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Post #388056
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8:22 am, Jun 25 2010
Posts: 651

I am constantly drowning in a sea of random romance shoujo oneshots that I forget the names of. This one is a comedy which may or may not count as school life and is a part of a collection of oneshots that may or may not be complete.

A girl who's just been heartbroken is drinking some random beverage and throws the empty bottle resolving never to fall in love again but inadvertantly maims a boy, breaking or spraining his arm which results in his getting a bandage or cast. The girl offers to take responsibility for this but he just says that it's fine, however, she starts feeling more and more guilty and so insists that she become his arm. Thus hilarity ensues where she writes his notes, offers to help him bathe and other such things that involve her ending up at his house and finding that he has an interest in locksmithing plus learning some techniques for picking locks herself.

Then she finds that delinquents were harassing the boy to unlock a safe in the principal's office so that they could get exam answers and stuff and blah blah blah kidnap blah blah the boy was never actually hurt etc etc. Happy ending.

Post #388134
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5:09 pm, Jun 25 2010
Posts: 125

ahh! I read this oneshot! It was cute! I have no idea what the name of it was tho.. Sorry..
Often I dont even ad oneshots to my read list.. cry

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Post #389407
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2:57 am, Jul 2 2010
Posts: 651

I love you. Thank you.

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