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Realism or Fantasy?

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Post #337439

3:47 pm, Nov 24 2009
Posts: 257

I prefer realism, or at least the romance to be realistic, if not other aspects of the manga, such as action or fantasy. I like to be able to relate to the characters, and I prefer them to be normal.

Post #340630
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5:56 pm, Dec 8 2009
Posts: 150

i prefer realism, because i can relate more to the characters and they feel more human and i think that is very important for a story. Also if there is too much fantasy it is impossible for me to take seriously, i mean there can be some think that seem a bit out there and unlikely which is ok, but then there is a point when it just is to far out there and the story just loses my interest altogether and i don't care what happens to the characters anymore.

" 9 years and 163 days later, 2% of my body cells are still in love with her"
Post #340686
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12:26 am, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 991

For me, the setting does not have to be realistic, but the characters have to act like real people or at least in a plausible way. If there are fantasy elements, I prefer them to be metaphorical or poetic so that the underlying message is still relevant to real life. Otherwise, I feel like I'm just reading nonsense.

Last edited by Odette at 7:05 pm, Dec 9 2009

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Reading: Kingdom, Sangokushi, Historie

12:44 am, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 170

I already get plenty of reality from real life.

When I read manga I'd rather have the fantasy.

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3:12 am, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 49

fantasy!!!!! Just because real life sucks!

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Sweetly Macabre

12:06 am, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 1005

Judging from what I like, realistic. I don't like fluffy 'that relationship could never happen in real life' stories.

But realistic relationships in fantastical situations is nice too.

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12:35 am, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 101

Realistic people in fantastical situations is the best.

As mentioned. bigrazz

Post #352239 - Reply to (#340690) by RideTheWalrus

1:05 am, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 1041

Quote from RideTheWalrus
I already get plenty of reality from real life.

When I read manga I'd rather have the fantasy.


1:02 pm, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 539

I'd like more of thick, well thought-out fantastic and surreal-like stories.

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2nd wave MU user

1:10 pm, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 7787

I don't want to see, hear or read bullshit.

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5:14 pm, Jan 24 2010
Posts: 15

Mainly fantastical, because it makes everything seem perfect. I have enough reality in my life, I don't need more from manga. ;_;

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BiG MonKeY

7:37 am, Jan 30 2010
Posts: 94

Fantasy, because it will make the storyline more interesting.
It's not like I don't dig realistic stuff, but just as krysalis said, I've seen a lot of them in real life
roll eyes

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11:56 pm, Jan 30 2010
Posts: 2964

Fantasy, because we already have realism in the real world.

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9:24 pm, Apr 14 2010
Posts: 1000

I like realistic stories. They make it possible for me to convince myself that what I'm reading had literary merit and isn't just escapist garbage that will waste my life away.

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11:18 am, Apr 27 2010
Posts: 2

I don't care if it's realistic or not as long as I can laugh and cray with the characteres.
I think that even most of the romances considered realistic are not realistic

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