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5:08 am, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 830

I'm a Church of England Christian. My Mum is the same, and she raised all 3 of us as Christians. My Dad is an atheist. I stop believing in God around aged 11, and jokingly converted to Jedi when I was 12. (I have nothing against Jedi as a religion, but I admit I only did it in an act of rebellion against the church rather than because I sincerely believed) When I was 14 something inside me just opened up and I found my faith again. I can't really explain how since it wasn't just a single moment of enlightenment, but a steady progression. Anyway, I returned to the church and was confirmed when I was 14. I've been a strong Christian ever since (I'm 23 now.)

Having said that, I believe in God's infallability, not the Bible's. I believe that the Bible is flawed simply because it was written by the hand of man, and many hands at that. Man is not perfect and would inevitably have his own interpretation of God's words. If you've ever done that exercise in class where the whole class writes their account of that morning's school assembly or similar shared event, and you then compare and realise everyone wrote about different things, then you understand what getting at. I think the Bible speaks the truth, but each book is just one person's viewpoint. I follow the message of God and Jesus, which is Love for others (which is the core of it really).

To this end I do not judge other religions. I do not say one religion is more right than any other (except perhaps any religion which requires the congregation to have a certain bank balance before they can join/practice that religion).

My dad always tells me that religion is an accident of birth, that you grow up to believe what your parents or country believes. He studied the major world religions, and decided that buddism was closest to his beliefs, but he still wasn't comfortable commiting to it totall so decided it was better to be an atheist than a hypocrit. I think this helps nuture my tolerant attitude, because I was raised to think for myself. My mother showed me her path, and my father his. Then they let me decide.

Currently I'm mulling over the idea that all religions which worship a higher being are worshipping the same higher being, just calling It different names. I'm not so sure about this one though, I need to study other relgions more.

Ironically, a buddist priest I met told me I was a better buddist than he was because I'm a vegetarian and I am committed to not killing unneccessarily. For example, I have helped put animals down whilst working at a vet's surgery, but I do not kill mosquitos or flies when they come into my flat. The first is out of kindness to the animal, but the second is convenience to me and I don't see why I should take the life of a mosquito just because it irritates me. I catch them and put them outside instead.

The pen is mightier than the sword...and considerably easier to write with.
Post #543908

8:13 am, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 19

Quote from CuthienSilmeriel
Currently I'm mulling over the idea that all religions which worship a higher being are worshipping the same higher being, just calling It different names. I'm not so sure about this one though, I need to study other relgions more.

hmm well I'm most sure that Jews,Muslims and Christians believe in the same God just that each says that their "prophet" is the one ;P (Moshe=Jewish,Muhamad=Muslim and Jesus=Christian)(oh and this info is just the tip of the fork)...
so if im not wrong your right about it but... other religions i don't know hope i helped you ;P.

And i say believe in whatever you want just don't make Wars about it...
as i say the livings are way to important,lets just live biggrin .
"Live and let Live"

Post #543955
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Anger Avoidant

1:35 pm, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 479

I'm a Catholic person, though it's been a long while since I last prayed.

Last edited by Identity Crisis at 4:01 pm, Apr 4 2012

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Post #543968
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Manga Eater

3:04 pm, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 442

Hmm, well "Atheism" isn't really a religion, but I guess that's the closest thing I have. I'm really more of an agnostic, so I appropriately term myself agnostic atheist. I'm an evolutionist and humanist as well, but I suppose those usually come hand in hand.

I don't mind the moderately religious, it's the fundies that terrify me. And the thing about religious folk that makes me laugh the most is when they threaten horrible things, like "I pray that God drops a bomb on your house," because it's so contradictory to their supposed beliefs (most of the time, anyway).

But in general I respect people's beliefs. smile

Go to work, send your kids to school;
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Repeat after me: I am free.
Post #543982 - Reply to (#543968) by Saons
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4:35 pm, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 7

I believe in the Khala ("Path of Ascension") and I work to become an Archon. pew pew bigrazz

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9:48 am, Aug 9 2012
Posts: 3

I'm a Muslim (95% vegetarian), and I respect all religion. smile

However, I hate it when people do wrong and claim their religion tells them to do so.

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Eye See Me

2:50 pm, Aug 9 2012
Posts: 50

I am Catholic. My mother is catholic and I go to a catholic school. My father is Anglican, but only because his mother randomly chose to get him baptised by that religion.

My entire life, my only conection (which was forced) that I had with my religion was my school. I don't believe in any religion. At school, I play along to get good grades. Even if I lie to get them. My father actually tells me to do that. Well, we both don't have any religious beliefs.

I have nothing against any religion. I respect the beliefs of other people.

I hope to find a religion that I will get attached to, and fully believe and participate in.

Live your life, don't just pass time in it.
Post #566360

1:37 am, Aug 17 2012
Posts: 36

I was a Catechumen (in a process to be a Catholic, but not yet baptized), but now I'd say I'm agnostic.

It's a bit complicated. I'm raised in a family which practice Chinese folk religions (check wikipedia), but I went to Catholic middle and high school, where I become attached to Catholic teaching. I went to the mass, went to the catechumen class (you have to take the class for a year to be baptized), etc.

But after I went to the college, my view changed bit by bit and didn't went along with some of the Catholic (and Christian) teachings. Then my big brother become a Buddhist, and coincidentally I got a Buddhist best friend. Both are very open-minded, and shared a lot of Buddhist teaching, which is go along with my view in life.

So here I am, conflicted with two religions. My heart is still on Catholic (I love the church, I love sanctity of the mass, I love the tradition,etc), but I prefer Buddhist teaching. So, I'll be Agnostic for awhile till I made the decision.

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you flirty bitch

3:21 am, Oct 7 2012
Posts: 69

I don't really know and i don't care. i do believe in God though so i might be Christian.

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12:17 pm, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 199

Quote from eshild
Im a muslim ,,
I was born into it and I follow it ,,
and Im proud to be one <3

nothing had bothered me since I was little ,,

I know that Allah is looking after me and feel comfortable <3

I'm a Muslim too. smile

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


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12:52 pm, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 234

Been Christian my whole life lol
But I do question whether or not I am now because of how it was pushed on me as a child.
O well who know's what will happen in the future smile

*Been very inactive lately....getting lazy*

Warning: This person ^ may talk to computers lol jk

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1:00 pm, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 203

I'm something along the lines of Apathetic agnostic (spelling?) or just irreligious if you want to call it that. Even if a god or more exist they would have better things to do than to watch over us lowly human trash that violate and misuse their name/s like toilet paper when wiping one's ass. bigrazz

EDIT: Just need to clarify something before someone rages on me. As long as the person is good I don't care about their religion.

Last edited by GuttedGnome at 1:15 pm, Nov 7 2012


1:11 pm, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 1

i am a hindu

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1:58 pm, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 1143

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Christian all the way

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2:05 pm, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 583

I was raised Catholic, but I don't really practice the religion. Some things here and there, and if I ever get married I want to do through the church, but that's as Catholic as I go. So I guess I am a non-practicing Catholic.

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