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Worst Shoujo Cliche!

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Post #431472 - Reply to (#431435) by Saons
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1:51 pm, Dec 12 2010
Posts: 333

Quote from Saons
This has probably been said, but the "Oh I was out in the cold for a few minutes/Didn't wear a sweater in my house after a shower and now I've got a cold that leaves me bedridden with a fever so that someone has to come over to my house and take care of me and therefore further the romantic development of this story!" cliche.

I suppose that goes hand-in-hand with the fainting in the bathtub thing.

Agh, that one annoys me a lot. It usually ends up where the main-romantic interest will end up in some semi-unconscious state and make some sort of romantic advancement on the heroine, like hugging, grabbing her hand or kissing her. o_O It's done too much that I'll drop a series if it appears in a story.

The childhood friend-love interest coming out of nowhere is annoying too.

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insomniac Kagehime

1:59 pm, Dec 12 2010
Posts: 2707

When they get together in middle or high school at the end of the manga, they´ll marry and live their lifes together till the end. Ian´t it usually so, that you marry someone you meet after school? Like on the worl place or get to know each other through friends? If i believe in every single shoujo and josei manga 70% of japanese couples were together since school or are childhood friends, 20% at work and 10% had arranged marriages

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11:49 am, Dec 18 2010
Posts: 3

1. popular guy with unpopular girl. And the unpopular annoying girl is like mobbed by the guys fan girls and right when theyre about the hit her, the guy comes flying out of nowhere to save her xD. I find it so stupid how they always have to come right when the girl is about to get hit -.-. The girl should be a man and take a few slaps every now and then and not cry about it =.=

Post #432848

12:19 pm, Dec 18 2010
Posts: 36

one cliche that reaaaaaaaally bugs is when the main girl ends up with the bad/ tough guy, even though she knows she shouldn´t she ends up falling for him. Am i the only one who roots for nice guys out there?! (examples: takumi from nana, Taek Gang from H20, and many more)
and perfect guys bugs me too my only exception is takumi from "kaichou no maid-sama" just cause the main girl (ayuzawa) refers to him as a outer space human xD
and of course i simply hate when the heroine is plain stupid.

Ps. probably these cliches were pointed before but the thread was too long and i was to lazy to read all the posts >.<

Post #432855

12:48 pm, Dec 18 2010
Posts: 18

When there's some sort of misunderstanding between the main couple, normally when either the guy/girl does something and the bf/gf takes it the wrong way. Then they're like "oh i see, so you dont love me" and the other person is like "no, you're wrong!" but the other person doesn't listen and storms out. DON'T JUST STAND THERE, DAMNIT. CHASE AFTER THEM!

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Vanilla Ice

2:52 pm, Dec 26 2010
Posts: 38

Haha....this is such a funny thread because most of what people post is true..and quite frankly...IT'S SAD ;/

I can't even recall how much shoujo manga I've had to drop because of the same ol' damn cliches (I think I've had to drop 99% of all of mine, except Hana Yori Dango a.k.a. Boys Over Flowers and Fruits Basket o.O)

*I hate that there can only be like 2-3 personalities for the heroine: 1) Shy/clumsy/idiotic 2)Nerdy/ignored/clumsy 3)President of the student council/loud/noisy/a complete tsundere--->Come ON!!

*I'd love to see a heroine fall for a nerdier guy because I'd love to see how he'd handle her hints (if he'd actually get them baahaha)

*Someone already mentioned this I'm sure but I hate how all heroines are either big-busted or completely flat-chested, no in between ;/

*Guy knows everything there is to know about love, but the girl knows nothing at all haha

SO much more...but I'd rather not no

You guys should try watching Full Metal Panic! (currently has three seasons) but it's not completely shoujo/it also has action and adventure wink My all time fav anime/manga/light-novel series eyes


- of the ones I HATE the most is when the girl does/says something cute (like repeatedly saying "I like you") and the guy tells her to stop and he then asks, "Do you want me to me reckless with you?" o.O What a perv!!!

