#Voter_demographics

Last edited by gaiafires at 3:44 pm, Nov 12 2016

Post #685657 - Reply to (#685646) by mikako17
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Seinen is RIGHT

5:03 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 2425

Who knows who put these up but having Trump related Swastikas on the anniversary of the Kristallnacht is an ominous sign to say the least.
User Posted Image -themed-swastika-graffiti-found-in-upstate-new-york

About this "social justice" is a bad thing (thx. Gamergate, you failed misogyny movement):
Siting on tumber all day and doing nothing in the end is pointless, especially if you troll others yourself, but dragging Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the Suffragette women (these 1st wave feminists gained women the right to vote!) or Jesus (if you believe in him) though the mud is worse and less intellectual than supporting Trump. You mental neanderthals are the true victims...

My country had a female leader since 2005 and she is currently serving her 3rd term.
We tend to be in top positions in best places to live lists. Especially regarding equality.
Cough i am not white and ended up with a government job and a free college education i am currently enjoying. Her open borders policy isn´t quite working (i mostly support it) and she is now mocked as a failing Mother Teresa. That is kind of amazing and i somewhat stared to respect her, despite never voting for her. We also don´t have a 2 party system, despite having 2 "big" parties, as even they need to form coalitions.
Hillary is only half the woman Merkel is and she wasn´t the best of choices but you wouldn´t see me posting Nazi symbols now! I don´t think that the US would be going though such a international PR disaster if she won and we would have gotten another poll too.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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5:21 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 354

I'm surprised this poll is here....I'm living in a liberal state but I'm hearing there are hate crimes and even sexual violence going on still. I just got a report from my university saying that some guy flashed a woman. I don't know if it's related but it doesn't make me comfortable especially since I'm a woman not to mention a minority

I didn't vote for this poll (voted in real life though) but I'm quite anxious about the next two years

Trump is president - Executive
Republicans own Congress (2 years before reelection) - Legislative
An empty seat left by the late Justice Scalia = a conservative on the bench - Judicial

Republicans have been split on Trump so far but just looking at the checks and balances....will it still work?

btw that canada remark, lol I've wanted to move there since 10+ years ago before all of this happened.

Last edited by mysstris at 5:28 pm, Nov 12 2016

Post #685662
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Mythical Creature

5:43 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 285

As a libertarian my hope is his actions inadvertently destroys our government, at least a little bit.

Post #685664 - Reply to (#685605) by Calamansi
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5:56 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 566

Sorry if my comment wasn't clear, but I'm definitely not glad Trump won. I'm completely disgusted that Trump won. But for me, the only silver lining in this situation is that Clinton didn't win.

Last edited by KaoriNite at 6:38 pm, Nov 12 2016

Post #685665 - Reply to (#685629) by erin
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6:00 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 566

Wrong on all fronts: I'm a black, bisexual, and atheist woman. And I'm not glad Trump won either. Sorry my comment was so confusing.

Post #685668 - Reply to (#685587) by Katsono

7:18 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 112

He sucks, she sucks. Even if Trump may not want to go to war the republicans sure will, and he will be terrible with the enviroment, even if Hillary would be a dangerous not enough.

Post #685669 - Reply to (#685592) by GGpX

7:20 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 112

I would really like that the ballot said if voters were for or agains Trump and Hillary.

Post #685670 - Reply to (#685594) by Calamansi

7:22 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 22

This has, also, happened to a lot of people I know who were Trump supporters in Democratic states. It's not as simple as people in general and #notmypresident and Clexit are making it out to seem, and to vilify a whole group of people who aren't part of it simply because they're ignorant doesn't help.

EDIT: For the record, I didn't support anyone on the Republican side. I was a Bernie and Stein supporter but ended up voting Hillary, so no, I'm not in support of Trump. I'm just opposed to the biased rhetoric that keeps going on. This, "Acknowledge only the good!" of one side, while people refrain from seeing that actions like this are limited to a select group of Trump supporters.

Last edited by Jelise at 7:39 pm, Nov 12 2016

Post #685671 - Reply to (#685630) by residentgrigo

7:23 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 112

...and did he ever acknowledge any mistake? He just lie with confidence.

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8:10 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 143

where's the "I'm really scared that he's going to start a nuclear war" option? dead

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Post #685674 - Reply to (#685637) by misc

8:16 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 22

To this, all I have to say is that I live in Texas, in a district so rural that the nearest city of more than 100 thousand people is 3 hours away by drive. If we were to talk about major city, it's 8 hours or more depending on how you travel. My nearest town only has 8 thousand people. That being said, there were Bernie support signs EVERYWHERE there. He's the only candidate that promised them anything BESIDES Trump, and Trump seemed so unrealistic that Bernie's socialism seemed better placed. Bernie's promises seemed more possible. Would he have won Texas? Probably not, but I can only imagine that if this happened elsewhere as well, we would be seeing President Sanders assuming the electoral college didn't get in the way.

Last edited by Jelise at 8:27 pm, Nov 12 2016

Post #685677 - Reply to (#685670) by Jelise
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8:38 pm, Nov 12 2016
Posts: 143

The "Deplorables" I was referring to in my comment were the people Clinton was talking about when she made her original statement:

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

And then she went on to "described the rest of his supporters as people who are looking for change in any form because of economic anxiety and urged her supporters to empathize with them" - CNN.

Was her statement a political blunder? Yes. Was it a gross hyperbole? I can't say I know. It just doesn't make sense to me why well-meaning people would choose Trump as their anti-establishment, pro-working class American champion over Bernie Sanders, unless some sort of bias was crippling their decision-making processes and they could turn a blind eye to Trump's divisive rhetoric. There is a blurred line between ignorance and flat-out apathy towards the safety of some of your fellow Americans in casting a vote for Trump.

I haven't heard of any attacks on Trump supporters going on, but I'll take your word for it, though I highly doubt they're as common or severe as what blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, etc. are now facing. In addition, you are wrong to equate what is happening to those Trump supporters you know with what Trump's most unsavory supporters are doing to other people.

Trump supporters are profiling. They are lashing out at people for their very existence, not their (apparently vocal) decision to vote for a bigot who was endorsed by the KKK (whether out of ignorance or not). 65% of Latinos who voted cast their ballot for Clinton, but the Trumpets don't bother to ask their victims if they're a part of the other third before they threaten them to leave "their" country.

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