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Stating an Unspoken Rule - No "Claiming" Projects

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Post #531807 - Reply to (#531800) by Kaioh
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9:27 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 50

When "speed" goes up, "quality" does not generally "go up." It's usually a free-for-all of LQ-MQ scans, bad typesetting, and a gazillion individuals who have decided to do it just cuz they think they can.

I don't see a problem with "claiming" since it prevent a duplication in effort. At least, that's how the YAOI groups tend to handle it.

Then again, YAOI groups are contending with a small percentage of fangirls and not the voracious masses that are the JUMP readers. (Honestly, that demographic is frightening in its inability to wait.)

Sometimes it's not even the group's fault, and it may just be IRL issues, technical difficulties, or just lack of reliable staff. Still, I don't think "claiming" means that groups can't inquire about taking over should the original group seem to be floundering.

But - that's just me. It's one thing to just DO it because you want to, and another to be polite and civilized about the situation. (Then again, this is not a polite business, and that crap up on top about licensing is ridiculous, seeing as this is all illegal any way. Stop reading it if you want to stay lily white, but don't fling that around. Sheesh...)

Post #531808

12:03 am, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 47

If you're announcing it and have warned individuals in the past, doesn't that make it not an unspoken rule, and an actual voiced rule? I mean, you've obviously spoken it...

But more on subject, I completely agree with leaving the claiming out of this website. If anything it would need its own website. Much like how andrewlb's who subs what wiki acts in the fansub world ( )

Post #531809 - Reply to (#531808) by Akukame
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11:43 am, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 145

I actually have space (php/mysql capable) and domain name to set up a site like this ~ a future project database and general recruitment site. What I don't have is the coding skills to make it really nice. If there are any coders out there who are interested in helping out in such an endeavor, toss me an email at and I'll go into my vision for the site!

(Yes, yes, a bunch of people hate the idea, I'm talking on behalf of those who think such a site would be super-useful.)

Post #531810 - Reply to (#531807) by ZL11
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Ore Sanjou!
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11:49 am, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 1165

Most series where the quality of release doesn't go up are the weekly shounen ones (Naruto, Bleach, etc etc).

If you've seen one or two groups do the same series, you'll notice that each are striving for better speed and quality with each release.

Of course, when I originally stated this, this is how I meant it. It seems you took it differently than how I intended.

Regardless, if a group does a project, they have no right to claim it as their own. Anyone else can do it if they see fit to do so, for whatever reason they believe.

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Post #531811 - Reply to (#531801) by evaric

2:11 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 5

If you know of another place where all scanlation groups gather in one place and talk/post messages such as on this site, then tell me, because I do not. You can't go checking every single group site's future projects section individually. There are hundreds of groups around.

Post #531812 - Reply to (#531804) by faye

2:14 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 5

Bleh, replied to the wrong one. Darn my damaged optic nerves. Move the previous post up there down here.

Post #531813 - Reply to (#531810) by Kaioh
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2:32 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 50

Hmm... that's why I mentioned JUMP chapters specifically. I've seen several groups do duplicated scans, but most of the time it's a HQ scanlation group vs. LQ/MQ scan groups. People are generally satisfied enough with LQ/MQ as long as they get their fix.

As for other groups doing non-JUMP scans, it seems to me that it's almost always "whoever gets it out first, wins." Didn't Mangaupdates even have a Poll like that? Wasn't that the outcome?

I'm saying that competition doesn't always equate to better scanlations. The general leech doesn't seem to appreciate the effort for better work, and only a percentage value quality and readability, if I can again reference that MU poll.

As for the claiming, you're right in that it doesn't matter... except there are a million projects out there and why duplicate work? If the purpose of scanlation is to expose as many manga as possible to the world, then duplication of work seems contrary to that. It occurs for two reasons: 1) dissatisfaction. 2) misunderstanding that someone has already put in effort.

Either way, as I said before, the YAOI community frowns heavily on duplication of projects, and I suspect it's mostly the same for shoujo (I know there's a lot of duplication with some projects, esp. CLAMP). It's mostly shounen groups that think that it's okay to duplicate effort, and it then becomes a competition. (I actually have no interest in that. I'd rather drop the project.)

I'm not even saying I'm 100% right. This is just observation on my part and my minimal participation in scanlation group interaction.

So, to some degree, I actually agree with you.

Post #531814 - Reply to (#531796) by MoJo
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2:44 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 1

I hate groups who hog a project for months and months and never release anything, yet they tell other groups they can't scanlate it. What are scanlations for, if not the fans, and it's unfair to the fans when we can't read something because of this "claiming" crap.

Post #531815 - Reply to (#531810) by Kaioh
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3:21 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 50

BTW - more on topic, claiming it on here would be easier for other scanlation groups, but this isn't the place to do it since it makes it troublesome for MU. So I agree with the topic. Banzai!

Post #531816 - Reply to (#531812) by ghostcheese
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4:22 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 2667

If you really truly want to do a project, it shouldn't matter if anyone else is doing it. If your desires are so shallow that you'd stop simply because your version isn't being read by as many people, then why do it in the first place? Here's a hint, you can control the quality. If you're satisfied with the other groups quality, then save yourself some time and work on something else ...

Post #531817 - Reply to (#531809) by Kalendel
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9:15 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 204

I've always wanted there to be a site specifically for things like networking between groups, claiming projects, asking for translation help, finding groups that want to work on joints, etc. The problem is that I've never gotten the feeling that anyone else would want it (aside from a handful of fans who think it's a great idea but would never actually use it because... well, they're just fans).

Post #531818 - Reply to (#531815) by ZL11
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3:26 am, Oct 15 2008
Posts: 9026

What's the attack on Shounen Jump series? Obviously someone is biased.

They're both bad. Shounen Jump readers for their greediness, and Shoujo/Yaoi scanlators for their possesiveness of series.


source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #531819 - Reply to (#531817) by SnoopyCool
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5:25 am, Oct 15 2008
Posts: 145

Actually... I think this may be because of who you're polling. I've noticed (in general), that shounen groups are usually against listing future projects, and shoujo/shounen-ai groups are for it. As you probably have more shounen ties, that might be why you haven't gotten favorable replies.

About a month ago I asked a bunch of friends in scanlation (mostly shoujo group owners) and had some staffers spread the word about a future project/group networking site. Everyone who wasn't just flatly against listing future projects was for a site like that. A friend of mine offered to help code, but once we brainstormed all the things it'd be nice to have, we realized it was beyond her knowledge. So... stalled for the moment ^^;

Post #531820 - Reply to (#531813) by ZL11
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Ore Sanjou!
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7:02 am, Oct 15 2008
Posts: 1165

Personally, I really don't care how the Yaoi community treats this subject.

As a generalization, people are free to do what they please, and scanlate whatever they want to do.

You wanna think less of someone for doing it?

Fine. I'll think less of you for being such a shallow person.

Now we're all settled up, right?

P.S. You didn't mention Jump character specifically. You mentioned Jump, itself. Mention Jump character specifically would be saying something like "Naruo, Bleach" etc etc. You made a specific generalization. There's a large difference. That aside, you also mentioned Yaoi, which, again, takes away from the specifics of your post.

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4:39 pm, Oct 15 2008
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