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How's school life in America?

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Post #4350 - Reply to (#4349) by Unknown
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3:27 pm, Jan 15 2007
Posts: 2896

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Quote from Stealth
Quote from ares6
Whoa whoa.....where are you from?

What do you mean? did I say something wrong?

No, I was just being me...So where are you from?

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

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Post #4353
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4:14 pm, Jan 15 2007
Posts: 8

Well im from a high school with over 4000 kids so heres my response.

1. No, definitely no. Although from time to time something does happen like a kid that shited himself and a bottle that exploded in the stairwells, but other then that not much happens

2. In my school, there would be jocks and everyone else.

3. When ur in a school, as big as the one i am in, its hard to keep track of everybody so in my school there really isnt one.

4. I suppose there is one although its not official. I mean Asians usually hang out at one part of the cafeteria, Blacks at another, and Caucasians at another. Although there would be parts of the cafeteria where people hang out for similar interest, like I was part of the gamers group and we usually sat between the aisans and Caucasians.

5. there are definitely no such people in my school or maybe they just never pick on me. In a school over 4000 kids its hard to decide on who to pick.

6. Every student has a different schedule so we go to different rooms. We dont all learn the same thing like i am now learning JAVA while my friend is learning Architecture so we go to different rooms for that.

7. In my school i dun think there is a detention, mainly the teachers just send u to the dean where you either get in trouble and they call ur parents or suspend u if u screwed up long enuff. Although the teachers arent afriad to fail u.

8. You wouldnt see kissing in the classroom but in the hallways u might see one or two couples.

9. There is an anime club in my school, but all they show was dubbed anime that wasnt really that great. Although next term my friends and I will be forming a gamer/anime club.

10. I wouldnt think foreign kids would be able to get into my school because usually you have to take a test to get in.

11. Dances are mainly social recreation but i never go and other kids i know never go either.

12. Prom is the biggest dance in the school year. In my school mainly couples just go and some other people who wants to get laid.

13. No physical punishment in any school in the US although in my school if u screw up in gym you might have to do 500 crunches.

14. Yes, a student can sue a teacher for sexual harrassment but proving it would be hard and the teacher would probably transfer out the school.

15. No in my school there arent really any young beautiful teachers because some of them have been teaching there for lik 15 years or more

16. In my school it is required to get service credits to graduate which u can get thru clubs and other odd jobs, if your teachers uses teachers assistants thats one way to get a service credit.

17. Science fair is just a place to show what you learned about a science topic and telling it to everybody else. Ive been to sum from 6th to 8th grade but that was about it.

18. No foreign kids in my school but there are different race couples.

19. The cheerleaders in my school are REALLY ugly and arent treated that differently.

I hope these answers enlighten you smile wink grin

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5:35 pm, Jan 15 2007
Posts: 100

As for your question about students switching classes, the answer is quite simple

There are smart people and not so smart people

so it is only fair that certain students should not be held back by their peers. It may sound cruel but it is the truth. The classes are separated according to ability and usually range from honors to normal to sometimes below normal.

Also, people have different interests

I my school, there is a core curriculum in which all student have to take certain classes to graduate, but beyond that, you can choose to concentrate in which ever field you like. (This leaves about 2 free classes per year).

As for the diversity question,
My old school was about 50%+ asian, but there was no asian club but i think that is because no one started it so far.
But my current school (around 15-25% asian) has an anime club, but it is horrible so i don't go to it

And i live in New Jersey where there is alot of diversity

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6:15 pm, Jan 15 2007
Posts: 9

Hmmm i live newjersey too XD


1:09 pm, Jan 21 2007
Posts: 24

From canada, but went to us for school exchange stuff. there the same. dont call it US schools it just like white school.

