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11:38 am, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 68

I REALLY REALLY hate shoujo art style.
The story can be insanely good, but as soon as extremely huge, glossy eyes, background flowers, skinny limbs, etc appear, I will be strongly repulsed by it and instantly drop it.
It goes so far that I don't even look into a series that has traces of shoujo art on the cover image.

Post #614544

12:02 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 144

In my case, "All the characters look the same/generic" and "hate certain styles of manga art" means exactly the same thing.

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12:13 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 82

"All the characters look the same/generic" . i mean how the hell I'm going to keep up with the plot, or even enjoy reading the manga if i can't differentiate between the characters !! It is very annoying ! mad

Post #614553 - Reply to (#614544) by SinsI
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Inactive Phantom

1:12 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 1078

Quote from SinsI
In my case, "All the characters look the same/generic" and "hate certain styles of manga art" means exactly the same thing.

I had the same thought. I hate most modern manga art as it's all generic house-style mush.

Post #614561
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1:59 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 132

Characters that are hard to distinct are a problem, but the worst thing for me is sometimes the style itself - I'm not really bothered when the bodies don't hold onto proportions (up to a certain point) but some styles drive me crazy - Clamp being the main example. Triangular chins, angular eyes and roses, feathers and the uniforms... That's too much.

Post #614569
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2:32 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 437

I have a lot of things that I consider to be drawing flaws, but I'd say most of them tend to be about faces. Facial features are a really big deal to me, but I think even worse than badly drawn facial features is when the shape itself of the face is bad. The thing that bothers me the most is when the side (one or both) of the face is drawn too straight, giving the face an unsightly triangular shape that I can't stand to look at (like this). It's often paired with an elongated face and a dumb-looking pointy chin, which makes the problem stand out even more (like this and this). This kind of face shape bothers me so much that I could never stand to read any manga featuring faces drawn that way.

Last edited by lynira at 10:56 pm, Sep 14 2013

Manga Cover Database
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9:22 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 388

I was going through the list and I was surprised to find myself not really minding most of them, at least, by themselves. I like pretty artwork, but "ugly art" isn't a deal breaker per say.

I ended up choosing "certain styles," since that's the closest. I don't like art that's too busy or overdone. I get annoyed with certain of shonen mangas where I can't tell what I'm looking at. Too many action lines, muscle to muscle drawings etc.

For instance, I hear that A Fairytale for the Demon Lord has a pretty good story, and I wouldn't say it has ugly art, far from it, but I don't like having to guess what's a face and what's a hat, stuff like that.

It could be argued that shoujo manga is quite busy with all the flowers and everything, but most of the time, I can tell the character's expressions and what they're doing. (For me, the flowers and sparkles don't interfere with the characters.)

While this is minor, I don't like ridiculously sized boobs. It's normally indicative of the kind of plot that's encountered. Being female, the cliched fan servicing is rather annoying and IMO, drags down the plot.

Last edited by SilverStorm at 9:27 pm, Sep 14 2013

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11:13 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 12

"What do you like most?" should be a question, because I can think of a few strong answers to that one. It doesn't bother me if the clothes are simple, for example, but if the clothes are super detailed (like in Akagami no Shirayukihime) I get really excited. I'm not very fashionable with accessories or complex clothing, so maybe that's why I like seeing it so much in manga!

I went for Disproportionate body parts (big ((GIANT)) boobs, tiny waist), but it was a toss up between that and scraggly lines.

Post #614616

11:57 pm, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 491

The tiny heads really bother me and it's what I voted, but... Maybe it's a holdover from when I was a scanlator and they annoyed me to no end. Those damn shojo sparkles.


1:08 am, Sep 15 2013
Posts: 354

Eyes too big are annoying in shoujo mangas. You have shoujo eyes and you have obnoxiously huge eyes like that of powerpuff girls' compared to the rest of the face.

But I suppose all characters looking the same is annoying--I haven't run into that problem so often though.

But in general, I don't have much of a problem with art as long as the story can make up for it-the better the story, the less I care for the art. But depending on the story, the art that appears bad can make for an intense mood matching the storyline.

Post #614622 - Reply to (#614502) by FantasySerenity

1:11 am, Sep 15 2013
Posts: 354

Ohhhh yeah, I get what you mean.

That's one thing that annoys me about the manhwaga for Goong in general. It serves as comic relief but frankly it's just such a far stretch from how beautiful the manhwaga can draw.

As for the young-in look, I can sympathize with how you feel about that.

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1:45 am, Sep 15 2013
Posts: 140

Don't judge a book by it's cover, I know that. but there's some certain types of art that is actually good, didn't bother me or anything, but always fail to attract me, and I rather hate those. not because of the art, but the plot (different authors), they just strangely have the same art characteristics.
It could just be me denying to be swayed by the art, but I believe the story sucks, no matter how many times I read it.

Post #614627 - Reply to (#614623) by xxmichellexx27f
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3:09 am, Sep 15 2013
Posts: 12

It's understandable that the art has some affect. These are comics, so the images are half the experience.

Piss Ant

6:05 am, Sep 15 2013
Posts: 171

The art of hating!
I remember there was this guy who lived next to me and made a LOT of money selling marijuana. While he caused no problems (in fact, much of the profit went towards the community and I lived in a legal state), I still told the police when he got a new supply because I hated the fact he made so much more money than I. The DEA took his legal marijuana and his expensive growing supplies with no reimbursement.
Hate! Hate! Hate!
There was this girl I considered as my muse down the road who who recently got a boyfriend. She was Caucasian and he was African. Since I only wanted her for myself (but only at a distance), I signed her up for KKK and Aryan Brotherhood and bought racist literature to be sent to her address. After several Klan rallies and books degrading other races, he finally came to the conclusion that she was a bigot and left her.
Hate! Hate! Hate!

Seriously, though... I'd probably have to say I hate the extremely large eyes overall. I do hate how many characters look the same as well, besides a slightly different hairstyle and color, but the eyes bug me the most. I like Furuya Minoru's work specifically because of the more realistic way he draws faces. I like accuracy. And hating. laugh

-No longer do I quote great scholars, the famous, etc. Kids feigning wisdom ruined it.
--I wont type a post like a college report. If you don't read it just for that reason, you don't have to post why your hoity-toity ass refused to. I swear, so many people on this site are so full of themselves. A lot seem to think they always have an "intelligent and/or logical" point or show signs of a superiority complex. They never admit they're wrong. Maybe partially, but excuses abound! :\
-Stop mailing me about my comments. I don't read them.
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7:23 am, Sep 16 2013
Posts: 65

The creepy mouths in Shoujo. *shudder*

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