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Post #548509

4:05 pm, Apr 30 2012
Posts: 11

So need help finding this manga, its about this guy who belongs to this online fan club for this actor or idol and the fan club has rules, like you can't touch the idol or fall in love with him. but when he gets a job at some kind of studio or tv company he runs into his idol and since then the idol always asks for him to bring coffee for him. to avoid running into him one of the make up artists starts dressing him up in all kinds of costumes like i remember one of the outfits being gothic like, cause the make up artist is really into the gothic scene.



6:43 pm, Apr 30 2012
Posts: 98

Is it Osoba de Misasete?

Post #548541 - Reply to (#548534) by toadyfrog

7:37 pm, Apr 30 2012
Posts: 11

Omg yes!! Thank you so much! biggrin

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