Is it really that interesting like it shown on tv?Most boring part of my day

Is it true that the students are divided into groups like nerds, preps or jocks thing?Nahh, close, It goes at my schoool neways, emo's(not fakes like real loner troubled kids), jocks and preps and all in one group, and the 50% of my school that is asain(live near vancouver[west coast of canada main pont for immgrants cause of free health care] its an asian invation over here and im .5 of one smile hang out in like spearte group like cool, druggies, and matheletes. then theres the other druggies, then there the other portion thatis all togethersmile

Is there really a cool popular thing system? You really not allowed to talk to cool popular kids unless you're popular too? How can you become a popular kid in US school?A) Yea, sory to say, but yea. B) no way lol everyoen talks to everyone cause dunno my skools cool like that C) um growup with cool friends? if you changes school unless your hot really hard to be popular. dunno why, ppl to protective of your coolness? doesnt bother me( yes im a jock{football thansk you very much})

Is it true that in the cafetaria there's a designated seats area for groups?
Yea, me and my friend wher thanks about his before if i remember corectly out of 25 tables, 2 persian tables(iranians), 4 white tbales, 3 miscellaneous, and rest asian.

Are those mean girls who loves to make fun of people and order you around like their slave really exist in US school? no,. and if they are the btchy you tell em to f' offsmile sorry for language. but yea no ones like that the idol madoona thing doesnt happen.

Why you have to move and go to other class every time one class ends? You don't just stay in one class and different teachers come into class? um cause there are soo many speicailty teachers, classrooms and such. like if you had a homeroom how would you do auto in it. also you got shoice to chosee like half of you classes out side math english socials and sciences.

What is that detention thing? Why the teachers lock the students in some kind of room?nah you go to the teachers class that gave you detention and stay the for like 30mins with out saying nething but doing homework.

Are those kissing and smooching things always happen there? Students allowed to kiss in class too? Is it just a common thing there?um kissing happens in hall when teachers ad admin arent looking and reltionshop and allowed and such. the most you can do ina clasroom is hold hands cuase usaly desks are side by side

Is there a manga or anime club there? What you do in there usually? Heard from some friend that lots of fun things in school's anime or manga club.yea there was but people interested droped it cause all you did was talk about it with no like reading or own drawings and such.

How the students there treat foreign students? Heard local students love to intimidate and pick up fight with foreign students for no reason. Is it really that bad? no lol there so many the white kids ussaly get gang beaten by persians and asaisn cause they all fight in group while white guys fight one on one.

How come there are lots of dancing events there?Yea there about 5 dances and year. teache just shapparone from outside, well not at our school, everyone shows up drunk and *STUFF* happensin bath rooms. it got all cancled this year cause the last dance last year and teacher got maced also a scurity guard. plus one of the girsl i dance with OD on E so yea kinda pobvious no more dances, but i got toe like the other schools one. the ones with less asains even tho i am one.

What is that prom thing actually? Why people are so desperate to find a date to prom? Is it really embarassing to go alone?
Prom is liek the grad dance blahblah blah its formal for half then it goes ina regulars dance at some hotel or nightclub ussaly that the school rents. you allwasy get dates and it is usally embarassing to go alone unless your doing it purposly.

Is physical punishment still used there? Because in my place there's no detention thing. If you make a mistake the teacher smack or kick you right away. NO teachers get fired for that sht

Is it true that students there can sue the school or teachers? If a teacher touch a girl student's hand accidentally or not the girl's really going to file a sexual harrasment lawsuit? And what's that first amandment thing that always somehow connected to school? In those tv shows the students always have problem with the school about 1st amandment and always end up in court. its not that bad but yea, some teacher like do other more seriosus stuff then they get sued and prosecuted. like in the 70's there was a case about this teacher having sex with liek 8 girlls form his homeroom class. the trail just ended liek a week ago(learned this in law 11).

Is the teacher in America really still young, beautiful & attractive? Does an affair between teachers and students always happen there? UH no(so old), but liek theres 2 per school? last year we had the hottest suba nd student teacher *drool*. affairs? no that like 1 in every 1000 school per 10 years.

What teacher assistant do actually? You get a special extra grade if you're a teacher assistant?TA's? there like honor students who gett better recomendation from teachers. our schoool has like top 5 for math in the provence. and like half our honor kids like got to good us schools. i kno the best studentgot an actully full right too the best math school in canada. and this other guy got a partial scolarship to go to mit.

What is that science fair thing? Is it a mandatory thing for all students? Science fair is liek something you do in middle school. most highschools dont do it.

How american gals say about foreign students especially foreign asian students? Can a foreign student ask an american gal out? Or there's an unwritten rule from the jocks that you stay away from our gal or we will beat u up kind of thing. um no? they dont care as long as they like you. no ones that prentious.

