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Bands/Artists that you absolutely cannot stand.

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Post #377860 - Reply to (#160904) by kana503
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4:18 pm, May 11 2010
Posts: 16

Quote from kana503
Fergie. I hate her songs, especially "Big Girls Don't Cry," because it used to be played nonstop and my sister would listen to it everytime it was on the radio.

I completely agree! I abhor that song. It is THE cheesiest, stupidest song I've heard.

"And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket"....

first of all, that is stupid.
second of all, incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement.

also, the line "My heart is bound to beat/right out my untrimmed chest" makes me really dislike the song "Soul Sister." What use is it to mention that his chest is untrimmed?? It just sounds a bit macho to me and I don't care for it. Plus, it's not a very pretty picture either. dead

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Post #377861 - Reply to (#377858) by J1nSan
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4:23 pm, May 11 2010
Posts: 3

Quote from J1nSan
Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, two of the least talented people ever....

Oh don't get me started on Justin Bieber laugh

- Not so beautiful now, am I?

7:28 pm, May 11 2010
Posts: 128

Me and a friend have started a plot to assassinate Justin Beiber, we got the nightvision goggles a getaway car and a whole bunch of people to help xD

Post #377990
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7:52 am, May 12 2010
Posts: 748

Like most of the sane people on this world I also hate Justin Bieber

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Post #378478 - Reply to (#377858) by J1nSan
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8:57 pm, May 13 2010
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Quote from J1nSan
Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, two of the least talented people ever....

I cannot agree more about Miley Cyrus. YUCK! dead

I admit Justin Bieber has got a voice but he looks twelve and sounds twelve so he creeps me out.

Funny how Miley Cyrus sounds like a little boy going through puberty and Justin Bieber sounds like a girl.... laugh

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Post #380742 - Reply to (#377872) by solovolk
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10:49 am, May 23 2010
Posts: 116

Quote from solovolk
Me and a friend have started a plot to assassinate Justin Beiber, we got the nightvision goggles a getaway car and a whole bunch of people to help xD

Just give me a call, I'll join you right away.


5:11 pm, May 27 2010
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Post #382396 - Reply to (#367633) by bedob
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7:03 am, May 31 2010
Posts: 22

Quote from bedob
Quote from robbit
Quote from shaggievara
I mean, I'm no scre ming Lady Gaga fan, but even I can admit, Speechless and Brown Eyes are actually really good songs.

I'll be honest though, if I hear Bad Romance one more time I might go insane.

Quote from robbit
Americans can stick to what they created (I don't know what that is but if it is pop music, they still suck) and leave metal to Europe.

that would be punk, indie rock, grunge and lo-fi, the only music that will ever truly matter.

Punk was originally British. Indie and grunge are merely rock subgenres.

Aren't Ramones considered to be the first punk band?

That's quite relative. Most people consider The Sex Pistols or The Ramones to be the first but opinions are different. Some even think that punk began with The Stooges.
As for the topic I simply can't seem to like Coldplay. Find them too mushy. Also I'm an indifferent individual in the sea of Metallica and Slipknot fans.

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insomniac Kagehime

7:31 am, May 31 2010
Posts: 2707

Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Tokio Hotel, LenaMeyer-Landrut, Chris Brown, Selena Gomez (ood voice but her attitude pisses me off), Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montanna (as Miley Cyrus she´s okay), Rihanna (first i liked her, but now her songs are really bad)

if Robert Pattinson starts singing i´ll comit suicide

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Post #382414
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8:00 am, May 31 2010
Posts: 189

I second Justin Bieber haters. I also don't like him -- though I can't help but sing his song baby 'cos everybody is singing it! And it makes me go mad!! GRRRRRR

Also i don't like 'em auto-tuned singers. Can't stand them. We all know they CAN'T sing. Its like -- give a monkey an auto-tune device (whatever it is cos i dont freakin know) and they make music add to that a music video.

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8:15 am, May 31 2010
Posts: 334

Mufu.. My first post.

Anyway, I don't like hating on music artists and stuff for trying to play music, which can be difficult, but sometimes some music is just bad.
I really don't like the Rap/Hip-hop genre as well as mainstream pop such as Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber, and the like. I also don't like most boy bands/girl bands such as SNSD and Big Bang (Sorry xD).
Also, forget about new-age rock from America/Canada (Linkin Park, etc). Not my cup of tea.
All I listen to is J-Rock now. >.<

Post #382424 - Reply to (#382404) by ShadowSakura
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9:26 am, May 31 2010
Posts: 12

I absolutely despise Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, and any other kid off the Disney Channel who has the moment to sing. (Like Demi Lavabababaa and That weird looking kid off of that Starstruck movie and Selena Gomez) I don't say that they shouldn't sing, I mean I think Vanessa Hudgens has a nice voice, but they should just keep it to themselves. Or in the shower. Or during Karaoke.

Quote from ShadowSakura
if Robert Pattinson starts singing i´ll comit suicide

I didn't even think of that as a possibility! They'd do anything to make money, so I suppose it's possible.... no please! My ears won't take that sound!!!!!!

Spoiler (highlight to view)
Disney! What happened to the good old movies! The classics? Like in that one part of Mulan where they sing "I'll Make a Man Out Of You." It gave me goosebumps when Mulan made it to the top with the weights!

(Oh and Justin Beeeaver can suck it!)
I know it's spelled wrong.

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Who Dares, Wins

4:14 pm, Jun 2 2010
Posts: 49

I can't stand any of the commercialized shovel-music that radio staions play to death, I rarely listen to the raido because of all the garbage they play (not Garbage, they're pretty good). In my opinion, most everything on the mainstream nowadays is either sexual or sexual innuendo or a remake, but I will mke exceptions. Granted, I make a hypocrite out of myself when all I listen to is XM's Grunge station, and my overly large collection of anime op/eds >.>.

Also, @clappingpanda, what if Tim Allen or the guy who played Red Green decided they could/should sing?

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9:58 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 101

Um... that Drake guy, wow, his songs are so freaking annoying.
Lil Wayne, in fact, why don't we just throw all of Young Money in there while we're at it.

The super emo bands - MCR, PATD, etc etc...

Taylor Swift, I didn't have a problem with her before, until it never stopped playing on the radio. She's not bad, but all her songs sound the same. And my god, can she stop singing about not being able to get a guy or falling in love for ONE SECOND!?!

Paramore, I was indifferent till I listened to them. Their lyrics piss me off 80% of the time.

Rihanna, Fergie and the Pussycat Dolls...

All the terrible rap/hip-hop artists that I wont' bother mentioning. I mean, I love rap and hip-hop but most of the time, it's just absolute trash.

And anything Disney... Miley Cyrus, Selina Gomez, The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato... yes all of them, in particular Miley Cyrus... I mean... are you allowed to be a slut and still be with Disney?

As for that, Justin Bieber, but just for the lulz. I mean... it's hard to really loathe a 12 year old trying to pick up high school girls. I mean it's more pathetic than anything.

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11:23 am, Jul 27 2010
Posts: 106

Justin (fuckin' shemale) Bieber. Though I wouldn't call him an artist.

My sister just loves his music. I have to hear it all day long..I'm on the point of a breakdown.

Than.. all those lovely disney stars (crackheads)

And rappers..that's about it.

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