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Your favorite Final Fantasy game?

Your favorite Final Fantasy game?
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11:18 am, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 3342

FFVIII. I like this one the best, cause the plot seemed richer to me. I honestly jumped onto the FF bandwagon kinda late. (First FF game I beat was FFXII) So when I played FFVII, I was disappointed, mainly due to the fact that everyone hailed it as the best RPG game ever. I found FFVIII alot more interesting then the story for FFVII.

P.S. I heard a Rumor about a year ago that somewhere along the line Square Enix is going to connect every Final Fantasy game together. I'm not sure whether or not this rumor was confirmed yet (it's probably false anyways), but can you imagine?! biggrin

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Post #116545
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11:19 am, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 68

Its sad that the FF game with the best story IE(No plot holes), best character development, most badass villian gets relegated to other.

FFVI is and always has been my favorite FF game from way back when I played it on Super Famicom to when I got it for my SNES. Its character development its second to none, its story never leaves any question in doubt, it has the most free flowing battle system letting you create and power up characters how you want, and the main Villian is without a doubt in my mind the most badass villian ever, heck he has the crazy laugh to go with all the killing he did.

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12:31 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 8

For those of you complaining about the FFVII spinoffs, there is Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings, and Final Fantasy X-2, too, so it's not like FFVII gets all the attention; just a lot of it. It kinda needs it, to actually wrap up the storyline, since a lot of questions went unanswered in the game. Plus it was Nomura's first Final Fantasy.

As for my favorite, it'd probably be FFX. It was my first Final Fantasy, and I'm rather fond of it, mostly the battle system. The characters do get on my nerves a bit, though, and I hated the blitzball minigame. FFIX was good, too. Zidane was probably my favorite FF hero, and it was just fun to play overall. I got partway through FFXII, then got distracted by another game, which should give you an idea of how fond of that one I am. FFVII was alright, though not fantastic, and I HATED FFVIII. There, I said it. Rinoa drove me absolutely insane, and Squall lost all trace of decency and personality by disk three. The battle system was alright, though.

I haven't played any of the older Final Fantasies, and though I have a couple stashed away, I'm not sure I'm going to. While they are fun, it's never been my favorite series, and I'm not much of an "old school" gamer.

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1:00 pm, Jan 29 2008
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After evading the suicidical dog and a panicing woman,
I managed to fix my PS2's disc read error and
enjoyed FF XII after a long time.

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1:06 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 189

For me it's FFX - FFVIII - FFVII - FFIX

I didn't include XII as I haven't finished it yet unfortunately. I just got my memory adaptor so i'll probably get back to it.

Quote from Wild Star
I never thought Cloud felt real. To me, he was just another video game character with a big-ass sword and not much else.

I like FFVIII. Tons of people hate the junction system, but I love it. It finally, FINALLY gave us gamers the chance to assign and decide for ourselves who exactly in the party we want to be the magic-user, the physical powerhouse, the healer, etc. (and if you play your cards right they can be all in one) And speaking of cards, that Triple Triad minigame is sooo addicting. I spent so many hours playing it collecting all the cards. XD And finally, there's Squall. A main character in an RPG that didn't actually want to save the world!! That stupid save-the-world formula every game adapts is way too old. Squall actually just wanted to save himself and his friends. He was a confused boy who dealt with real-person issues (well, yeah...and some not-so-real too XD).

FFX is great too. I think the best feature the battle system had was the fact that characters can actually be switched in-battle without wasting turns. That was so amazing. It gave way for so many strategies to be formed. Sure, the final bosses became way too easy once you get all the celestial weapons, but still, there are those Dark Aeons always give you that real challenging fight. Oh, and Blitzball was so great, it could've almost been a whole game in itself. biggrin biggrin biggrin

I loved FFVIII and FFIX card game. And Blitzball was awesome but way too easy if you have the Jecht shot. And those Dark Aeons, the final boss after the Dark Aeons and the monsters in the arena were probably the most challenging battles in all the FF i've played.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 5:51 pm, Jan 29 2008

Post #116564
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1:57 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 3503

i liked FFIV, V, VI, VII, IX (for some unknown reason i didn´t like FFVIII so i didn´t play it) and i wouldn´t be able to pick one of them as favorite, i didn´t play FFX and XI, and played a little of FFXII (like 7 hours) i didn´t own a PS2 (it was my nephew´s and on vacation, so i didn´t get to play that much).

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Empire of the Gun

2:00 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 300

I liked the card game in FF lX. The one in FF Vlll confused the hell out of me along with the junction system! Maybe its cause I didn't pay much attention to the tutorials bigrazz Vlll was the first one I finished and I enjoyed it. I started going back through it after 5 or 6 years of it just sitting there. Maybe I'll pay attention this time laugh Then I beat X and Tidus was just so fscking annoying to me. The game turned out alright until the end confused me. I got through Vll and loved it. Great game until about midway through disc 2. The worst part of the game was at the end of disc one with Aerith and Sephiroth. cry

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Post #116607
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4:47 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 833

best FF are VI, VII, VIII, IX

VI was kinda like VII, VIII, IX, but with 2D graphics

VII was a damn fun game, the only game that i replayed more times than pokemon blue

VIII haters say the battle system made them drop it, but for the guys who were curious enough to figure it out( i was 8 at the time so hell yea i was) the junction system is arguably one of the most innovative systems of customizing characters in the whole series. some people hates squall for being emo for most of the game, but hey dats one of the appeal of the game, that's normal human behavoir and easy to understand why they are they way they. PLUS BEST CARD GAME.

