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Man marries body pillow girlfriend in Korea

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Post #363067 - Reply to (#363000) by bedob
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Is a female

8:38 am, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 3457

Quote from bedob
So, if someone would to steal the pillow, would it be theft or kidnapping? O_o


That made my day xD

"Someone stole my wife! Literally stole her!"

Post #363068 - Reply to (#363067) by tactics
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2nd wave MU user

8:52 am, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from tactics
Quote from bedob
So, if someone would to steal the pillow, would it be theft or kidnapping? O_o


That made my day xD

"Someone stole my wife! Literally stole her!"

Somebody is sleeping with my wife
on the kitchen floor. She's all covered in
pasta and dogs lick her all over.

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9:30 am, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 838

My bad, I retract my words about calling Asia refering to this topic, just Japan an Korea for this crazyness

<b>Reading</b> <!--m_gen--><a href='' title="Click for series info"><u>Love Lucky</u></a><!--m_gen_end--><BR><b>Recommended</b> <!--m_gen--><a href='' title="Click for series info"><u>B Gata H Kei</u></a><!--m_gen_end--> <3 <!--m_gen--><a href='' title="Click for series info"><u>Conveni-N</u></a><!--m_gen_end--> XD<BR><!--img--><img src='' border='0' alt='User Posted Image'><!--img_end-->
Post #363097 - Reply to (#363003) by camchan
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12:53 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 128

This whole article makes me laugh. A random dude can marry an inanimate object, but a civilized, consenting gay couple is refused a ceremony? What happened to that sanctity of marriage everyone is trying so hard to protect?

On a different note--- gay marriage is once again illegal in California, but marrying your cousin is still allowed. Rednecks rejoice.

Now that's just sad cry

Anyway, I feel sorry for the guy's poor parents!
neighbor: So your son got married recently right?
mom: eer... yes...
neighbor: We saw it on the news. It was to a body-
mom: OK! gtg now kthnxbai! *runs*
neighbors: LOL

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1:12 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 846

Ehhh... I don't really care about what others do. If they want to, they can get married to a tree or even a wall. *shrugs*

Though, it might be a worrying trend if many more start to do this because it reflects a lack of bonds and ties to society and it speaks a lot about how norms, values and trends are changing too fast for society or general populace to keep up with. Hence, the disconnection or rejection.


1:30 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 16 the guy not a pedophile? How old is the chick on the pillow?... P.s-yes it does sound wierd, but there are worst the farms in Washington where u pay entrence nd get ur pick of the farm animal you want to spend your nite with (wish I was joking)

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1:52 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 910

Haha wow. And a picture to go along with it.

Post #363120
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2:51 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

OMG....this guy is on youtube.....

Ugh, this guy brings shame to South Korea.....He's so chubby and happy too......and he's pretty young....this guy needs therapy...with two wires and a battery

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #363121 - Reply to (#363120) by BoxBox
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2nd wave MU user

2:53 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from BoxBox
OMG....this guy is on youtube.....

Ugh, this guy brings shame to South Korea.....He's so chubby and happy too......and he's pretty young....this guy needs therapy...with two wires and a battery

Guy doesn't feel any shame. : D

Post #363127 - Reply to (#363003) by camchan
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3:41 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 574

Quote from camchan
A random dude can marry an inanimate object, but a civilized, consenting gay couple is refused a ceremony? What happened to that sanctity of marriage everyone is trying so hard to protect?

This is what really bothers me no

I can't laugh or be disgusted, because this whole things is just >.>
What is wrong with people?

Did he need to get married to be happy with his pillow?
No. Perhaps super-troll?

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Post #363132

3:58 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 165

on the bright side, he's getting attention from people, so maybe his soulmate whomever she may be, sees him and something happens and before you know it, the pillow is divorced and the man is happily married.

Post #363134 - Reply to (#362958) by Kitteh_13
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4:23 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 176

Quote from Kitteh_13
And a psychic told me I'd meet my true love when I'm 23 and I'll have two kids. So I'll find someone some day....

well if a psychic told you then it must be true right ?!
....that statement is almost as sad as that video

Post #363136 - Reply to (#363134) by Pocono
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4:30 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

Quote from Pocono
Quote from Kitteh_13
And a psychic told me I'd meet my true love when I'm 23 and I'll have two kids. So I'll find someone some day....

well if a psychic told you then it must be true right ?!
....that statement is almost as sad as that video

I think Kitteh_13 was being sarcastic....

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #363137
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

4:31 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 476

I don't how people can get pleasure by having sex with the pillow..I mean i hv tried that and the result wasn't quite statisfying..
And why would that guy want to marry a pillow.. confused confused confused confused confused confused

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Slow internet is DEADLY

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Post #363139 - Reply to (#363120) by BoxBox
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Form is Emptiness.

4:40 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 930

Quote from BoxBox
OMG....this guy is on youtube.....

Ugh, this guy brings shame to South Korea.....He's so chubby and happy too......and he's pretty young....this guy needs therapy...with two wires and a battery

why wasting electricity...just some waterboarding and its done, hopefully. At least he will be cleaner than ever, bet he didnt ever go to the beach or the pool, and water avoids him as in The Ring 2.

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from Mamsmilk
I need a die with 2 sides.

That's known as a "coin".

Oh, thanks. Too much D&D.
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