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New Poll - Sports

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11:38 pm, Nov 22 2019
Posts: 10709

This week's poll came from my own brain.

We need more poll ideas though! You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: You usually prefer
Fantastical setting with many supernatural elements - votes: 1102 (39.6%)
Realistic setting that can include some supernatural elements (ghosts, werewolves, light magical powers, etc) - votes: 1247 (44.8%)
Realistic stories without any supernatural elements - votes: 435 (15.6%)
There were 2784 total votes.
The poll ended: November 23rd 2019

I would like to ask about low vs high fantasy, but I doubt many people would understand

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Seinen is RIGHT

6:12 am, Nov 23 2019
Posts: 2421

Yeah, I play(ed) for fun outside of school. Regardless of that. I need to get my blood pressure down so back to jogging and the old prison workout for me.
It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day - that’s the hard part. But it does get easier. Urgh, fuck jogging.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Lone Wanderer

7:11 am, Nov 23 2019
Posts: 2129

No, and it doesn't interest me. And, yep, I know I'm doing nothing to discourage the disparaging views society holds re: otaku 🤣 But I'm still twenty-eight! Plenty of time left before health concerns force me to exercise! I hope...

Post #773057 - Reply to (#773054) by calstine
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9:03 am, Nov 23 2019
Posts: 1143

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No, and it doesn't interest me
Never really been a sports fan. I can "get into it" if I focus on the game being played, or if it's a story, but I've just never had any interest in getting involved in sports. That being said, I have been taking exercising more seriously over the past several months because I am tired of feeling so sickly a lot of the time, and a lot of the "body positive" propaganda I see being pushed I find to be disgusting and it scares the living shit out of me.

Quote from calstine
But I'm still twenty-eight! Plenty of time left before health concerns force me to exercise! I hope...

Sorry, that isn't the way life works. You finally "stop" growing and maturing by the time you hit 30, with the rest of you life being dictated by the physical choices you made up to the point. You can still became "healthier" after you hit 30, but it becomes harder to enforce that habit and you won't be able to reach as much of a "prime condition" as you would have had you been practicing even the simplest "basic health advice" up to that point.

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Post #773059
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10:44 am, Nov 23 2019
Posts: 648

Unless ballet or thru-hiking counts, I’ve never done sports except in PE. My fondest memory is when someone threw a football to me and I put my arms over my head and ran away 🤣

Post #773066

10:14 pm, Nov 23 2019
Posts: 441

Yeah, but only for class (PE, etc), but I have played a little bit of table tennis, on occasion, when I've been in places where it's been available.
Also I've done a bit of martial arts training (physical, but not sport), which I'd love to do more, but sadly have only done a bit and very sporadically (barely ever, these last years, sadly), due to certain issues outside of my control. I'd also like to (though in a relatively safe manner) learn some parkour (again, not a sport), but what with the above mentioned issues...

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5:48 am, Nov 24 2019
Posts: 421

Yeah, I play(ed) for fun outside of school.
Football (Soccer for Americans) and Swimming are my things.

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9:56 am, Nov 25 2019
Posts: 28


Last edited by Quinatsu at 7:26 pm, Feb 28 2020

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3:42 am, Nov 29 2019
Posts: 140

Yeah, I play(ed) for a school team (high school, college, etc)

In school, only played for classes – loved football, rounders, cricket, hockey, idk basketball + badminton?

Instantly dropped any exercise as soon as it stopped being compulsory, but I started taekwondo in uni, which is more a 'team sport' during competition seasons.
I've tragically put it on hold for a year while studying abroad, so I'm definitely less in shape 🤣 Now, I just get the occasional yoga session, but after aborting a class this morning, I figure I'd rather go for a run. It's probably better to re-strengthen my legs and feet anyway.

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