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Post #264402
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I am the Devil

10:35 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 2081

so because of the second arrancar release, does that make ulquoirra the strongest or what? im confused and dont really want to start this thread. not a bad chapter as theyre goin lately

Post #264404 - Reply to (#264402) by robbit

10:42 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 5

Quote from robbit
so because of the second arrancar release, does that make ulquoirra the strongest or what? im confused and dont really want to start this thread. not a bad chapter as theyre goin lately

It's got to make him the strongest now, though I've been having this funny feeling that says Ichigo has a second form as well

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11:02 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 4917

Emospada turned into (D)emo(n)spada!

I hope Ichigo dies.

Wont happen tho, But i can hope.

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11:10 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 878

Drum roll please!
Enter Hollow Ichigo.
Anyone remember how when Ulquiorra and Yammi first went to Karakura town and Ichigo's reatsu was fluctuating so much because of his inner hollow, that Ulquiorra mentioned in his silent monologue how at the lowest it was trash and at the highest greater than his own? Well now is a perfect time for inner hollow to come out spinning his sword in a crazy new way!

I just hope Inoue and Ishida won't interfere next chapter and waste panels which could be dedicated to inner hollow Ichigo.
There's also the slight possibility Ishida Express might something else that is as usefull as his new elevator/escalator reatsu thingy or have set another handy trap beforehand to get in Ulquiorra's way.

All and all this chapter was pretty damn awesome. It makes one appreciate Ulquiorra's 2nd release, which is a vast improvement over the 1st one (it was so bad you had to be blind not to see Kubo's regret for drawing it like he did).

And is it just me or does Stark seem too cool to be weaker than Ulquiorra? Somehow I just can't count the top 3 out yet... I mean if Ichigo, weak as he is beats the strongest Espada, what happens to the other 3 that are facing Yamamoto geezer and all those other shinigami?

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Post #264410 - Reply to (#264407) by Identity Crisis
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11:11 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 25

Quote from HatakeKakashi
Emospada turned into (D)emo(n)spada!

I hope Ichigo dies.

Wont happen tho, But i can hope.

He really is a d-emo-nspada now lol.

Maybe Ichigo will turn in to an espada now that he has a hugh hole in his chest, which technically means he's dead now due to his heart being blow out.

Post #264411 - Reply to (#264404) by dornwolf
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11:12 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 641

Quote from dornwolf
It's got to make him the strongest now, though I've been having this funny feeling that says Ichigo has a second form as well

Yeah, the 2nd release pretty much hints at Ichigo going the same path soon. I'm guessing full hollow armor of sorts for Ichigo or a sword change.

Heh, good thing orihime got to the top now, nothing dies since she can just reverse it like she did with the others...

Should get interesting now that we've reached the "bottom", so sound the signal for the counter attack! eyes

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Post #264412 - Reply to (#264410) by l8on
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11:14 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 878

Quote from l8on
Maybe Ichigo will turn in to an espada now that he has a hugh hole in his chest, which technically means he's dead now due to his heart being blow out.

lol maybe...
I woudn't count on it though. Last time Ulquiorra wasted him, Inoue just used her cheat powers. This time the hole looks bigger but... she can reject it's existence so yeah...

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Demented Octopus

11:15 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 737

Eh, wasn't horrible, I guess. I at least felt like things were moving this time. I still hope this fight ends soon.

Tree + Taco = Tree taco.
Post #264415 - Reply to (#264412) by xtr3m3dude
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11:29 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 25

Quote from xtr3m3dude
Quote from l8on
Maybe Ichigo will turn in to an espada now that he has a hugh hole in his chest, which technically means he's dead now due to his heart being blow out.

lol maybe...
I woudn't count on it though. Last time Ulquiorra wasted him, Inoue just used her cheat powers. This time the hole looks bigger but... she can reject it's existence so yeah...

Cheat powers haha. If she can do that why doesn't she rejects Ulquiorra existence, there problem solve. She'll probably play some role in the next chapter, apart from screaming Ichigos name over and over, but I wouldn't be surprised if it skips to another fight.

Post #264417 - Reply to (#264407) by Identity Crisis
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11:43 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 3342

Quote from HatakeKakashi
Emospada turned into (D)emo(n)spada!

