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your favorite cigarette brand ( though i wont be seeing much smokers among otakus, lmao )
Lucky Strikes
Pall Mall
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Post #104635 - Reply to (#104623) by blakraven66
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12:01 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 2506

Quote from blakraven66
Quote from jinx_you
And I didn't know blakraven was so young! eek I learn something new everyday~ biggrin

lol...out of curiosity, how old did you think I was? biggrin

I don't know what she's talking about. It seemed like you're the same age as me to me, so 19 is exactly right.

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Post #104644 - Reply to (#104635) by x0mbiec0rp
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1:08 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 694

Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from blakraven66
Quote from jinx_you
And I didn't know blakraven was so young! eek I learn something new everyday~ biggrin

lol...out of curiosity, how old did you think I was? biggrin

I don't know what she's talking about. It seemed like you're the same age as me to me, so 19 is exactly right.

lol for me too, i thought blackraven was 19, i always think that ppl i meet are the same age as me (ofcourse that exclude the ppl u can tell are older than u but ya) =P laugh

well getting offtopic here:
oh come to think of it the first ever cigarette i had was Players lol

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Post #104648 - Reply to (#104602) by Domonkazu
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1:24 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 81

Switching between Marlboro Silver and Camel Silver (anything over 6 and 7 is meant for truly desperate moments). Used to be a fan of Philip Morris, and I hate Kent *bleh*. But when I go abroad, I usually buy Lucky Strikes, because they're awesome! (sadly, they don't sell them here, luckily, cigarettes are mostly cheaper than elsewhere in Europe)

I really don't understand people who say that every cigarette tastes the same:S

Quote from Domonkazu
yea, usually when Im alone I don't smoke so many, but when I'm hanging out with friends, it seems like that I smoke double as much or more.

I see what you mean, but I believe if I was living alone (currently with parents, both hate smoking), my lungs would fail in a year, seriouslybiggrin

Have no intention of quitting, took a month-long break, but I like smoking too much to actually stop.

P.S. Menthol makes you (mostly men) impotent eyes

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Post #104649 - Reply to (#104648) by syne
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1:27 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 9026

Quote from syne
P.S. Menthol makes you (mostly men) impotent eyes

Well luckily, I don't smoke then... laugh

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #104660

2:36 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 11

My preferences for brands

1. L&M Red
2. Marlboro Red
3. Lucky Strike Red (If 2 above isn't available)

Post #104704 - Reply to (#104623) by blakraven66
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5:54 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 1145

Quote from blakraven66
Quote from jinx_you
And I didn't know blakraven was so young! eek I learn something new everyday~ biggrin

lol...out of curiosity, how old did you think I was? biggrin

I thought you were like, 21 or something. I thought the same for x0mbiec0rp and Reiketsukan. laugh You guys are some young pups! bigrazz

How much do you guys smoke? Half pack a day, full pack a day, only a few a day?

Last edited by jinx_you at 6:03 pm, Dec 19 2007

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5:59 pm, Dec 19 2007
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usually half pack a day

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6:20 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 694

i used to do about one and a half -_-;;
lol but since i quit i have felt a lot better (just my opinion)
plus i have kendo to relieve my stress and cuz of kendo my lungs are recovering
*points at himself* can hold his breath for 2mins =P

@jinx: lol atleast ur guess was lower than what i usually get laugh

"I rebel; therefore I am" - Goblin Kingdom (novel)
"I won’t tell him not to envy, but that man sure is a bag of b*tchery" - Sevens (novel)
"Well… let’s just have some fun with it." - Sevens (novel)
Post #107528 - Reply to (#104648) by syne

7:52 am, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 370

Quote from syne
Switching between Marlboro Silver and Camel Silver (anything over 6 and 7 is meant for truly desperate moments). Used to be a fan of Philip Morris, and I hate Kent *bleh*. But when I go abroad, I usually buy Lucky Strikes, because they're awesome! (sadly, they don't sell them here, luckily, cigarettes are mostly cheaper than elsewhere in Europe)

I really don't understand people who say that every cigarette tastes the same:S

wow, im like so opposite to you... silvers are my worst types, considering they taste horrible, and give me a straight out headache rather than a light-heading... and lucky strikes, yuck!!! my dad smokes those, he brings boxes of them from equador, every now and than cause he works there... seems cigarrettes are hells cheap there : wish he would use the same kinda money to buy menthols of kools or marlboros with same price rather than those

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3:18 am, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 30

Marlboro Menthol 100 is my favorite. I'm also a fan of Newports. I try to only smoke occasionally so I don't waste too much money.

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6:09 am, Jan 3 2008
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i try'd it a few times, never really got into it, i smoked some kind of camels, i belive.
imo, anything that damages your health and doesent give you anything in return (lol) is not really worth the time of day

Post #108112

12:49 pm, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 1650

I don't smoke. I can't start 'cause looking at my family history, I'd be addicted in an instant. To me, it's a waste of health, time, and money. (I wonder what my grandpa smoked now...)

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2:34 pm, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 452

I smoked for 6 yeas then quit 4 years ago, and man am I happy for it. biggrin cool
I thought to myself when I smoked that I would always smoke and came up with any reason for smoking. I couldn't picture myself not smoking. I know smokers hate bitching 'bout quiting, I did too, but I can honestly say I feel much better after I quit. biggrin cool

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9:25 pm, Jan 8 2008
Posts: 54

Well I first started smoking when i was 16 (i was about to be a junior in high school) just a couple here and there and i got caught by my parents but i made up this lie about how it wasn't me it was a homeless man on the street. But then i started smoking all the time by my senior year of high school even though still i was underage...and then i turned 18...but i was smoking like a pack a week and that was it. Then college came and that was my downfall. First year of college i was up to a pack and a half a day.. because of a lot of stupid things. Now im down to half a pack a day...and on party nights at my house its a pack. But when i go home i never smoke if that makes any better hahaha... the reason why i started to smoke was because of the high you get...

My Favorite Cigarettes:
Marlboro 27's (my first pack was this)
Lucky Strike (Bastards at Camel stop making the filtered Luckys)
Camel Turkish Silver

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12:10 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 492

i only smoke 1 brand of cigarette, can't swallow the taste of other brand..

i smoke dunhill

dunhill. not light, not mild, but just dunhill.. damn that thing cost alot ..

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