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Time Travel

Which time era would you travel to?
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Post #210440 - Reply to (#210435) by tsuto
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4:18 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from tsuto
Quote from Calliber
Quote from tsuto
Past probably, maybe somewhere in the middle ages, just to know why there aren't many written records about that era laugh

There's plenty, but they aren't available to the public. If research masonry you'll come across alot more info. If you join the masons, well... get ready for a BIG commitment to say the least.

Nah, I'm not interested in those. While I find conspiracy theories interesting sometimes it's not my thing laugh

Haha, I agree. The history channel is about as close to the masons as I'll get. I don't need to wake up and be jabbed with a sword or something.

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Post #210441 - Reply to (#210437) by dupnitzabg
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4:19 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from dupnitzabg
i guess i'd wanna go to to past....would be awesome cus you'd automatically be smarter than everyone....

but then when you think about it:
1) you can't go to the past because your very presence will change history and as a result you will most likely not be born, but if you ARE born, then you'd certainly be different and as a result would make different choices in your life which will impact your choice on going back to the past....this keeps happening until you reach a point where you never in your life travel back in time
2) you can't go to the future because technically it hasn't happened yet and if you somehow were able to break all the laws of quantum/regular physics you wouldn't be able to go back since you going back changes the future and this cycles back and forth in an endless loop until you for some reason die there or for some reason can no longer return

but then again this is manga....anything is possible..... dead

There is probably a rule that you must be away from your real time the same time your gone in the past/future.

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Barely Here

4:41 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 784

I think I'd go to the future, to see how my life would be or something, since I'm killing myself in high school so that I could go to a good college and live a decent adult life

Post #210450 - Reply to (#210440) by shaggievara
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4:43 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from shaggievara
Quote from tsuto
Quote from Calliber
Quote from tsuto
Past probably, maybe somewhere in the middle ages, just to know why there aren't many written records about that era laugh

There's plenty, but they aren't available to the public. If research masonry you'll come across alot more info. If you join the masons, well... get ready for a BIG commitment to say the least.

Nah, I'm not interested in those. While I find conspiracy theories interesting sometimes it's not my thing laugh

Haha, I agree. The history channel is about as close to the masons as I'll get. I don't need to wake up and be jabbed with a sword or something.

That's a common misconception. Not all Manson groups are involved with history's conspiracies. There's one that pretty much ran the catholic church, but I'm not even going to say which group... I like life.

Last edited by Calliber at 4:50 pm, Oct 2 2008

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Post #210452
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4:58 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 3120

time travel's too bothersome, no telling how you'll screw up the world, might as well just stay in the present
I'd still take the kick-ass Delorean though

Post #210455
Yami No Yuusha

5:03 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 66

The future, simply because I already learned enough of the past through history books and so forth. There's nothing that can predict the future though, so obviously I would pick the future out of sheer curiosity.

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5:04 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 884

Past cuz then I could unravel all the mysteries of the world 8D...

Forever lurking...
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6:56 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 227

Past. And here's what I would do: I would go back to when I was in 6th grade, then kidnap my past self over the weekend. Then I'd go to school in her place and tell the teacher I hit puberty over the weekend. laugh

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7:04 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 776

Past. I'm addicted to historical fiction and would love a chance to see how people before us lived. Downside is that I'd definitally be considered "sickly" since my allergies are more natural things (i.e. flowers, trees, grass, cats, dogs). Maybe I'd go to the super-far future, get a cure for allergies, and THEN go to the past...

I am a breath of insanity in a world of chaos.

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Post #210475
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7:23 pm, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 125

Id go to the past!! I would invest in stocks or win the lottery!!
anyway.. if we went to the future you could die since all the viruses would have evolved into something stronger.. if i went to the past i would probably make everyone sick from the viruses iv been subjected too.. it would be dangerous either way!

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Post #210538 - Reply to (#210429) by tomomimorgan
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1:43 am, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 9026

Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from Kaioh
You don't need to do that.

Just make up a false diety, such as a flying spaghetti monster (Someone really did this, they call it Pastafarianism).

Please tell me this is a joke.

It's no joke. laugh

Last edited by Dr. Love at 4:40 am, Oct 3 2008

source: animenewsnetwork

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4:19 am, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 60

not read everything so if anyone posted something same i.. don't really care.

Anyways the concept of time travel has been debated for a long time in all communites and u have had those who claimed to be from the future, u all know im talking about that soldier that has been calling out on the web a couple of times in the lat 10 years about beeing from the past.

Anyways the concept thats actually believed to be true is that the universe is set up in multiple universes, and u cant change one universe, becuase for every choice u make another world is created that branch out all the possible choices.

Now thats mentioned u can then say going back and changing the future and going back wont bring you back to your reality, its not possible, therefore another world is craeted.

U will come back in a universe very similair to the one u left, but the not the exactly same, the universe u left will be unaffected.

But even so if i ever where to go back i wouldn't change a thing, the past has defined who i am and the world isn't as haøf bad as it could have been, for very action theres a reaction, i believe in the worl beeing a big mathematical system witch will take affect if u save someone, the equaction will need to balance u have killed someone else.

Ore wa sugoi da ze..
Post #210562 - Reply to (#210538) by Dr. Love

4:31 am, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 245

Quote from Dr. Love
Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from Kaioh
You don't need to do that.

Just make up a false diety, such as a flying spaghetti monster (Someone really did this, they call it Pastafarianism).

Please tell me this is a joke.

It's no joke.

That was upsetting. And disturbing. Especially the Michelangelo painting.

I'm never gonna look at a plate of spaghetti the same way again. no

Post #210566 - Reply to (#210538) by Dr. Love
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Mad With a Hat

4:41 am, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 4764

Quote from Dr. Love
Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from Kaioh
You don't need to do that.

Just make up a false diety, such as a flying spaghetti monster (Someone really did this, they call it Pastafarianism).

Please tell me this is a joke.

It's no joke.

Oh my... That's so stupid...

Back on topic...

Ignoring the fact that I don't believe in time travel...I'd like to go back in time... I don't like this era~
Too high tech for me laugh
Although I'd miss cumputers and manga~ And modern medicine.

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

Click 'n Play!

If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
Post #210571

4:51 am, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 92

travel to the future and get all berserk and gantz volumes! >biggrin
maybe also niheis next mangas yahooooo~

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