I hope Ichigo dies.

Wont happen tho, But i can hope.

Yea, he got a hole shot through him already... and lived.

But yea, I feel a Dues Ex Machina comin on.
This reminds me so much of Goku vs. Freeza

I mean, didn't that last scene remind anyone of something?
Like when Freeza killed Vegeta? >.>

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #264418
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11:48 pm, Mar 5 2009
Posts: 176

Alright...mortal wound of a hole in Ichigo. Gee...Kubo Tite sure is taking his time with this. Every week I'm hoping for something more exciting then last but surely enough I'm hoping for too much.

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1:46 am, Mar 6 2009
Posts: 155

Gotta give it to Tite this time. I have to admit, imo, this chapter left me breathless. I am actually at the edge of my seat and I'm reading this while I'm in the office, dang!! I'm holding my breathe but to actually see the almost lifeless ichigo with a whole in the middle of his body, it's too much. Im not a super fan of him but i'm always rooting for the hero. Double dang!! and Orihime I'm not sure what you're trying to do but I hope you will not make the situation worse than it already is.

I think i am in a roller coaster while reading this chapter, ididn't have the moment to be amaze wiht Ulquiorra's second form when I was suddently thrust in the depth of dark despair of Ulquiorra's power and then the next panels shows how Ichigo was owned by Ulquiorra very easily. Then I don't have time to wonder what's with Ulquiorra's second form and that Aizen actually didn't know about it? Really i have mixed emotions after reading this, yeah i know i'm pretty overdramatic here since i was so bored during the past week that i was caught by surprise this week.

Setting the bleach plot aside,i think Tite was not really impress with Ulquiorra's first release that he has to go in this direction the second release form.It's just so weird thought that he's just a number 4 but he has 2nd release, kinda super super bankai for the shinigamis.

Ok I wrote so much but on the lighter side, I agree with Byakuya winning this time and Hyorinmaru being the 2nd (did i interpret the results correctly?). That's because I haven't seen Yoruichi's zanpakutou as well as kisuke's. anyway for wabisuke , i'm not sure i agree although that episode with kira explaining why his sword was given that name was really amazing, until now can't forget that scene.

Last edited by pamc_kel at 1:59 am, Mar 6 2009

If I were the rain.....
Could I ever merge with somebody's heart,
Like the way the rain merges the sky and earth,
Never meant to connect...
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The Gorilla Killa™

1:51 am, Mar 6 2009
Posts: 3229

I can't help but laugh at the poll. Ikkaku, Soi Fon, Kaname, or Aizen should be in one of those 5 spots. But I guess Captain Short Stack and Ms. "Am I a boy or a girl?" get the #1 and #2 spots by way of fans who ride the short bus. AGAIN.

And where the hell are Kenpachi, Byakuya, Mayuri, and Unohana at during all this? Why haven't they flash stepped their asses over to the fight and help Ichigo?

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #264463 - Reply to (#264407) by Identity Crisis
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Form is Emptiness.

3:17 am, Mar 6 2009
Posts: 930

Quote from HatakeKakashi
Emospada turned into (D)emo(n)spada!

I hope Ichigo dies.

Wont happen tho, But i can hope.

Better: we witnessed the transformation from Emo to Kiss! eek

isnt it an amazing thing? laugh

Anyway he resembled Devilman, when he had only the wings.

Regarding the plot, i can only say: LAME.

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I need a die with 2 sides.

That's known as a "coin".

Oh, thanks. Too much D&D.
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3:47 am, Mar 6 2009
Posts: 31

And again: no poll... *sigh* -.-

Well, the best thing about this chapter was for me that now finally something will have to happen again. I don't really even care what but finally the "crushing Ichigo into random walls and buildings" chapters have come to an end end we might experience a bit of progress in the story again.

And grats for Kira getting 4th place in the Zanpakutou poll. Unexpected that he's even higher ranked than Byakuya, but nice.
<3 Wabisuke

Ok I wrote so much but on the lighter side, I agree with Byakuya winning this time and Hyorinmaru being the 2nd (did i interpret the results correctly?).

No you didn't.

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