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New Poll - Gender

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3 years ago
Posts: 10750

Our member EjjiNami requested that do this poll again. Looks like the last time we did this was 2008.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How prepared are you for a major disaster and/or emergency?
Very - votes: 145 (4.5%)
Slightly - votes: 1138 (35.7%)
Not at all - votes: 1907 (59.8%)
There were 3190 total votes.
The poll ended: July 17th 2021

Hopefully the poll prompted you to consider your own safety nets and possibly improving them


A just ruler amongst tyrants

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Screaming Fangirl

3 years ago
Posts: 58

I'm kind of surprised by the preliminary results. I thought it would be more of an even split between male and female but I wonder if that'll asjust by the end of the poll.

Post #791716 - Reply To (#791715) by animeangelgrl
Post #791716 - Reply To (#791715) by animeangelgrl

3 years ago
Posts: 202

Definitely not surpised, there is definitly more guys being represented in the online anime/manga community in the US at least.


Internet Lurker At Heart

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A Breathing Human
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3 years ago
Posts: 67

Interesting! Also, shout out to all the nonbinary peeps out there. ✌️ You keep being you.

Post #791721
Post #791721
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3 years ago
Posts: 613

Might be biased as more guys are willing to participate than gals? XD

Post #791725 - Reply To (#791721) by F_J
Post #791725 - Reply To (#791721) by F_J
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3 years ago
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Why would women be hesitant to admit that they use this site in an anonymous online poll?

Post #791730 - Reply To (#791725) by Transdude1996
Post #791730 - Reply To (#791725) by Transdude1996
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3 years ago
Posts: 613

I wouldn't say hesitant buy just less active?

Post #791733 - Reply To (#791716) by kurotaito
Post #791733 - Reply To (#791716) by kurotaito
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3 years ago
Posts: 412

The poll in 2008 mentioned by lampchopsil had a very slight female majority (51.1%). In 2007, it was 55.7% male.

Looking at some other polls with gender identification as part of the response, excluding polls with any options that leave out gender:
In August 2014, the split was 53.5% male / 47.5% female
In February 2015, the split was 48.4% male / 51.6% female
In July 2015, the split was 49.1% male / 50.9% female

Can't make too many assumptions about how things have changed over time, given the gaps in the data, but there's never been much of a skew in either direction.


3 years ago
Posts: 213

my first anime convention in 1998 had a 3:1 female ratio
no guys as far as the eye could see

Post #791738 - Reply To (#791733) by hahhah42
Post #791738 - Reply To (#791733) by hahhah42
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3 years ago
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

I don't know. For the immediate results to show that the site has lost almost 15% of it's female users in the past six years, something really doesn't add up.

However, these are just preliminary numbers. So speculation is useless until the results are revealed next week.


3 years ago
Posts: 16

Male and Female are sex, unless you are a hermaphrodite, you are going to be only one or the other.

Post #791764 - Reply To (#791763) by ZiBaXn
Post #791764 - Reply To (#791763) by ZiBaXn
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3 years ago
Posts: 45

gender and sex are not the same lol



Post #791767 - Reply To (#791764) by sloez
Post #791767 - Reply To (#791764) by sloez
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3 years ago
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from sloez

gender and sex are not the same lol

That is technically true. Sex refers to one being either male of female based off of their genetics and genitalia. Meanwhile, gender refers to the sex of grammar and words, such as how we assign inanimate objects as being either male or female. This is a little hard to demonstrate in English due to the presence of non-gender pronouns like "it", although the easiest example of this that can be sentences like, "She's a fine ship" when personifying a boat.

Meanwhile, if one were to look at other European languages like French, German, and Spanish, gender becomes much more apparent. Using French, because I actually took some classes for that, you will notice how there are three different words that can be translated as "the"; they are "le", "la", and "les". "Le" is the masucline form the the word "the" and is placed in front of "masucline" objects in the language, such as computer (L'ordinateur) or knife (Le couteau). However, "la" is placed in front of feminine objects, such as grass (L'herbe) or table (La table). And, as for "Les", that's the plural form of the word "the" that is used for all pluralizations of words, regardless of the objects regular gender (Les ordinateurs, Les tables).

Japanese also has some gender with their language, however it's more dependent on the user rather than the sexuality of the object, itself. For example, while "私" is used as a general word to mean "Me; myself; I", there are also sexualized versions of it. Men are able to used words like "僕" regularly or "俺" if they're feeling very casual, meanwhile women just have the "softer" "あたし" that is never used by men unless they're extremely meek. Another example with Japanese is that men while almost always end their sentences with the character "だ" which used to indicate a "state of being"; meanwhile women rarely use the "だ" character at the end of the sentence unless they're really trying to assert something.

There are probably more examples people can show aside from these, but these are the immediate ones I know of because of what I have learned thus far. However, all that being said, when using grammar to refer to people or any living creature (IOW, their gender), you always refer to their biological sex.


3 years ago
Posts: 6

Do you expect so many hermaphrodites reading manga, that 3rd option was needed?

Post #791772 - Reply To (#791771) by Antanaru
Post #791772 - Reply To (#791771) by Antanaru

3 years ago
Posts: 15

Plenty of people identify as 'fishstick' or '36-decimeter pirate ship' nowadays, so yes, a third option is needed.

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