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Looking for a yaoi manga about domestic partnership

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10:04 pm, Nov 14 2021
Posts: 4

I don't remember much of it but I just remember the topic of marriage coming up and one of them was apprehensive about it but then, one of them gets into an accident and because they don't have a partnership or something like that, the other can't see them in the hospital.

Basically the hospital only let the mom go see them and it took a while for the guy to come home but once he came home the two decided to have a partnership/get married so in case it happens again, they can see each other and be there for each other in the hospital.

I also remember that they both had short-ish hair and it was really similar to Kowagaranai de, soba ni ita except they didn't get amnesia from the accident or die!!

I'm so sorry there isn't much information. I do remember the guy in the hospital saying it was really sad and lonely because they couldn't see their partner.

It was a really memorable manga cause it was the first one I've ever read that included a concept like that because I didn't realize people within the LGBTQ community weren't allowed to go see their partners in the hospital.

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1:08 am, Nov 15 2021
Posts: 12

Hi! I'm interested in reading that manga so, I'm gonna try to look for it as well. Can you remember their occupations and if it's a one-shot, part of a collection, or not? And does it have smut or just pure shounen-ai?

Post #793662 - Reply to (#793657) by Kryspy_Kreme

6:02 am, Nov 15 2021
Posts: 4

I don't remember many details about the characters so i believe it might be a one-shot// im so sorry im so unsure.

Post #793663 - Reply to (#793662) by lostchild88888888
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6:12 am, Nov 15 2021
Posts: 12

It's okay! I just tried asking in case. Thank you!

Post #793674 - Reply to (#793652) by lostchild88888888
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7:43 pm, Nov 15 2021
Posts: 12

Hi! This is the closest one I could find. All the ones I found with accidents in yaoi have amnesia lol so, this is the only one I found without amnesia and talking about partnership, aside from Boku ga Otto ni Deau made. But that's based on a true story (it's beautiful, I recommend). I'll search again if I could.

Post #793683 - Reply to (#793674) by Kryspy_Kreme

11:13 pm, Nov 15 2021
Posts: 4

Ah sadly, its not that one 🙁((( Thank you so much though!!

Post #795172 - Reply to (#793657) by Kryspy_Kreme

2:01 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 5

hi! i think i know which manga this is:
Restart wa Onaka wo Sukasete its the sequel of Restart wa Tadaima no Ato

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