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New Poll - Voting in Elections

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11:36 pm, Dec 7 2018
Posts: 10683

This week's poll was suggested by residentgrigo. Probably should've done it a few weeks ago, but oh well.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Would you consider yourself
Fairly in the middle - votes: 1016 (22.9%)
More extroverted - votes: 167 (3.8%)
More introverted - votes: 3260 (73.4%)
There were 4443 total votes.
The poll ended: December 8th 2018

So surprised! /s

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Seinen is RIGHT

1:30 am, Dec 8 2018
Posts: 2409

No, we shouldn't have done this a few weeks ago. There were enough angry and nonsensical bipartisan "discussions " to be had elsewhere.

I regularly vote and was a poll clerk twice. Government employees as me get a small fee and a day off work if we do that. My last vote was in 2017 for The Greens. They focus on ecological and economic issues and are a viable option here in Germany, as we thankfully don´t have a 2 party system. The last election also ended with a rather small and new far-right party (AFD) as the 3rd strongest one. Meaning that even liberal countries aren´t doing so hot on the political stage right now.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Lone Wanderer

4:26 am, Dec 8 2018
Posts: 2127

I vote regularly. I have no hopes, though, because no matter which party comes into power it's the same crap all day, every day ? ?

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6:46 am, Dec 8 2018
Posts: 566

I vote sometimes. I don't vote more often because I don't feel like my vote really counts. With the way American politics is set up, (if you know anything about the electoral college works, gerrymandering, etc) how much your vote counts depends on where you live. I wish we could just re-do our entire voting system

Post #765822 - Reply to (#765814) by calstine

8:51 am, Dec 8 2018
Posts: 17

So true! ?

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3:09 pm, Dec 8 2018
Posts: 421

I regularly vote.
Though thuth fully speaking, I actually got to vote one time after reaching the voting age and registering as a legitimate voting citizen. Next one will be on February.
Okay, that being sweet I choose this insted of the upper option because, I plan to vote regularly and I believe as a proud citizen of your country one must vote regularly and cast it towards some change they believe in, even though politics is utter garage regardless of time and place.

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
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11:25 am, Dec 9 2018
Posts: 159

I never vote because until now i have never seen a politician that i truly could believe in.

Post #765842
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12:38 pm, Dec 9 2018
Posts: 646

I always vote. I hate the FPTP voting system in Canada, and strongly support electoral reform, but I believe that it's important to vote, especially as a younger person who will have to live for a long time with the consequences of decisions being made now.

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