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New Poll - Anime OP/ED

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1:26 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 10734

This week's anime-related post is from Marian5390. For those of you who watch anime, what are your habits for those OP/ED songs?

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Thoughts on April Fools' scanlator jokes or false releases
Hate them - votes: 2173 (21.2%)
Annoying - votes: 2602 (25.4%)
Funny - votes: 1129 (11%)
Don't mind - votes: 1897 (18.5%)
Ignore them - votes: 1306 (12.8%)
No opinion - votes: 1127 (11%)
There were 10234 total votes.
The poll ended: April 11th 2015

I'm in the hating camp. Kinda sad that over 10% find them funny...

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2:08 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 159

I don't watch much anime nowadays, but when i was watching anime often i was always watching OP and ED only once except when i really liked the OP or ED.

Post #664389
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2:32 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 3457

I usually skip both most of the time. Sometimes I'll watch the OP once and then skip it, sometimes I don't bother to watch it at all. I never bother with the ED's. I don't know why, but I don't. I think there was only one series I used to watch the OP for because I actually really enjoyed watching it. But yeah, most of the time I skip them.

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3:35 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 141

I hope people see the results of the April's fools post where only 11% found them funny and over 4 times as many either hated it or found it annoying. maybe from now on they can do jokes that don't involve fake chapters or "I'm Quitting" posts. Japanzai really ticked me off with their 'joke' by bringing back a series for the first time in 2 years that linked to a hentai doujin. Can we all agree to not post fake chapters next year, it causes everyone headaches.

Post #664391
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3:42 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 155

That depends, I usually listen watch them once and if the songs are really good I tend to keep watching them. Best examples I can think of are: Openings of Cowboy Bebop, Fate/zero, To Aru Majutsu No Index Endings of Macross Frontier, Fate/zero, Clannad
Though if they aren't that good in my opinion I tend to skip them.

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Lazy Scanlator ^_^

3:47 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 280

I will give each OP/ED a try at least once. If I don't really like them, I probably won't even finish watching them the first time and will then always skip them.
If I do like the OPs/EDs, I will sometimes watch them, but sometimes not. Depends on how much I like them. And how many eps of said anime I'm watching in a row - it's more likely that I will watch the OPs/EDs if I only have a single episode to watch than when I'm going to marathon through a bunch of episodes.
I also tend to watch more OPs than EDs, but that's just because the EDs are usually worse than the OPs. Usually, not always.

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4:22 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 421

Normally I, watch each once and then skip the repeats...^^

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5:20 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 566

Normally I watch the first few times, and then skip for later episodes. I'm more likely to watch the opening multiple times, and skip the ending after the first time. But if there is a song I really like, I never skip it.

Post #664397
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6:13 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 44

Will watch both at least once then proceed to skip in the later episodes if I don't like them. If I really like them or if it really fits the theme of the show then I never skip them.

Post #664400

7:00 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 12

if I'm binging something with more than 24 already released episodes, I'll skip both OP and ED; if I watch something as it's being released, I watch both... also I tend to watch more EDs because I don't want to miss extra goodies at the end of the episode

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7:25 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 70

I watch both most of the time but for different reasons. One reason is when I really like the song. Another is for when the OP/ED animation isn't the same for each episode. Then there's finding the slight change, usually happens to an OP when a new character is introduced; not really anything significant but gives a cool feeling nonetheless. Lastly, so that I don't miss that scene when the ED song is cut short.

The early bird may have caught the early worm, but the late worm survived!!

8:06 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 29

Normally I watch both OP and ED most of the time...BUT!... if the anime OP/ED is so terrible/horrible/appalling...then I skip them starting 2nd episode and onwards. Example is Tokyo Ghoul √A OP: Munou by österreich which definitely hurt my ears.

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Seinen is RIGHT

9:02 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 2425

I watch each once and then skip the repeats is off to a landslide and i picked it too.

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Post #664413 - Reply to (#664390) by thevampirate
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9:54 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 402

Quote from thevampirate
I hope people see the results of the April's fools post where only 11% found them funny and over 4 times as many either hated it or found it annoying. maybe from now on they can do jokes that don't involve fake chapters or "I'm Quitting" posts. Japanzai really ticked me off with their 'joke' ...

So? Scanlators need to have their fun. Even if far from everyone of them has the taste and/or the sense of humor required for making good jokes.

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Piss Ant

9:55 am, Apr 11 2015
Posts: 171

Kinda sad? Jesus H. Christ, what's sad is that people like yourself can't take a joke. Those that find it funny are probably kids/teens anyways. God FORBID if you get so excited about manga being released that you piss yourself when it turns out to be a joke. roll no It's one day. Get over yourself. If manga is that big of a part of your life, you should consider finding a girlfriend and a hobby. What a devoid life one must lead... laugh And this is coming from somebody who loves comics, manga, webtoons, etc. My 9-year-old nephew doesn't even care, yet adults cry about it. no

As for the opening/ending songs, I skip them. They hardly ever have anything to do with the anime itself in my experience. Many do, don't get me wrong. Though there are a lot that rant on about friendship, happiness, and love, then the anime is full of gore and violence.

-No longer do I quote great scholars, the famous, etc. Kids feigning wisdom ruined it.
--I wont type a post like a college report. If you don't read it just for that reason, you don't have to post why your hoity-toity ass refused to. I swear, so many people on this site are so full of themselves. A lot seem to think they always have an "intelligent and/or logical" point or show signs of a superiority complex. They never admit they're wrong. Maybe partially, but excuses abound! :\
-Stop mailing me about my comments. I don't read them.
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