Last edited by Rainy Days at 2:23 am, Dec 27 2010

"Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."
Post #435295
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7:16 am, Dec 29 2010
Posts: 152

"Cute" girls that talk about their selves in the third person while being wilful or demanding ridiculous things!

Post #439220 - Reply to (#435295) by bleeb

7:07 am, Jan 12 2011
Posts: 63

Quote from bleeb
"Cute" girls that talk about their selves in the third person while being wilful or demanding ridiculous things!

Lol, but I can tell you for a fact that you might just catch a cute Japanese high school/junior high girl actually doing that--maybe. I've actually seen a little girl or two behaving that way with a guy in public; which I can't believe, because I never saw that as a kid when I was living in Japan with the fam. It's not very common, but does happen every now and then.

...and yes, it's just as annoying in real life as it is in manga. Trust me roll eyes

I'm a bit of a drifter between two countries

10:52 pm, Jan 17 2011
Posts: 3

I'm so sick of all these cliches D:
Can anyone make a post about mangas that DON'T have these stupid stuff? Or at least are more credible?

Post #441080

2:16 am, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 78

I hate the stereotypical weak, compliant main character, who is completely unable to do anything but cry and wait for one or some of her love interests to come save her from whatever predicament she has gotten herself into. If you're being attacked by some monster, you run or fight. None of this falling down to your knees and staring wide-eyed at it in fear. If some guy grabs you, you kick him in the where it hurts. These characters also tend to be indecisive and whiny.

Generally it's the one dimensional characters that I find annoying. I know it's manga/anime and not high literature, but can I please get some character development or depth please?

Post #441228
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Obsessive Otaku

3:29 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 71

the guy is always there whenever the girl is in trouble no matter where she is. is he kind of stalking her to protect her life? also this cliche happens even with a guy who is a rival or hates the girl for some reason. is he already in love with her so much that he has to stalk her to save her life every single occasion? this is the situation i dislike in a manga where people come out of nowhere without a believable reason. if it's done realistically it would be good.


6:25 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 313

I hate the girls in love triangles that pick the jerkasses that treat them horribly rather than the nice guy or childhood friend.

Dakara Ore ni Shina yo is the one I most recently read involving this where the girl picked the bastard that at one point even took her to a warehouse so a bunch of criminals could gangrape her. Even after that she chose that guy instead of the nice guy childhood friend that would always come to her rescue.

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6:38 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 28

-insanely perfect guy in every way: is kind of freaky and abnormal to me.
-Super, super dumb girl who always relies on guy to rescue her (maybe once is okay but all the time is kind of bleh) dead also the constant crying is very annoying.
--When the girl thinks she is dumped/ she's upset and runs to the love rival getting his hopes up (which is really mean)

[quote] devioustrevor
I hate the girls in love triangles that pick the jerkasses that treat them horribly rather than the nice guy or childhood friend.

-I totally agree

Post #441278 - Reply to (#15387) by stellarr
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6:46 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 51

Quote from stellarr
cliche i hate.. How the main guy (usually misunderstood, evil, but sexy male main character with a hidden good side) continues to have his way with the simpering heroine, despite her yelling "No! No! Please..No!" ... geez.. if you REALLY don't want to be there that much.. .. kick the boy where it hurts and point and laugh (or run like hell.. whichever makes you happy).

Lmao! Omg I loved ur comment!!!!! smile I was like that is wat should happen!! I mean seriously grow a backbone! I do hate those mangas! Anyways other than that I like the ones where the girl falls in love with an older man but not too old. It kinda show the difference of maturity levels. I think those are interesting. Not talking about smut here or anything. Lol. smile oh and I do hate when the girl falls in love with the guy who is a jerk instead of the guy who really loves her and is there for her!!! mad

Post #453402

12:52 pm, Mar 13 2011

Some said there is an abundance of hot-looking, hot-tempered shoujo girls - where, oh where? I want some.

As for the Worst Shoujo Cliche, I have two in competition with each other:
- Everywoman heroine, or, rather Everygirl: average in every possible way, lacking any talent or superb quality, with ridiculously low self-esteem
- Rape-is-love

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