And last what's that cheerleader gals all about. Is the gals in cheerleaders team are really that special and must be treated real special? They really only date the guys from football team? Wonder if Manick ever date one...

unless your at like a5000 kid school are reaaly bad. cause of the streotype all these rondom girls try out and they get in with skill not looks, but then no one wants to see em. they never show up at football games and never will.

Will really appreciate it if you guys could share some info.

Need answers from americans but well other people from europe feel free to add in like bully jesus.

Since bully jesus is big like hulk & he uses the name bully, i'm sure he loves to beat up people when in high school.

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Post #10613

12:00 am, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 42

Having read through the posts, I have found that everyones' answers are pretty similar. So here's a little something different. The nature of this thread was I think made with the goal of learning some American culture so here is my suggestion if you want to see some authentic Americana. Watch "American Graffiti."

I think that it is a good representation of High school life. If you just want to see a sample of American culture, then this movie is good because it doesn't fall for cliches. Unfortnately it's a little outdated because it's set in 1962, but things haven't changed too much. here is a link if you want to see a better summary.

If it is any enticement this film was directed by George Lucas...

Post #10621
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5:10 am, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 2896

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You can't judge a country based on Media and Manga stereotypes. What you need are solid facts, statistical analysis, and documentaries on American School.

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

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Post #10665 - Reply to (#10621) by ares6
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2:01 pm, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 2667

Quote from ares6
You can't judge a country based on Media and Manga stereotypes. What you need are solid facts, statistical analysis, and documentaries on American School.

Unfortunately those aren't as interesting.

Post #10678
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3:48 pm, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 91

Unlike most, I attend a Charter School in America and learning is quite different from what most places go about things. Charter schools are popping up all around California and they mainly focus on more hands on project based learning instead of traditional teachings which seems to be followed worldwide. Maybe this is a small leap to future education?

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5:24 pm, Apr 14 2007
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Ah, project based sister is in a program that is doing that. Personally, I prefer the traditional book stuff instead of the project based learning stuff

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Post #10698 - Reply to (#10665) by Manick
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5:35 pm, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 2896

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Quote from Manick
Quote from ares6
You can't judge a country based on Media and Manga stereotypes. What you need are solid facts, statistical analysis, and documentaries on American School.

Unfortunately those aren't as interesting.

yes.......based on stereotype, every high school kid in America has had already at least on sexual experience with a partner, and every one of them had STD and had drug addictions.

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
Post #10702 - Reply to (#10698) by ares6

5:46 pm, Apr 14 2007

Quote from ares6
yes.......based on stereotype, every high school kid in America has had already at least on sexual experience with a partner, and every one of them had STD and had drug addictions.

And 90% of all unprotected sexual relationship causes pregnancy, while 9% of the remaining causes transmission of an STD... and the remaining 1% causes both.
And any kid with better than average grades is automatically bullied and have a hard time to get along with his comrades.
The pompom girl always goes out with the quarterback etc...

Post #10709 - Reply to (#10702) by Unknown
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7:43 pm, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 2896

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Quote from Stealth
Quote from ares6
yes.......based on stereotype, every high school kid in America has had already at least on sexual experience with a partner, and every one of them had STD and had drug addictions.

And 90% of all unprotected sexual relationship causes pregnancy, while 9% of the remaining causes transmission of an STD... and the remaining 1% causes both.
And any kid with better than average grades is automatically bullied and have a hard time to get along with his comrades.
The pompom girl always goes out with the quarterback etc...

EVERY time I see that on some stupid teen movie, I wanted to crush my own brain.

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
Post #10720 - Reply to (#1862) by samsters24
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9:45 pm, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 1141

Quote from samsters24
Is the teacher in America really still young, beautiful & attractive?

I had some teachers in high school who were in their late 20's.

Quote from samsters24
Does an affair between teachers and students always happen there? bigrazz

Dunno if it "always happens", I mean freaky stuff happen behind your back all the time, but if you check out some of these headlines...... dead .htm

The X is censored before .htm in the above link. Replace it to see the article.

There was a string of recent ones but I can't find them at the moment.

