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Man marries body pillow girlfriend in Korea

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Post #363235 - Reply to (#363230) by grandexeno
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1:53 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 6

Quote from grandexeno
Quote from spupapi
Quote from grandexeno
Quote from spupapi
Quote from grandexeno
Quote from spupapi
Sorry people, but can I ask You something? What's wrong with getting merried with pillow? Wow it's funny. You people make him look bad, pity him or whatsover, it won't change anything. If you've got time to complain, then use your time to change him smile

Ok, give me a metal bat and a ticket to Korea.

@all the people "defending" the otakuretard: this is not about happiness nor sadness nor "freedom of choice", its about mental illness. This cant be cured by a psychologist but a psychiatrist: learn the difference.

The issue is not "well if he is happy let him be": no-one-should-be-happy-MARRYING-an-object, i hope its clear. Being a hardcore supporter for something is fine (preference), marrying an Inanimated (lol counts as an error to my win7englishcorrector, rofl!) thing is just NOT SANE.

Do you talk to things? No. Is it "freedom of thought" to talk to things? When you encounter someone talking to THINGS do you think "oh well what a happy go lucky attitude, god bless him" or "omgawd stay away from me you freak"?

Its not that here we give freebies to the ones that display the most of "freedom for all" attitude heh, its not a race to who's first among "freedom defenders", i'll have you know it.

What would you do with that bat?

"Change" him, as you requested: what else? Heck even I need tools for miracles.

Change him? I see, i am glad that you've taken an action smile . But can you tell us, or tell me at least, what exactly you're going to do with the bat please? I am just curious you know.

Hum, lets think about it as a tool to make him "soft": thus as in your signature he'll be able to overcome all the hardships of the world.

No, I think you understood my signature wrong. You're going to make him soft by doing it hard way on him, right? That way, you can't make him soft no metter how many times you try. By being tough, you can also overcome all the hardship in this world, but by being positive and "soft" it's also effective. Well that doesn't metter, should focus on topic.

Softness overcomes all the hardness in the world, whatever in psychology or in physics, it's no lie.
Soft guy makes tough guy become soft, may it be visible or not, inside of him becomes soft, it's just metter of time. Same with rock, water makes the rock dull. Water is adaptable and without shape, if you put it in tea cup it'll become a tea cup, if you put it in can it'll become can.
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2:19 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 878

Spupapi, you are reading too much into his words.
He just means that he'll beat that Otaku until he turns soft, and henceforth becoming a pillow, which would make it okay to marry another pillow, so that the 2 pillows can live happily ever after...

Whole topic is pointless. Obvious trolls are obvious.

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Post #363240 - Reply to (#363210) by Taruby
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

2:19 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 476

Quote from Taruby
Quote from Jun Tenkawa
He called his pillow his girlfriend. I don't know about you, but anyone who calls their pillow their "girlfriend" and thinks of it the same as a real person is in delusion. Either way, he clearly has some mental problems.

Are you sure he "thinks" of it as a real person? If not, perhaps you are confusing "treating" it like a real person with "believing" it is. To give an example, think of how people can treat other people's children like their own biological child (while not believing that the other person's child is actually their biological offspring). I wouldn't necessarily call pretending that your stuffed animal is your best friend, and then do things with it like if it was your best friend to be delusional, either.

To be delusional, he would have to persist in a "belief" even when it is proven to him to be false or impossible to falsify (An impossible to falsify belief would be something like a belief in the invisible pink unicorn). Another important aspect is that it causes a strong emotional response, and that he's over-sensitive about anything contradicting the belief.

Unless you know for sure that the Korean man indeed believes that the pillow-case is a real human being, and remains steadfast in this belief even when you point out that it is not a real human being, I think it would be more fair to opt that he's merely exhibiting a coping mechanism for an imaginative, lonely person who wants to express an extreme fondness for a fictional character who happens to be imprinted on a sheet of polyester or cotton (and knows that it is indeed a fictional character imprinted on a sheet of polyester or cotton that he's lugging around if you actually confront him about it).

If he doesn't "think" that pillow is a real person why would he want to marry the pillow..If he is just "treating" the pillow as a real person, he should know that you can't marry pillow..He even do the wedding ceremony which I think cost quite a lot of money(the tuxedo itself is quite expensive).You wouldn't go that far for a teddy bear..

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jail bait

2:34 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 1444

that was really sad!! what is happening to the world?? but oh wait... this insanity... and the rapid decrease in male population... does this mean... that maybe in the next 100 years men will be wiped out of the face of this planet?? and women will rule the world?? OH NO!!! i didnt even had the chance to meet my soulmate!!! cry

but ruling the world would be nice laugh

oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
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2:54 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 1699

That's interesting!
Whatever floats his boat! I'm just curious how that wedding ceremony went. *__*

Post #363249
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3:59 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 6

Well, wouldn't it be better to merry the sex toy, rubber doll which looks like anime character? I'd say that's better, that guy made a mistake.

