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7 years ago
Posts: 35

i have made a server for for the site
you can join by clicking on the link
it is for chatting/hanging out and about manga and also about the site itself
this can be temporary until the site decide to make an official sever in discord.
if they ended up doing so i will notify all users in the discord about that.

... Last edited by Hussin 7 years ago
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7 years ago
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Use Telegram if you want a chatroom. Drop the datamining service.

Post #759405 - Reply To (#759375) by Transdude1996
Post #759405 - Reply To (#759375) by Transdude1996
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A dignified

7 years ago
Posts: 546

Drop the datamining service.

That video is rather over-dramatic. Google and Facebook, et al., already have whatever data you've given them, and actively sell said data ('when a service is free, you are the product'). Discord has promised to never sell user data, and there is no evidence that they have sold any such info. If you researched the company, you would know that Discord received (and still does) large investments from venture capital. They have little need to sell what little concrete personal info they might have. The most recent (this month) valuation of Discord was at $1.65 billion. They almost don't even need to be generating revenue at this point. The sheer number of users makes it a very attractive company. In fact, they haven't even introduced ads yet, another promise they've kept. They are working on generating revenue, though, largely through Nitro subscriptions.

Of course, you should be mindful of any personal information you post online, especially in an environment such as a public chat server (other potentially malicious users, bots being compromised). This is up to the user, though. There's nothing inherently wrong with Discord. The scary-sounding parts in the ToS are necessary for Discord to send your (user-created) data such as messages to yourself and to other users, and to use third-party services such as Amazon Web Services to service your data. You will find very similar language on nearly every site or service that has user-created data.

Frankly, I would be more concerned with my phone number being leaked if Telegram were compromised rather than my disposable email and single-use password that Discord has.


"People don't change, they just give in."Kubera is the best.同人音楽 (doujin music)

Post #759409 - Reply To (#759405) by Syphilis
Post #759409 - Reply To (#759405) by Syphilis
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7 years ago
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from Syphilis

That video is rather over-dramatic. Google and Facebook, et al., already have whatever data you've given them, and actively sell said data ('when a service is free, you are the product'). Discord has promised to never sell user data, and there is no evidence that they have sold any such info.

Except for the fact that their previous service, OpenFeint, was sued for violating people's privacy. And, they even state in the Discord privacy policy that they can sell your information at any time because they consider it an "asset".

Quote from Syphilis

If you researched the company, you would know that Discord received (and still does) large investments from venture capital. They have little need to sell what little concrete personal info they might have. The most recent (this month) valuation of Discord was at $1.65 billion. They almost don't even need to be generating revenue at this point. The sheer number of users makes it a very attractive company. In fact, they haven't even introduced ads yet, another promise they've kept. They are working on generating revenue, though, largely through Nitro subscriptions.

YouTube is funded by advertisers and it is costing Google billions despite being in the top 3 websites visited worldwide. Also, how do you think venture capitalists make money?

Quote from Syphilis

Frankly, I would be more concerned with my phone number being leaked if Telegram were compromised rather than my disposable email and single-use password that Discord has.

If that ever does happen, it's your fault due to the settings you have in place. And, if it wasn't something on your end, then someone should be $300,000 richer by now.

And, there's also various ways you can create a "burner number" if you want to throw it away as easily as your email address and password.

... Last edited by Transdude1996 7 years ago
Post #759411 - Reply To (#759409) by Transdude1996
Post #759411 - Reply To (#759409) by Transdude1996
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7 years ago
Posts: 546

Quote from Transdude1996

Except for the fact that their previous service, OpenFeint, was sued for violating people's privacy.

I'll admit that Citron (CEO) has a shady history, but Discord has a clean record thus far.

Quote from Transdude1996

And, they even state in the Discord privacy policy that they can sell your information at any time because they consider it an "asset".

Again, "your information" also means user-created data such as chat history. This clause means that your accounts and servers wouldn't be wiped in the event of a transfer of ownership or similar situation. Yes, it also means they could sell the info itself, but that's not an issue so long as they are not over-stepping their bounds like OpenFeint did. There's no evidence of that as of yet. Like I said above (beyond what I just mentioned), it's up to the user to be mindful of what information they post in any environment.

Quote from Transdude1996

YouTube is funded by advertisers and it is costing Google billions despite being in the top 3 websites visited worldwide. Also, how do you think venture capitalists make money?

You're comparing apples to oranges here. Different services, different structures, different costs.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with that second link. As that article says, investors make money as the value of the company rises, which is what's happening with Discord. It was valued at $770M in June 2017, and $1.65B this month. This article by the WSJ suggests that continued funding is led by existing investors, who have seen Discord stand by its promise to not sell user information. Either these investors are "optimistic about the service’s moneymaking capabilities" as the article claims, or they plan on cashing out in the future when Discord is acquired by a larger company. The likely scenario here would be a company buying Discord in order to reach its user base and push advertisements, etc. This is a pretty common practice. Again, it's an attractive investment even if they continue to generate a paltry revenue relative to the user base.

Quote from Transdude1996

If that ever does happen, it's your fault due to the settings you have in place. And, if it wasn't something on your end, then someone should be $300,000 richer by now.

I meant on the service's side. Naturally, a breach on my end would be my fault. Whether Telegram's proprietary security measures are better than industry standards (as Discord uses) is a contested subject and not one I that care to get into here.

I'm not trying to dismiss your arguments out of hand here. I'm just providing counterpoints since you make it sound like Discord is a malicious service. You may or may not be right to some degree, but I think it's safe to assume a reasonable level of good faith in the service.


"People don't change, they just give in."Kubera is the best.同人音楽 (doujin music)

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7 years ago
Posts: 10751

To get back on the topic for the Discord server itself, the MU admins have decided to not officially support a Discord server yet, but this one is welcome to continue to exist


A just ruler amongst tyrants


2 years ago
Posts: 2

is there a new discord server?

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2 years ago
Posts: 10751

We will have one soon. One has already been created, but it is not yet open to the public


A just ruler amongst tyrants


2 years ago
Posts: 213

I'll stop by when it's up
anime chatrooms were fun even 25 yrs ago

... Last edited by Sugarshark 2 years ago
Post #806225 - Reply To (#759105) by Huss
Post #806225 - Reply To (#759105) by Huss
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5 months ago
Posts: 4

the link isn't working for me...... ;-;


5 months ago
Posts: 5

Is the server open now?

Post #806436 - Reply To (#806231) by NaruHinaDis
Post #806436 - Reply To (#806231) by NaruHinaDis
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5 months ago
Posts: 4

i dnt think so TT

Post #807013 - Reply To (#759105) by Huss
Post #807013 - Reply To (#759105) by Huss

2 months ago
Posts: 32

Link is dead, unless that's on purpose.

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