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Music + Manga = ?

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Post #1621
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2:45 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 32

do u listen to music while u read manga? if yes is it japanese? i usually listen to sum jpop/jrock cuz i find if i listen to english music my brain gets confused cuz im listening to the lyrics and reading at the same time... so yea please share ur opinion. also if neone noes ne really good jap songs that would be good as well

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2:59 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 10691

I just pick a random song and listen to it...It cuts down the boredom of having to work on manga...

A just ruler amongst tyrants

3:12 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 686

First of, great pic solaris!!!!

Hmmmm, it depends a bit. I only know one japanese band i like, and i haven't listend to them much. ( the pillows, FLCL soundtrack )

I usually just pick stuff as i normally would.
I never have a problem reading. I usually need like 5 minutes to realize the music already finished.

Post #1624
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4:10 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 555

Bah. I've never liked Japanese music, of course, with a few exceptions.

I usually don't like to listen when I'm reading, but if I am, I'll have a video game podcast going.

Post #1625
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4:25 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 306

I love listening to music when i read. I even listen to j-pop when i read normal novels. Kinda provides you with your own theme songs to each scene, just gotta figure out how to fit it in.


4:31 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 91

I love listening to music while i do everything, so manga isnt an exception. I listen to whatever comes up on my playlist (that one being my top rated songs on itunes) whether it is a tribe called quest, queen, some Anime themes, sentai themes, or george michael (no one dare say anything about a man who can sing like he can). Music and Manga is like peanut butter and jelly, especially when I get in a zone where i am more focused on the manga as a result of my music and i cant hear the music anymore. (wierd to explain, but it happens when i get into a superfocused state)

Also, to the topic creator, The Professional rocks on so many levels


7:30 pm, Nov 11 2006
Posts: 686

I sometimes wonder if their is a single european or american ( north and south, both continents ) who listens to J pop who isn't a manga or anime fan.

Post #1640
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9:41 am, Nov 12 2006
Posts: 32

to NeoShweaty: Yes!!!!!! another Professional fan ^^ although i like the french title "Leon" better.


2:02 pm, Nov 12 2006
Posts: 686

well, the german title combines both to the breathtaking name of: "Leon the Proffesional"

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4:33 pm, Nov 12 2006
Posts: 16

yeah i listen to music while reading manga aaaaall the time...sometimes i forget to put it on if i get too carried away to put mediaplayer on. i listent to JPOP/ROCK and whatever else, also english and arabic tunes.
good japanese music would be anything off samurai champloo, orange range, hmm who else, its mostly anime music really or drama music now hehe, i'm addicted bigrazz
i even have some chinese music too biggrin

i have a long list of music, try some jmusic irc channels like nipponsei or something they have tonnes

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5:55 pm, Nov 18 2006
Posts: 56

i usually jaz read it by itself, coz iam surfing the net while reading anyway

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Post #2039
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11:12 am, Nov 22 2006
Posts: 481

I kinda recently came to realise that the best music to go with manga is any kind of ambient or chill-out, since it doesn't distract you at all.

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6:54 pm, Dec 23 2006
Posts: 55

depends.. n the mood of the manga.. u dont want to read a very sad manga while listening to hardcore^^

Post #4195

7:22 am, Jan 11 2007
Posts: 2

Lol I listen to Mai Hime/.hack//roots and some E7 music hehe while i read my manga


8:05 am, Jan 11 2007
Posts: 686

depends.. n the mood of the manga.. u dont want to read a very sad manga while listening to hardcore^^

That hardcore/sad manga combo works pretty well sometimes

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