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Post #7046

2:23 pm, Feb 26 2007
Posts: 154

awesome \o/

Post #7335

7:16 am, Mar 2 2007
Posts: 154

Another weird thing

I’ve left the series as it is so you can see it yourself.

Here --->Arcana (Anthology)

Because the authors happened to have a space after the end of their name it didn’t add the [Add] link after them.

(i removed the space after the names in the artists column)

(hopefully noone fixes this until you see it)

I'm not sure how you handle it, but if you are parsing (or something simular) then it's better to just remove the space character automaticly as you look up for the enter character (if that makes sense)

Post #7336
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10:43 am, Mar 2 2007
Posts: 2667

just had to trim the input. thanks for the report. it's fixed

Post #7417

2:00 am, Mar 4 2007
Posts: 154

You are quite agile biggrin

Umm one more peculiar thing >__< (I kinda feel guilty, this being third in the row)

A bit difficult to explain too:

If you check the series stats page towards the end and in particular “PoT dj - The Kikumaru-san Household's Dinner / The Tezuka Household's Supper” and “PoT dj - Nirvana, Right Stuff, The North Wind and the Sun, and High Pressure” (both are currently ranked at 1032 in monthly) you will notice that there is no genre specified near them. Normally this would happen either if nobody has assigned a genre, or nobody has visited the page since its creation (which might be another glitchy thing, but maybe I’m mistaken). However in this case the genre is specified and the page has been visited, but still the genre is not visible. Hope this makes sense.

On side note: dojinshi (the way they are entered) might create rather messy situation later on when the database grows significantly, me thinks.

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8:08 am, Mar 4 2007
Posts: 10691

For the genre problem, I'm *suspecting* that it's because the series title is too long, but Manick will have to solve that problem.

For the doujinshi, we already know, but there's no good way to solve the problem since people add doujinshi in different ways...and will KEEP adding them in different ways. Anyways, I personally don't care about doujinshi...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #7438
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10:31 am, Mar 4 2007
Posts: 2667

Yup, it's because the title is so massive. I've got it set so that whatever space isn't used up by the title can be used up by the genre. If the title is so massively long that even IT wraps to the next line, then there isn't going to be any genre displayed. The genre doesn't update until the series page is visited because mysql is not a very good relational database system. Instead of doing a join on the genre relation table, i just cache the genres (comma separated) in each series' record. They are updated when someone visits the series info page for a specific series.

Post #7440

10:59 am, Mar 4 2007
Posts: 154

ah figured as much, so there isn't any way around it at this point. Well, it's not like this creates much of a problem anyway. Btw, i think this "/" creates some minor troubles in entries too. for instance i had entry in the serialised field that was something like

(name / name)
(name / name)

then i wanted to remove one of the line, but couldn't do that until in the end i removed both entries and re-added one anew. And then there are some special characters than can be troublesome, but so far i only saw it happening once, so it's really something minor.

About the doujinshi, yes that's exactly the problem and it always will be there, but there is something else about them too: those little "doujinshi circles", they are not really authors even if they get logged currently in database as such, in reality they are publishing companies - private, tiny and short lived, but still publishing companies created by the authors, partially because usually no big house cares much about doujinshi, since it's “amateur” creations and then there are taxes and what’s not. Anyway, just thought to point that out too.

Post #7704

12:35 pm, Mar 8 2007
Posts: 154

me again *ducks*

The title "Majo" creates error upon submission as associated name to Witches as if there is already such series in database (same with 魔女 and Majo Witches), however it doesn't shows anywhere... unless i missed it, in which case i apologise for annoyance.

question: when such an error occur do you get any sort of notification, or something similar?

edit: Actually .... I just noticed that it got submitted as "majo" (waiting in approval list), even though it had shown the error o_O?

Last edited by candyloop at 12:45 pm, Mar 8 2007

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5:20 pm, Mar 8 2007
Posts: 10691

Umm, what's the problem?

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #7725
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5:48 pm, Mar 8 2007
Posts: 17

I am not really sure if this is a My Lists bug or Poll bug but anyway what happens is that lately -because before it was working fine- everytime I vote on a Poll or click on Results it sends me to My Lists... confused

Post #7732
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6:48 pm, Mar 8 2007
Posts: 2667

Yes, I've noticed that too oluap. I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet though.

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8:34 pm, Mar 11 2007
Posts: 31

and here i thought it was all working out ^_^

ok, new issue for you to deal with Manick, sorry, either that or it's my IE. This time, i am having trouble with adding a series to my list, and then when i go to my list to find it, it's not there.

I searched for "Dazzle" then after finding it i clicked on "add to reading list" it took a few seconds, possibly 5-7 for it to respond, then it added it to my list, by giving me the usual message "you are reading this.....etc" so i went through all my lists, searched for a few, did a whole bunch of things then went to my reading list, it's not there.

so i waited about a half hour, thinking maybe it takes a while, then checked again, still not there. So i decided to go to the series page again, but it said "you are reading this...." however it and another series i also added are not visible on any of the lists, yet it says i'm reading it. confused

EDIT: ack! never mind, problem fixed. it's there, even though before it wasn't, >.<! however i still am having a bit of trouble getting "add to reading list" button to respond. sometimes i get no response, another time it takes anywhere from 5-7 seconds, possibly longer, and other times it works fine.

as for the series, i found it after clicking on my name through the "sakur-rose's profile" then visited "reading list."

*sigh* oh well, sorry.

Last edited by sakura-rose at 8:42 pm, Mar 11 2007

dancing on angel wings~~
Post #7945

8:44 pm, Mar 11 2007

Sakura, check your list again but with: Hatenkou Yuugi
That is the original name of the series that is associated with dazzle. So in your list it will appear with that name. If you want to put in your list with a different name than the one considered the "original" by the database, you should go to your reading list and use the add series button and use the name "dazzle" that way it will enter your list with the name you chose. I hope this helps.

EDIT: Apparently you edited your post while I was posting... So it is solved and isn't what I was saying? well if it is solved that is all that counts smile

Post #7947 - Reply to (#7945) by Unknown
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9:08 pm, Mar 11 2007
Posts: 31

Quote from Stealth
Sakura, check your list again but with: Hatenkou Yuugi
That is the original name of the series that is associated with dazzle. So in your list it will appear with that name. If you want to put in your list with a different name than the one considered the "original" by the database, you should go to your reading list and use the add series button and use the name "dazzle" that way it will enter your list with the name you chose. I hope this helps.

EDIT: Apparently you edited your post while I was posting... So it is solved and isn't what I was saying? well if it is solved that is all that counts smile

lol, you read my mind Stealth, however i remember clearly checking for that name as well, since i noticed when i added a series 4 days ago it was added with the original name, yet it wasn't on there still. but now it is, so i don't know. there was another series i added too, that isn't there, but i can't remember which one now. ^^

sorry for the confusion. and thank you for your help! bigrazz

dancing on angel wings~~
Post #7956

1:29 am, Mar 12 2007
Posts: 154

Question (maybe related to sakura): what happens to list if the title is removed because it was falsely entered as double and there is already an entry with the same series?

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