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Name of this shoujo anime?

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Monkey. :B

10:25 pm, Jan 17 2014
Posts: 1966

Looking for anime I was watching last year~ So the female protagonist is a loner at school she doesn't talk to anyone because of a misunderstanding that occurred in middle school (?) something involving an animal, I think. She bumps into some popular guy (haha cliche, I know) or I think she thinks he groped her from behind when it was really his friend? Anyway, she hits the guy and is distressed about it. The guy gets interested in her... <_< and tries to become friends with her. They eventually become a couple~

It was a cutesy shoujo. At one point she befriends a female classmate that others dislike because she sleeps around with guys but really she's just misunderstood!! And she meets the guy's younger sister who gets jealous of her~ :3

Omg, it sounds so cliche but I really did enjoy it and never got to finish it. ;_;

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An F to judge M!

10:36 pm, Jan 17 2014
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Suki tte Ii na yo.

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10:38 pm, Jan 17 2014
Posts: 1181

Uhm, is this it
Suki tte Ii Na Yo

Oh, sorry, Badkarma is first

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10:38 pm, Jan 17 2014
Posts: 44

you could just look for it by using the tags.

It's Sukitte ii na yo

Post #628909 - Reply to (#628907) by bibisuki
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Monkey. :B

10:52 pm, Jan 17 2014
Posts: 1966

Quote from bibisuki
you could just look for it by using the tags.

It's Sukitte ii na yo

Yes, that would work if I knew which tags exactly to look for. ._. Those tags were not what I remembered from the anime.

Thank you~! :3 You guys are awesome. <3 *throws cookies and bananas*

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Monkeys, always at your service.
Quote from NightSwan
I have to thank you again. It's been a while since I've had this much d**k on my computer. :'3
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