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White Hairs?

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The Movie Critic

11:55 am, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 515

Some times people get white hairs due to stress just wanted to add that.

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Crazy Cat Lady

11:58 am, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 1850

I have quite a few at 38 but they don't really show as my hair is streaky blond-brown, so I don't know when they started showing up.

My mom is almost 68 and her hair is still mostly dark brown; her mom is almost 90 and her hair is also still mostly dark brown (I know she doesn't dye it as she does have some gray/white hairs). I have a relative on my mom's side whose hair was completely white by the time she turned 16, and quite a few others whose hair went completely white (not gray) at a fairly young age. My dad is almost 74 and last I saw him his hair was almost completely white. Be interesting to see what happens with mine! eyes

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Post #309179
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Is a female

1:07 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 3457

Nah I haven't found any white hairs in my hair.

Which is surprising considering the amount of stress that I have to endure every single year. It's been overload for 3 years now and it's not reducing any time soon -___-
I guess my body uses other means to express my stress (e.g headaches)

Post #309183
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1:17 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 1619

I haven't found any yet (in my 30s), but I have had a few white eyelashes. That's as close as it's gotten.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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Madame Red

3:09 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 2172

i got two strands of white hair ever since i was born though they are quite red now since i dye it.

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8:55 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 1698

I have never gotten those pesky white hairs before.
But my older sister has them. I usually help her cut them short or pluck it. (Hopefully not pluck it all the time or it'll do bad to the roots in the future.) But I guess she has an average amount of stress for a college student? She usually has around... 3-8 strands on her head, somewhere hidden.

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 Site Admin

9:13 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 6221

I've found 2 white hairs on my head

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2nd wave MU user

10:41 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 7784

I used to have here and there, but now my hair
has returned to the dark brown colour
it was when I was a kid.

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Lowly Member

11:18 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 3888

I found a white hair last year.
I was so...;_____; </3
But I haven't found any since then, so hopefully I won't find any in the future...

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Post #309295
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11:44 pm, Jul 27 2009
Posts: 99

[ edit ]
White hair also stand for...
you guys getting old.

meh, i don't have white hair. My hair pretty black in color smile


12:04 am, Jul 28 2009
Posts: 40

I have so many white hair, I think it's due to the gene. People notice right away when I talk to them. It's not like they're all over the head but visible enough. If I look at the mirror, I can pick out 30, at least. Heck, I haven't been 19 yet. But I never bother to dye either.

Post #309306 - Reply to (#309295) by mileen

1:08 am, Jul 28 2009
Posts: 72

Quote from mileen
[ edit ]
White hair also stand for...
you guys getting old.

meh, i don't have white hair. My hair pretty black in color smile

Same here, I never found any white/gray hair, but I saw people my age (16) with gray hair *a bunch of no

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Post #309356
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6:46 am, Jul 28 2009
Posts: 1619

Losing color over time (which can sometimes begin at puberty) is also a genetic factor, not an age factor.

I had a friend who started losing her hair color (going gray) in her teens. To help mitigate how much color she lost, she would eat as much (I think it was) copper, the mineral, as possible. The copper helped her hair keep its color for a few years longer before she went solid gray in her late 20s.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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chasing oblivion

5:11 pm, Jul 28 2009
Posts: 1366

I had one white hair in high school. I think it just died one day because all it did was stick out from all the other hairs on my head. It was just one straight, white hair.

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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Monkey. :B

5:35 pm, Jul 28 2009
Posts: 1966

Quote from StarlightDreams
But I haven't found any since then, so hopefully I won't find any in the future...

Don't worry, these things take time. >:')

I found two this year. T____T But my hair is reaaally jet-black, not even noticeable. ;3 A-and pictures lie! It looks like I have a lot in pics, but that's just the lighting! >____>

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