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New Poll - End of the World

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9:57 pm, Jun 15 2019
Posts: 454

Would intelligent animals really eradicate mankind? I mean c'mon, they're bound to need either 1) us as food, or 2) us as slave labor, right?

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12:28 am, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 67

Yeah, if I know my Plague right, a super virus/bacteria/illness is no match for Greenland and/or Madagascar so we can rule it out.

The early bird may have caught the early worm, but the late worm survived!!
Post #769820 - Reply to (#769808) by hkanz

4:22 am, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 381

I knew it 😀

Honestly, I think those two options should've been merged. We had the same reasoning but picked different options. It's not like anyone that picked "global warming" thinks all humans are literally going to die of heat stroke.

Post #769826
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12:08 pm, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 38

Global warming 19.4%

AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post #769841 - Reply to (#769811) by hahhah42

7:34 pm, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 112

So you're in the camp that we will still live and go away for when the growth of the Sun makes Earth uninhabitable?

Post #769842 - Reply to (#769818) by dreamaway

7:35 pm, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 112

I was just thinking in rich people in bunkers but it's the same principle

Post #769843 - Reply to (#769826) by Dumber

7:39 pm, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 112

I don't think it's gonna kill us all (and I didn't vote that option) but it can easily kill the half of the population that combined makes less than the richest 26 people.

Post #769846 - Reply to (#769841) by Nekore
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11:06 pm, Jun 16 2019
Posts: 412

Sure. Once humanity starts colonizing other planets, which should happen within a few hundred years, we'll be largely resilient to the threat of extinction.

Post #769850 - Reply to (#769826) by Dumber

7:25 am, Jun 17 2019
Posts: 381

Username checks out


3:30 pm, Jun 17 2019
Posts: 29

The most feasible is the good old sun got a hiccup.(or God)
All other will change humanity as we know,most will die, we will regress on technological advancements, but not go extinct.

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10:37 am, Jun 18 2019
Posts: 109

Am I the only one who interpreted the question as "which option do you prefer (either in real life or in a manga)"? It seems most people just went for the most realistic scenario.

Either way, I've chosen "black hole" because that way no one would suffer. Actually, there is also a misanthropic reason behind my choise, but I'll pass that.


2:23 pm, Jun 19 2019
Posts: 9

am i the only one who thinks this poll should have split into two polls ?
E.g. Global warming will not kill the planet just humans and a lot of flora and fauna as we know it for now, but even in very hot and dry placed there will be still life.
About humans: very fragile species, easy to get rid of 🙂

Post #769899

9:34 pm, Jun 19 2019
Posts: 263

nuclear war... this is possible but not in the nuclear hellscape way, but in the cripple the country to hell and back way making things like food, medicine, and clean water hard for the masses to get. wont end humanity but will end a country or continent.

due to the great filters we have, meteor is unlikely, the sun is inevitable, flare or gamma ray had devastating effects in the past but not sure how devastating they would currently be, life ending is possibly but humanity ending is iffy.

zombie is possible, there are a few fungi and parasites that CAN do this but none shown to work in humans, a good push could do something though

alien/monster... unlikely. the only way we would get attacked is if they were near by, the moment you are galactic in travel if not intergalactic, you have infinite resources, or near infinite, the only reason you fight is when something is a real threat. its possible that they act on preemptive strikes, sure

global warming, not an ender, fact is nearly the entire world could live in half of america and have a few acers of land, IF push came to shove, the water level will not raise to a point that it makes enough land go away to matter, it will displace and will fuck things up in the short term, but it's not a humanity ender.

ai would need to get out of control to the point its irreversible, which likely won't happen without intervention.

lack of resources... you need shelter, water, and food to live. you won't live comfortably, but you will live, so thats not an ender.

intelligent animals would need to be as advanced or more so then us to pose a threat.

my money is on super viruses, bacteria and mold. there are already strains of everything that we just cant deal with, a new mold is more or less un killable but is being hushed up by the world... yea my bet is on this.

Post #770229 - Reply to (#769813) by 5Cats
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7:51 pm, Jul 5 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from 5Cats
Africa and Asia put 95% of the plastic that is in the oceans, USA is about 1%. We ship our recyclables over there and if they throw it in the ocean? It isn't our fault.

Actually just looked that up as part of another debate somewhere else. You are right, the Western world is shipping all of our trash over to Asia and Africa. But, there's also another nugget that people don't seem to acknowledge. That trash that we ship over there, they recycle it for the purposes of making new products.

So, all those claims about how "China is unstoppable" don't realize how much of a paper tiger the country literally is. If Western governments made it where it was more profitable to recycle and produce products domestically (Rather than pay to have it exported to/from somewhere else), then all the worries about the "Yellow Devil rising again" would be extinguished due to countries actually having to compete with one another, and it would also help the environment as Western nations have a higher standard when it comes to regulations (As well as help de-smog China since they're not making everything anymore).

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