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New Poll - Changing Yourself or the World

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11:33 am, Dec 10 2016
Posts: 10673

This week's poll was suggested by Estranger. It was inspired by the Rewrite series, which I know nothing about... The question itself is an interesting one though. I'm currently reading the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. In the setting of that series, the Lord Ruler remakes both the world (moving the planet closer to the sun) and himself after obtaining great power.

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How should currency be translated?
Leave in original form - votes: 2094 (31.5%)
Leave in original form and add translation note for conversion to USD, etc - votes: 4200 (63.2%)
Change to the translator / publisher's local currency - votes: 129 (1.9%)
Change to a popular form of currency (USD, GBP, EUR, etc.) - votes: 220 (3.3%)
There were 6643 total votes.
The poll ended: December 10th 2016

One suggestion is that if you add a translation note, make the conversion an approximate and also add a date to it, since currency exchange rates fluctuate.

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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12:18 pm, Dec 10 2016
Posts: 291

Mistborn!! Been a while since I've read that, the trilogy ended very interestingly.

Anyway, this is fairy odd question though I guess it's something we do everyday. I answered both of the above since you gotta be able to discuss and cooperate with people in the world we live in.

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Post #686551

1:48 pm, Dec 10 2016
Posts: 80

It depends. What I would like to do is either change the world to suit my needs or destroy everything. What I would probably do, however, is a bit of changing my surroundings, but most of it would be trying to fit in. I mean, it would be great to change your surroundings to fit your needs(it would feel great and it would be quite fulfilling), but it's hard to do so, thus trying to fit in or pretending to fit in is, in a way, "easier".

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2:05 pm, Dec 10 2016
Posts: 53

if you choose Change yourself in order to fit in, you'd be a Guardian.
if you choose Change your surroundings / world, you'd be a Gaian.
well, I choose I don't know, I might end up running away, I might end up leaving it to fate, I might just become a demon king and destroy humanity (impossible. lol).

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7:34 pm, Dec 10 2016
Posts: 566

I haven't read the series, but this kind of fits into my personal situation. When I feel at odd with my surroundings I move somewhere else. It's how I ended up in Japan, and why I'll be leaving soon. It can be pretty hard to change yourself, and in some situations its really not possible to change your surroundings.

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10:23 pm, Dec 10 2016
Posts: 139

A bit of both if it comes to work. I adjust myself to work environment, but I also have left other work environments.

If it comes to private life, If I CAN financially then I will move.

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4:25 am, Dec 11 2016
Posts: 374

Pretty vague and impossible to answer without context.
I'd try to adapt to my environment, if possible. If that fails, I'm not really sure if I'd change my surroundings or just leave.

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5:33 am, Dec 11 2016
Posts: 421

I'm not sure actually. Drastic measures on drastic situations.
Changing your surroundings/world doesn't seem to be a practical way for oneself. And Changing myself got a bad sound to it. Going with this I may not be myself anymore.

Change is inevitable. Something will have to change when such a situation arises. But, for now that is beyond me to predict.

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2:22 pm, Dec 11 2016
Posts: 2406

I would change yourself in order to fit in if we go with the intended (?) "transported to another world" trope. I see no use in making myself a target or corpse.

Change (almost) nothing though is how i do things in RL, if my souring and situation changes. I am pretty set in my ways and my stoic middle finger attitude towards the world is how i got ahead in life. Putting your foot down hard can have it´s own appeal, if you know what you are doing. Don´t expect to win any popularity contest with this attitude though.

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5:27 pm, Dec 11 2016
Posts: 135

Trying to change the world is a futile effort, because there's so many people in the world, and it'd be impossible to create a cultural shift within them all, or even within a majority of them.
However, simply fitting in wouldn't be staying true to yourself, so I wouldn't be able to do either, really.

One option would be to move away, but if you keep running away from your problems, they're bound to catch up with you eventually.

I'm not a violent person, so destroy everything is definitely not an option at all...

and I would at least make an attempt to evoke change within the people I know, or at least try to find people I can relate with in order to carry on... so I don't think I would change absolutely nothing...

I suppose that just leaves "I don't know"... which is the answer I chose, but I didn't choose it out of helplessness... I'd say instead I'd have a certain resilience to face-off against the reality of a world that doesn't agree with me, while not trying to actually provoke change, since it's a fruitless effort, but instead simply trying to power through the world and survive on my own.

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Post #686624 - Reply to (#686590) by vigorousjammer

2:28 pm, Dec 12 2016
Posts: 41

Quote from vigorousjammer
Trying to change the world is a futile effort, because there's so many people in the world, and it'd be impossible to create a cultural shift within them all, or even within a majority of them.
However, simply fitting in wouldn't be staying true to yourself, so I wouldn't be able to do either, reall ...

I looked at the poll, and a similar version popped into my head. I think it was from a manga, though I forget which. "Do you carve yourself to fit the world? Or do you carve the world to fit you? Me, I choose to carve the world." (As I type this, I recall it's most likely Narutaru)

I just got through reading Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai, so my mood tended towards rebellion. However, thinking about the poll, I wound up "doing nothing". As a US citizen, my culture permits hubris and individuality moreso than Japanese culture does. And I don't fit in, not to main society. But the sheer number of humans in this world means that, even if I wander through the darkness alone and friendless, I will someday encounter a kindred spirit. So I refuse to change the world; flawed and imperfect, but beautiful. And I refuse to change myself. And that's okay. Because eventually, I will find others who feel the same. If you don't fit, make a new puzzle.

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4:24 pm, Dec 15 2016
Posts: 137

I loved Mistborn! Very fun series. I love Sanderson's worlds and magic systems biggrin
It was pretty interesting how the Lord Ruler remade the world according to what he thought was right (and whatever he could do to make it work) which worked in some ways and didn't work in others.

Make sure to read the Stormlight Archive next, Brandon Sanderson's doorstoppers.

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Post #686716 - Reply to (#686713) by BlueHaro
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7:04 pm, Dec 15 2016
Posts: 10673

Yup, it's on my reading list!

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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