IX was like III-V with a VI swagger and 3D graphics. the card game wasnt as good as VIII, but it was still fun

X , i beat the game did all da easter eggs, then got perfect ending on the sequel, but felt disgusted really. not because of the cheekiness of the sequel(dat was actually more refreshing than the first), but by the many flaws of the game. story didn't appeal to me, characters were unlikable(xept wakka), had no replayability, and was for the most part boring. the only part i really enjoyed was blitz ball. but i bet its kinda like pokemon blue for me to people who played this as their first FF but dat dont mean dat its good -_-.

XI-XII, XII was basically XI but offline. i'd say XI is better because its an MMORPG and u can do alot more stuff than what XII can provide(a very meager story).

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5:08 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 27

Aww I think that not many have played the old Final Fantasy's games. Graphic aside, I think that the order must be FFVI,VII,Tactics,IV,VIII. Well for me most of the Final Fantasy for ps2 lack of plot, and are only graphics....... (Ps I haven't played FFXII yet)

Post #116673
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Resident Odd

10:38 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 665

Haven't played FFXII yet, but have played FFVII and FFVIII. I'd say FFVII out of those two. I've read some good things about FXII, so I'm waiting with bated breath to play it.
EDIT: I forgot to note that I finished FFX, and played a bit of FFX-2.

Last edited by Axis at 11:35 pm, Jan 29 2008

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10:42 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 277

My favorite Final Fantasy game? I'd have to say that my favorite Final Fantasy game is the only one they haven't made yet: A good one.

Alright, maybe not, but I could never really get into any of the games in that series that I played. It doesn't help that I started by watching (I was holding the controller, don't get me wrong--I distinguish watching and playing for wholly different reasons) FFX. I get my old school RPG fix from the DQ games. My first RPG was, by a total fluke, Dragon Quest I, courtesy of the DWI/II multipack on the GBC, in 2002. One might say that I have the same base in JRPGs as gamers twenty-nine years my elders, and that that's why I'm as angsty about new RPGs as they are. Especially FFX.

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10:53 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 205

i liked VII's materia system and story

i didn't like the character design in XII (gayest FF protaganist ever) i did like the macro system, but not the grid.

i liked VIII's story and hated the junction system (I never used any magic and just stockpiled it as armor and boosts)

X was done nicely, but the english voice acting sucked. so did the grid system.

I hated IX they tried to go too retro with the way skills worked, the story sucked, and the trance system was the stupidest thing ever.

i always get FFI-VI mixed up bacause of that renumbering thing they did when they translated them, but the one with Terra and Locke was good, didn't care for the one with a 5 man team. the one with the flying blueish black chocobo was also good.

X-2 was a little odd, but good in it's own way. i thought there were too many useless jobs. and catnip and the bottomless dungeon were just silly.

XI was good, but it took too long to do anything (making money, lvling, just getting around)

Last edited by palepail at 11:02 pm, Jan 29 2008

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11:26 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 207

First of all why isn't Final Fantasy 6 in here >.<?

1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. Final Fantasy 10
4. Final Fantasy 8
5. Final Fantasy 12

::edit:: Oh you had other didn't see that.

Post #116681
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11:33 pm, Jan 29 2008
Posts: 172

the best 1 for me is VIII, it was the first one that i played and the second rpg after my favorite which is xenogears. graphics aside (which was amazing in its time by the way) i liked its story the best, it was epic yet light hearted in its own way. i was a high school student and the setting of the story was just right for me.

VII - this was good too and was probabluy the most epic one out of the bunch. the problem was that i played xenogears b4 this, and i liked its story much more than ff VII. but i still loved this one, played most of the spinoffs as well.

IX - didn't play this because i was kind of dissapointed with the small characters. if they made the characters as big as the ones in ffVIII this would have probably been a better ff.

X - this reminded me of ff after about 2 years of playing other rpgs, the story was good for me but both ffvii and ffviii had better ones. i really liked the game system as well.

IV - hehe, this is the only old ff that ive played, i bought all of the rereleases of the old ones for the ps, but sadly i lent them to a friend and i dont think il be getting them back. good story.

XII - cant believe that others think this is a bad sequel to the series, after discovering manga this was the only game that made me touch my ps2 again. the story is a littlle more mature and i like it, the game system was the best in my opinion. my second favorite ff game after viii. i think van being normal was good as well, he didn't have to be the hero to be the main protagonist.

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Post #116696
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2:09 am, Jan 30 2008
Posts: 159

FFV - We can define our heroes classes so it's cool

FFVI - People say it's good but don't know why i don't have enough will to play it....

FFVII - My second FF. Good at it's time but definitely not the best FF in psx. Story are better than FFVIII though.

FFVIII - My first FF. Nice graphics but i don't really like the story, and why we must absorb magic from enemy? in the end this game is just about magic collecting.

FFIX - My first impression is WTF those chibi character and the main man got a tail? . But after played it through 1st cd i'm in love. I like it when Steiner always complain about anything smile . Hero can get ability from weapon which reminds me about FFT. Overall my favourite FF is this one.

FFT - Great story, great mechanic but i don't like how we must grind to beat this game.

FFX, FFX-2, FFXII - i don't have ps2 but if ihave i would like to play FFX and FFXII. FFX-2 --> eyecandy+fanservice imo

If the topic is "Your favourite RPG game?" FF don't stay in the first place of my list. Suikoden series is the best, oh Xenogears too.

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