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New Poll - Video Conferencing Software

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12:00 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 10709

I'm surprised we've never had a poll about this before in the last year. Pandemic sure does change a lot of things. On a typical workday, I have multiple meetings on Zoom each day. I also have weekly calls for some other organizations. And the fun calls are when I play online board games with friends (Covidopoly, Jackbox, Board Game Arena, etc).

Previous Poll Results:
Question: What do you think about fan-colored pages included in scanlation releases?
They're great! I love to see them - votes: 436 (12%)
I like them a little - votes: 465 (12.8%)
Makes no difference to me - votes: 763 (21%)
As long as they're at the end, I can ignore them - votes: 1039 (28.6%)
They get in the way, but it's no big deal - votes: 582 (16%)
They're terrible! I can't stand interruptions - votes: 353 (9.7%)
There were 3638 total votes.
The poll ended: January 31st 2021

I feel like they're pretty rare now.

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #788483
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2:43 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 612

Multiple times a day because I take my classes with it.

1st: Death Note
Post #788484
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An Average Otaku

4:20 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 62

Currently am doing a 10 week school period, so 5/7 days I'm using it. However as soon as I'm back at my internship then that number goes to 0/7 for the rest of the year.


5:54 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 384

Few times a week, mostly webex for work.

I have to wonder about the age and occupation of the 36.6% of people who responded "never used before". If this poll were 1 full year ago I would've expected them to be middle school and high school. Now I feel like they're almost exclusively 19-25 year olds who didn't go to college and still live with their parents. Every school and every desk job has used it in the last year. And people who don't live with their parents... have *almost* all used it to talk to their parents, at least (there are so many ways besides zoom lol).

Maybe people don't realize that skype and google hangouts and discord [when you turn video on] all count...?


7:17 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 197

Multiple times a day. For classes, for work, and to talk to friends who don't use discord. For the first two listed tho, I am always mentally checked out. The last one happens once or twice a wk, so I can fake enjoyment way easier.

Internet Lurker At Heart
Post #788490 - Reply to (#788486) by HikaruYami
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8:14 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from HikaruYami
I have to wonder about the age and occupation of the 36.6% of people who responded "never used before".

Probably rural areas and blue collar workers. Also, the telephone has been publically used since the 1880's, so what real need do people have for video conferencing software (Outside of presentations and novelty)?

Quote from HikaruYami
If this poll were 1 full year ago I would've expected them to be middle school and high school. Now I feel like they're almost exclusively 19-25 year olds who didn't go to college and still live with their parents.

Well, that's very elitist of you. Should I inform you that America is in desperate need for blue collar workers because rich pricks and retarded parents think that Americans are "above" manual labor, and the proceed to pass those jobs off to the illegals and third-world countries because it's literally legal slave labor?

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 8:19 am, Jan 31 2021

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8:33 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 126

I'm not sure. I'm a student, but currently on my last year. I do use video conference, but only sometimes, to "meet" my professor. Or, sometimes with my friends video call me. Less than once a month? Or few times a month? I never really count.

Post #788493 - Reply to (#788490) by Transdude1996

9:01 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 384

Yes, thank you for completely ignoring the part where I completely explained the end of my hypothesis with

And people who don't live with their parents... have *almost* all used it to talk to their parents, at least (there are so many ways besides zoom lol).

I feel squicky the 10% of times I actually agree with you but I see you're back to being a troll as usual.

The software is fucking free, there's no reason to use phones over it anymore. Phones are obsolete for anything but actual mobile communication. If you're at home, use a computer like any modern human.

Post #788494 - Reply to (#788493) by HikaruYami
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9:52 am, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from HikaruYami
I see you're back to being a troll as usual.

Have you ever realized that the more you incorrectly use the word, the less power it contains? It's for the same reason why branding someone as a homophobe/racist/sexist/Nazi/white supremacist/etc. doesn't mean anything anymore. All it just indicates is that you aggressively disagree with the person's talking points, but don't want to refute any of it (Thereby giving creditability to their argument). And, from what I've seen, that's exactly why you keep trying to label me as a "troll", when an actual troll makes nothing except blatantly offensive posts for no other reason than to laugh their ass off. MY post was made in response to being ticked off that the format and wording of YOUR post implied the assumption anyone who hasn't used/doesn't use Zoom or similar software is retarded, immature, and/or a shut-in moleman who enjoys being a drain on society.

Quote from HikaruYami
The software is fucking free

No, it's not. For an overwhelming amount of the software, it's "free" in the same way social media is "free"; it's free to sign up and access, but they datamine the snot out of their users and sell that info to the highest bidder. And, that's in addition to other bonuses like advertising and the power that comes with market dominance.

Quote from HikaruYami
Phones are obsolete for anything but actual mobile communication.

Are you retarded? Smartphones have existed for the past 13 years (Even longer if you count Blackberries), and they cram just about any technology they can onto the suckers to where they're literally a production studio in your pocket. It's part of the reason why, the next time I have to upgrade to a new phone, I plan to revert back to a flip phone because I don't even use a fraction of the devices/software on it and there's no way to remove them.

Also, what's wrong with using regular telecommunications?

Quote from HikaruYami
If you're at home, use a computer like any modern human.

Outside of browsing the same 10 sites, all I use my computer for is playing games, making documents, practicing my drawing, and archiving/downloading media. Even the few times that I have had to use a streaming site, it's less hassle to do it on my smartphone because these companies literally break their websites to be inaccessible from anything other than Google Chrome (And, even then, they half-ass it's usability because they wan you to use their smartphone app).

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Post #788496
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12:35 pm, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 648

Probably 4-5 times a week. Usually it’s Skype with my boss or occasionally larger Zoom meetings. I can’t express how much I hate them. 😬 Every time someone requests a meeting for a matter that could have been resolved with a few emails, or drags on a meeting that should have been 15 minutes into two hours, they should have to pay everyone who didn’t want to participate in that meeting.

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7:32 pm, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 335

Never used before. Honest answer.
I graduated university last year before the campus locked down, and now work in a field where I can't use video conferencing as an alternative option (bedside nurse). I don't use video conferencing for friends or family 'cause I prefer making a phone call. My internet is too unreliable to support video conferencing.

Post #788500
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8:32 pm, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 775

I used to use Skype back in college when I worked part-time writing articles for a news site, but now I haven't touched Skype in years, and I haven't had to attend a Zoom meeting yet either. (My boss has started texting me a lot since COVID started, though, which is its own can of worms.)

Post #788502
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9:46 pm, Jan 31 2021
Posts: 88

I have to say I use it, not because I want to... I hate video call it obsolete to me, it crash, it pixelated and it make boring call turn into a duty to watch... it the same as watching paint dry.
I hear you why do I need to see you,
I don't want you to see my house,
I don't want to wear good cloth for a phone call,
I don't need too see your face to know if your happy your voice tell the story a 1000 time better,
I want to do other thing at the same time but with a face in my way I can't.

And the worst part since I hate it, it a useless use of energy which mean it as much pollution to the world as it is to my mind.


1:03 am, Feb 1 2021
Posts: 210

it certainly is a weird sensation to be treated like a second class citizen in a lecture simply because I have no webcam
what a curious notion to weigh the sense of my words on what I look like

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4:13 am, Feb 1 2021
Posts: 566

I use it a few times a week for work. We were using Zoom pre-Covid as well. We've always had a few employees who work remotely.

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