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Filtering Mangaka

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17 years ago
Posts: 9

I don't know how difficult this would be, but would it be possible to filter different mangaka? Because there are some that I will read anything from and, conversely, some that I will avoid at all cost. I know that I can just click the series to see who wrote what, but I thought that this could possibly be handy.

Obviously, this couldn't work like genre filtering because there are too many different mangaka, but could this be a mix of the (very nice) feature that lets you go to a certain series' info page and choose if it's on your reading list or not and genre filtering feature? So you would go to the mangaka's page and you could choose from there if you want to highlight or filter that mangaka.

I'm not sure if this is even plausible, but if you guys made this, I would definitely use it.

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17 years ago
Posts: 546

Maybe not so much as a filter, but a favoriting feature?

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Pervert lurkasaurs

17 years ago
Posts: 156

Quote from TheClumsyPotato

if you guys made this, I would definitely use it.

Seconded! A Mangaka favorites list would be divine.


Just a bit too into bad things

(and part of the yaoi scanlation group

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Super Mod

17 years ago
Posts: 1325

How about simply adding all of your fave mangaka/mangakas works to your wish list?
This way, you won't miss anything. Why complicate it?


Still the [color=red]bad[/color] cop.

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