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12:10 am, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 4917

well, didn't get to see anything that really interested me this chapter, but what about you guys and gals?

Post #234432
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2:09 am, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 42

I thought it was an alright chapter,wasn't bad or particularly good.But the last page was great,Yama-ji was awesome...XD

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5:14 am, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 9026

Allon sure is strong. cool Kind of an interesting development.

And wow, we get to see Yamamoto fight so soon! eek

source: animenewsnetwork

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Demented Octopus

6:39 am, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 737

All right. I'm no longer pissed off. This was actually an exciting chapter. I find it amusing how Allon is significantly stronger than and doesn't listen to the Fraccion girls who created him. Kira being former Division Four surprised me, but it's convenient. Rangiku needed someone to heal her, so I guess I'm glad.

I'm really curious as to what happened to iba after that blast. It didn't show him at all afterwards.

And of course, Yamamoto stepping in was cool and unexpected. I still hope his real opponent is Barragan though. Of course I'm still curious as to when Sasakibe will make his move.

Tree + Taco = Tree taco.
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chasing oblivion

12:15 pm, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 1366

Only the last page was cool. The rest more or less sucked. cry

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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12:40 pm, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 161

personally i think the last few chapters says that soul society needs to up their standards for vice captains cause they are all weak


5:22 pm, Dec 5 2008
Posts: 678

this chapter actually kind of disappointed me with it's end result. if anything i think i would've been happier if Komamura came out instead of Yama-ji. throwing him into the fray may seem understandable considering the Allon is so strong. but to bring out the head like this......

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Post #235156 - Reply to (#234651) by manga752
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8:31 pm, Dec 6 2008
Posts: 807

Quote from manga752
personally i think the last few chapters says that soul society needs to up their standards for vice captains cause they are all weak

I agree if one puny arrancar can take on Matsumuto and Hinamori as well as the 69 guy (I keep forgetting his name) and Iba how the heck can they face the remaining Espadas? I just think they're doomed really, I don't see Ishin or Urahara coming to the rescue.

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3:23 am, Dec 7 2008
Posts: 9026

You guys are lame... dead

First you're complaining that the Arrancars are too weak, and now that the Shinigami are too weak. Make up your mind.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #235260 - Reply to (#235259) by Dr. Love
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3:33 am, Dec 7 2008
Posts: 234

Quote from Dr. Love
You guys are lame... dead

First you're complaining that the Arrancars are too weak, and now that the Shinigami are too weak. Make up your mind.

hahaha!! Well said! I for one enjoyed this chapter... I wish that yama-ji would also kill those other fraccions so that the battle with the espada would speed up!! can't wait to see their rankings

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Kizaru, the only person who can say Ben Beckman without his lips touching

~just CARL is fine~
Post #235740
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2:56 pm, Dec 8 2008
Posts: 57

Bah - there is something wrong when it only takes me 4 min to read the entire chapter

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