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Mangafox and Mangahere

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Post #568514

11:45 pm, Sep 1 2012
Posts: 295

I dunno...maybe this kind of thing is general knowledge by now. But what really burns me is that mangafox is still the most popular manga hosting site.

I guess it would lead to inconvenience for some out there, but lately I've been strictly avoiding Mangafox and Mangahere.

There's a bunch of other sites out there and we don't know what secret evils THEY'RE plotting, but while we have proof for MH and MF, as consideration for scanlating groups I say we try some other, 'minor' sites.


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12:03 am, Sep 2 2012
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Haha... well hasn't this been discussed many times already. Well, at least you're aware now.

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Post #568519
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12:18 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 240

... Batoto.

(・◇・)/~~~ ♥
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12:20 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 620

Oh wow. I thought Onemanga shut down completely already. Haven't been on that site for a loooong time now...

The stuff about MangaFox and MangaHere is general knowledge for those who cares, but that's maybe 10% of the people who actually uses online sites (I just pulled that statistic out of my... yeah...). I'm glad more people are finding this out though. Good for you, now go spread the news to your friends.

EDIT: Listen to truyhoi. Batoto is the probably the best site out there if you haven't heard of it. Another choice is to download or read on the scanlators' sites themselves. They can really use the ad revenue and what not, but batoto can achieve the same results.

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Noblesse Forever!

12:22 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 1067

There is no need to use any aggregator site whether it is a famous or not. They are earning money from the hard work of scanlators. The best way to support scanlators is to read it on their website.
If you want a large library(like mangafox),then there is Batoto. The difference lies in the fact that batoto exisits to support scanlators and their policies. Also it offers image in their original quality without compressing it which is definately a major plus point as mangafox and other hosting sites compresses the image and hence decreasing its quality.

Last edited by strixflash at 12:31 am, Sep 2 2012

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Post #568524 - Reply to (#568520) by Damnedman
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12:46 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 240

Quote from Damnedman
Oh wow. I thought Onemanga shut down completely already. Haven't been on that site for a loooong time now...

The stuff about MangaFox and MangaHere is general knowledge for those who cares, but that's maybe 10% of the people who actually uses online sites (I just pulled that statistic out of my... ...

I'm not saying that batoto is bad or anything. I'm just trying to tell that person to use batoto instead. "Maybe we should use some other sites". So yeah..

(・◇・)/~~~ ♥
Post #568528 - Reply to (#568521) by strixflash

12:58 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 100

i try to do that whenever possible- but a lot of the time you have no choice.

more often than not batoto doesnt have the series im looking for- and the scanlators site doesnt have an online reader- and i aint about wait and download a several hundred meg file and look at it on my clunky photo viewer. when i can just go to one of the big name sites and read it easier.

i really do try and follow the links from here and go to the scanlators site and batoto first- but if they dont have the sense to put up an online viewer or put it on batoto then its their own fault.

Post #568534 - Reply to (#568524) by truyhoi
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2:51 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 620

Quote from truyhoi
I'm not saying that batoto is bad or anything. I'm just trying to tell that person to use batoto instead. "Maybe we should use some other sites". So yeah..

I never said Batoto is bad. In fact I encouraged all my friends to use it since online readers are so convenient.

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2:54 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 830

Keep spreading the word about Mangafox. Personally I'm a fan of buying the manga, but I am lucky enough to live in Japan where I can get it very cheaply and without any censoring or editing you sometimes see in English manga.

For many people, buying manga is not an option, so I strongly support getting it direct from the scanlators, or Batoto. If that doesn't work, use Gao-subs or other online libraries run by scanlation groups. Not as good a Batoto, but at least it's not giving corporations money for other people's hard work.

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Post #568548
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Mome Basher

5:35 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 3380

A thread on MU linking to a thread on Onemanga leading to a thread on MU laugh

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Everyday I'm tumblin'

6:21 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 1041

i dont really like the idea of giving scanlators money
at all
no ads no nothing
this should be something they do for free

if having a site cost money they dont have

start an irc channel or some blog thing that is free

of course doing it the mangafox way is worse

the whole idea of making money disgusts me when it comes to this type of thing

Post #568556 - Reply to (#568551) by TaoPaiPai
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Memento Mori

7:15 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 365

Quote from TaoPaiPai
i dont really like the idea of giving scanlators money
at all
no ads no nothing
this should be something they do for free

if having a site cost money they dont have

start an irc channel or some blog thing that is free

of course doing it the mangafox way is worse

the whole idea of making mon ...

The reality of it is what it is we just have to make the best of it and Batoto is a step in the right direction. To the rest of you keep spreading this, meny like myself didnt learn about this until recently and only because it keep discussed about on the forums. I know of some webcomic translate have double links to their translation and to the original site so that the author gets revenue to. Through with manga its another problem as they are still a physical medium but heres for hoping that a legit digital online distributor will eventually show up.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"
Post #568561 - Reply to (#568551) by TaoPaiPai
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~FS Admin~

7:34 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 18

Quote from TaoPaiPai
i dont really like the idea of giving scanlators money
at all
no ads no nothing
this should be something they do for free

if having a site cost money they dont have

start an irc channel or some blog thing that is free

of course doing it the mangafox way is worse

the whole idea of making mon ...

Okay, this post urks me. You think we dont do this for free? Maybe you should do some research.

My own group is lucky enough to have someone who volunteered to host our site for free (adds only on our reader and forum to pay for the domain, etc.), so we are lucky compared to some. Many prefer websites though since they appear easier in Google searches and help direct readers towards their group rather than sites like MangaFox and MangaHere and adds help groups pay for this. We are even more lucky to have a scanner who donates his own time and money for a few magazine raws for some of our series. But FYI, not every manga you read has free raws available online. Many have to be bought, and that costs money. If no one donated, I could guarantee a good number of titles wouldn't even be available for anyone to read. Want to prove me wrong? Google five random titles from MU and see if you can find raws for them all.

We're not making money. If anything, you're buying the manga, from Japanese publishers, that YOU want to read. Scanlators are just the middle man that gives up their own time to put it in a language you can understand free of charge .

Post #568568 - Reply to (#568551) by TaoPaiPai
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the Mist Dragon

8:16 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 178

@TaoPaiPai: I wanted to write a few long answers to your most excellent post. I decided not to. So here's a short one:
You're stupid.

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Post #568569 - Reply to (#568551) by TaoPaiPai
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Noblesse Forever!

8:18 am, Sep 2 2012
Posts: 1067

Quote from TaoPaiPai
i dont really like the idea of giving scanlators money
at all
no ads no nothing
this should be something they do for free

if having a site cost money they dont have

start an irc channel or some blog thing that is free

of course doing it the mangafox way is worse

the whole idea of making mon ...

Then would you be kind enough to make a group and actively release chapters without any backup support for raws. I am actively waiting for you to form a group; if not a group then even raw provider position would do.
IRC? Blog? Are you perhaps from stone age? Maybe somehow you were throwned in future?
Many doesnt even knows what is IRC. Readers these days prefer online viewer rather than irc bot downloads or dl. Many and by many I really mean a lot doesnt likes to download and use image viewer(please dont talk about comic reading apps) to read it. And I am sure even a child would know this fact unless he is from stone age. So leechers started using mf and other sites to read online....ofcourse there are many who doesnt even knows what is a scanlator.
The reasons scanlators provide a website and online reader is for readers convienence....

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