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11:14 pm, Apr 14 2007
Posts: 1

Speaking as a highschool senior from LA

Is it really that interesting like it shown on tv?

Not like the tv shows it, but there are fun clubs, sports, and such

Is it true that the students are divided into groups like nerds, preps or jocks thing?

Eh, there are plenty of people that you can steriotype into these groups, but not really any one over riding group. You might call the football team all jocks, but there not necessarily a "group"

Is there really a cool popular thing system? You really not allowed to talk to cool popular kids unless you're popular too? How can you become a popular kid in US school?

Some kids are cool, bot theres no real system or anything, they just tend to be nice or outgoing people.

Is it true that in the cafetaria there's a designated seats area for groups?

Nah, some people site in one area all the time so it just sorta tends to be thier "area." Personally i wonder around alot.

Are those mean girls who loves to make fun of people and order you around like their slave really exist in US school? ;p

Not really no.

Why you have to move and go to other class every time one class ends? You don't just stay in one class and different teachers come into class?

Certain classrooms are designed for certain purposes, plus it gives the teacher liberty to stock up and put posters on the walls to give it a "homey" feel.

What is that detention thing? Why the teachers lock the students in some kind of room?

A form of stupid punishment, not really all that usefull.

Are those kissing and smooching things always happen there? Students allowed to kiss in class too? Is it just a common thing there?

Yeah, a bunch of couples exist in the school, although kissing in class is a little rarer. Somekids even get caught having sex in the stairwells.

Is there a manga or anime club there? What you do in there usually? Heard from some friend that lots of fun things in school's anime or manga club.

Yeah, there are clubs, but its not really that cool, they do watch some fun anime though..

How the students there treat foreign students? Heard local students love to intimidate and pick up fight with foreign students for no reason. Is it really that bad?

Nah, most are treated ok, although gangs tend to be racially divided. My schools got so many different races that theres no really majority. Its actually more common for friends to make fun of their oen ethnic steriotypes.

How come there are lots of dancing events there?

Thats not so true anymore, its kinda disapearing a bit.

What is that prom thing actually? Why people are so desperate to find a date to prom? Is it really embarassing to go alone?

Its the biggest dance, the only one thats really survived. its supposed to be a really romantic thing, going alone isnt really bad, but can be seen as pointless.

Is physical punishment still used there? Because in my place there's no detention thing. If you make a mistake the teacher smack or kick you right away.

Nah, your not supposed to use physical punishment.

Is it true that students there can sue the school or teachers? If a teacher touch a girl student's hand accidentally or not the girl's really going to file a sexual harrasment lawsuit? And what's that first amandment thing that always somehow connected to school? In those tv shows the students always have problem with the school about 1st amandment and always end up in court.

Yeah, kids can sue, although its not necessarily something thats gonna happen all the time. Freedom of, speech, bill of rights, kids always harp on it to say what they want, but its popularity comes and goes.

Is the teacher in America really still young, beautiful & attractive? Does an affair between teachers and students always happen there?

Teachers can be young and attractive, although not usually. Ive never heard of it happening at my school, but im sure its a posibillity.

What teacher assistant do actually? You get a special extra grade if you're a teacher assistant?

Not much, usually just grade papers. Its an elective class thats more for people who are lazy. A bunch of student teachers dont do anything.

What is that science fair thing? Is it a mandatory thing for all students?

Its not really that big a thing anymore in my area, although there are some kids who still do the more national science fair stuff. Theres never one in the school though.

How american gals say about foreign students especially foreign asian students? Can a foreign student ask an american gal out? Or there's an unwritten rule from the jocks that you stay away from our gal or we will beat u up kind of thing.

I dont think amarican girls say anything specific, a bunch of them are asian heritage anyways so who knows. Yeah, a bunch of mixed kids date. Its kinda commen courtasy not to hit on another guys girl, being a jock dosnt have much to do with it.

And last what's that cheerleader gals all about. Is the gals in cheerleaders team are really that special and must be treated real special? They really only date the guys from football team?

Nah, cheerleaders hardly matter at our school. We dont have much school spirit s, whatever.

Most of this stuff is pretty geographically specific. My school is kinda cool how its so mixed, but not all the schools can say that.

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