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Suggestions for Animal Clay Project

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5:50 pm, Nov 2 2011
Posts: 339

Thanks for reading my post smile I'm looking for inspiration for a particular project in my ceramics class. The assignment requires the clay item I make to be an animal (or representative of an animal, such as antlers) and it also needs to be 3D, not flat, in order to demonstrate technical proficiency.

There's a lot of rich meaning, myth, stories and symbolism associated with different animals. My first idea was a tiger, because I admire their strength, beauty, grace and ferociousness. However, I don't have the skill to make a tiger that I would be happy with as representing tigers.

I am looking for suggestions as to an animal (or part of an animal) that I can make that is:
-possible for someone with limited experience in pottery
-doesn't require talent for realistic, complicated art
-ideally with some sort of meaning or significance.

A challenge in pottery is that pieces can't be solid, and you have to think about the technical process of reaching your final image. For techniques, I am most comfortable with slab, but also know pinching, coiling and draping.


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El Psy Kongroo.

6:02 pm, Nov 2 2011
Posts: 968

For something simpler you can try a turtle shell with a creative design on it?

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1:27 am, Nov 3 2011
Posts: 497

A panda?

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7:55 pm, Nov 5 2011
Posts: 339

Thanks for the suggestions smile I ended up doing a mouse, but your ideas are good ones for trying another time.

Post #505700
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the mu...

8:14 pm, Nov 5 2011
Posts: 1050

Now that brings back memories.... Mine was a brachiosaur... Though it was more of a cartoon than the real.... Reason: because the real thing is huge... Though that doesn't explain why i made it cartoon like..

I know it's late to post a suggestion now... But i just wanna post anyway ^___^

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