Softness overcomes all the hardness in the world, whatever in psychology or in physics, it's no lie.
Soft guy makes tough guy become soft, may it be visible or not, inside of him becomes soft, it's just metter of time. Same with rock, water makes the rock dull. Water is adaptable and without shape, if you put it in tea cup it'll become a tea cup, if you put it in can it'll become can.
Post #363256 - Reply to (#363242) by otakuness
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0n3 Winged

4:50 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 603

Quote from otakuness
that was really sad!! what is happening to the world?? but oh wait... this insanity... and the rapid decrease in male population... does this mean... that maybe in the next 100 years men will be wiped out of the face of this planet?? and women will rule the world?? OH NO!!! i didnt even had the chance to meet my soulmate!!! cry

but ruling the world would be nice laugh

oh my sister is a bio chemist in univesity and guess what?

there are more women being being born because of the y,x cromazones, aparantly the womens cromozones are bigger and something about the chances decresing for you to have a baby boy, aparatly withing 70 years more than 70% of the population will be women! laugh
they are trying to solve this problem, i hope they don't, we will be the stuff of legends in the future...yeahhh... laugh

how will the population sustain without men? they figured a way to create sperm cells without any male recipients, just a womens egg lol.

for all the feminist hardcore out there isn't this great news! laugh

Last edited by fr33noob at 5:01 am, Mar 12 2010

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I believe in letting people do as they wish, as do I myself. Sometimes, of course, what I wish to do is kill them and they do not wish to die. This gives life interest.
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Post #363258
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4:54 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 1354

I giggled myself silly reading xtr3m3dude, grandexeno and spupapi's repeated mentions of making the guy "soft"... LOLARIOUS. I'm sure that if he's into pillows, you guys really would make him go soft, with or without a metal bat - I mean, he's just not into animate beings. Lol. laugh laugh laugh

I don't see what the problem is with this guy loving/fancying/wanting a pillow. I'm actually more concerned about the LAW of a country that could allow this kind of marriage to be legally recognized... Not because it's immoral (I don't think it is, since no one's being hurt), but because cases like this could easily result in faked identities, insurance fraud, false claims to social security and other identity-related crimes (all done in the name of a "pillow" or other such object). I'm just concerned about the potentially criminal ramifications of allowing inanimate objects to exist as legally-recognized entities... And what about wills? If this guy leaves money to his pillow-wife, who the heck is ACTUALLY going to get the money? Too many potential legal problems!

Post #363268 - Reply to (#363153) by loosecannon504
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6:28 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 1668

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Quote from loosecannon504
Quote from BoxBox
OMG....this guy is on youtube.....

Ugh, this guy brings shame to South Korea.....He's so chubby and happy too......and he's pretty young....this guy needs therapy...with two wires and a battery

My favorite comment on there:

you people are missing the point. the real sad story here is that a nice pillow like that had to marry a fat four-eyed jerkoff.


Here comes the paradox. If someone was allowed to marry their right many rings do they have to put on their ring finger? laugh

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #363272 - Reply to (#363268) by BoxBox
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2nd wave MU user

6:43 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from BoxBox
Quote from loosecannon504
Quote from BoxBox
OMG....this guy is on youtube.....

Ugh, this guy brings shame to South Korea.....He's so chubby and happy too......and he's pretty young....this guy needs therapy...with two wires and a battery

My favorite comment on there:

you people are missing the point. the real sad story here is that a nice pillow like that had to marry a fat four-eyed jerkoff.


Here comes the paradox. If someone was allowed to marry their right many rings do they have to put on their ring finger? laugh


Post #363277 - Reply to (#363272) by Mamsmilk
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6:57 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from BoxBox
Quote from loosecannon504
Quote from BoxBox
OMG....this guy is on youtube.....

Ugh, this guy brings shame to South Korea.....He's so chubby and happy too......and he's pretty young....this guy needs therapy...with two wires and a battery

My favorite comment on there:

you people are missing the point. the real sad story here is that a nice pillow like that had to marry a fat four-eyed jerkoff.


Here comes the paradox. If someone was allowed to marry their right many rings do they have to put on their ring finger? laugh


So what if the guy thinks the hand doesn't want to do it but he cannot control his own impulse which is expressed through the hand.... eek

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #363294
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

8:36 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 476


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Slow internet is DEADLY

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8:51 am, Mar 12 2010
Posts: 24

Wow...just...just wow...

Post #363464 - Reply to (#363256) by fr33noob
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jail bait

4:43 am, Mar 13 2010
Posts: 1444

Quote from fr33noob
Quote from otakuness
that was really sad!! what is happening to the world?? but oh wait... this insanity... and the rapid decrease in male population... does this mean... that maybe in the next 100 years men will be wiped out of the face of this planet?? and women will rule the world?? OH NO!!! i didnt even had the chance to meet my soulmate!!! cry

but ruling the world would be nice laugh

oh my sister is a bio chemist in univesity and guess what?

there are more women being being born because of the y,x cromazones, aparantly the womens cromozones are bigger and something about the chances decresing for you to have a baby boy, aparatly withing 70 years more than 70% of the population will be women! laugh
they are trying to solve this problem, i hope they don't, we will be the stuff of legends in the future...yeahhh... laugh

how will the population sustain without men? they figured a way to create sperm cells without any male recipients, just a womens egg lol.

for all the feminist hardcore out there isn't this great news! laugh

it will come faster than expected!!! that made me a little upset... but also happy in the inside!!!
byebye soulmate!! hello femal world domination!!! bwahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!!!

oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
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3:23 pm, Mar 13 2010
Posts: 774

O_O OMG the amount of people that made accounts to talk on this thread.
You guys defending him are stoops.

I wonder if when he goes to the amusement park he pays for two tickets? HE BETTER! Taking up a whole fkking seat!

Main Entry: mar·riage
Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century

1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

I don't like the opposite sex part but thats how she goes now a days. So here you are. He can't marry the pillow because she isn't a woman (she is actually a girl.. what a creep pedo) not to mention she is a PILLOW. And it wasn't consensual.

Oh and btw. What if another guy dating the same pillow came along? Would there be a fight? n_n

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