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Kagerou Project

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11:21 am, Jul 18 2014
Posts: 26

Discussion about Kagerou Project!

What is your favorite song?
Who is your favorite character, why?
If you had any kind of eye ability what would you want it to be?
What kind of character are you most like?
What character and song do you least like?

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8:10 pm, Jun 30 2015
Posts: 2

Toumei Answer and Yobanashi Deceive are my favorite songs.

Kano and Ayano are my favorite characters. I'm too lazy to explain why.

I would want Seto's power; "Stealing Eyes".

I am probably most like Ayano.

Can't think of a character that I dislike right now, but I'm not fond of Kido's song.

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