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Online Personas

You different?
Yes, I act different online and in real life
No, the way I act online, is how I act in real life
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2:34 am, Aug 20 2009
Posts: 195

I am just as quiet and reserved in RL as I am online...

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2:53 am, Aug 20 2009
Posts: 81

I'm a black guy that pretends to be a white guy that acts like a black guy biggrin

You are now inside my Tsukuyomi. For the next 72 hours... I will slap you with this trout...

Resistance is amusing...
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3:37 am, Aug 21 2009
Posts: 1698

IRL, I'm much more expressive and stutter sometimes. I'm much more random. I'll say whatever is on my mind.

OL, is pretty much the same. 'Cept I tone down on the random and weirdness. Also, on IM's, I love to use capital letters. LOL.

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4:34 am, Aug 21 2009
Posts: 106

I'm more or less the same IRL and online. I have a loud voice and that gets through to people for my love of speaking in capitals for humorous purposes. The only thing is that I'm Asian and that my voice is a bit high pitched IRL and it's a bit irritating sometimes >: I'm pretty sure my online persona wouldn't give the impression of what I actually look like IRL but it pretty much captures the way I behave. laugh

Post #315186
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11:19 am, Aug 21 2009
Posts: 360

i would say that i'm different online than i am irl --
i tend to be more serious/responsible irl because i'm a *proud* mommy of two and so i take on the 'mommy' persona whereas online i can just be me - in all my giddy, self-centered self XD

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Post #315229 - Reply to (#314891) by KazukiNezan
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2:31 pm, Aug 21 2009
Posts: 2506

Quote from KazukiNezan
I am as vicious, direct, open minded and evil online as I am in real life. I don't cut anyone slack. If a female friend asks me if her clothes look good and they don't, I say it right away. I like to get to the point and not try to soften the impact of my opinions and views unless I really care about the person. Sometimes my frankness is a sign of friendship as well, since I tend to ignore or tell off strangers who try to talk to me out of the blue (girls get my full attention though) The only topic I am mysterious about, both online and in real life, is anything concerning me. I always give an alias when people talk to me unless I know them and I have people I know refer to me with an alias just so nobody can find me by asking around. My forum name is one of many the many fake names I use.

Wow, I wish I could be just half as cool as you are. You're clearly the awesomeness.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
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11:30 pm, Aug 24 2009
Posts: 536

i couldn't not pick.. because though i supposedly act different i do not see.. and me in real life is weird enough on how people are so different then me. So its still fit .. guess my boundary really wide eh? cool

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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

10:43 pm, Sep 16 2009
Posts: 3229

I act the same online and in real life.

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #321399
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1:56 am, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 3457

Hmm, I recon I do act the same on the internet as in real life.

And although we may not make faces like "XD" in real life, it helps set the tone of the sentence, if you know what I mean.

I tend to be less sarcastic on the internet as well...mainly because people may take what I say seriously and have difficulty in sensing the tone, which is understandable, because it is hard to do laugh


2:25 am, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 42

Now that i think about it
there are some things i reserve wat to say on the internet b/c i could be more pg-13 online then in real life cuz sometimes it is just wierd to simply talk about it plus its not face to face so i guess im more confident? well i think i'm just as confident in real life but online i could be slightly crazier. As for smilies i love to use a few of them b/c i think it kind of showing the expression of the person how they want the other person to see how they feel or its just fun using them.
as for LOLs and such, i only use them when i am actually amused.

Quote from urdzy
i would say that i'm different online than i am irl --
i tend to be more serious/responsible irl because i'm a *proud* mommy of two and so i take on the 'mommy' persona whereas online i can just be me - in all my giddy, self-centered self XD

nice nice XD
online you have a change to talk about your self and express your geekiness or watever and still feel awesome about it

Last edited by Identity Crisis at 4:41 am, Sep 17 2009

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3:50 pm, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 48

Someone says I'm emo and spontaneous on the internet. I wonder if this is true. So maybe I don't act the same. IRL, I.. I don't even know what I'm like IRL. xD

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4:34 pm, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 1145

Nope. I act the same. Though, I do censor myself a lot when dealing with people online. Which you all should be eternally grateful for. Someone once said I have one of those "in your face" personalities which tends to shock or scare the hell out of people.

Either way though, I'm still like a "dirty old man."

If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.
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4:37 pm, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 16

Definately different...
It's so much easier for me to express feeling and stuff through writing than saying stuff, because I'm almost antisocial in real life, unless if its to my friends or enemies that I like to tease. Which are people who I talk to a lot but ones that I like to make fun of which doesn't make them friends but enemies...

But I rant and rant a lot on the internet and act more happier. biggrin Then again some people call me emo, just coz I don't talk to them much... in real life, but ramble to them 24/7 over the internet. o: But I haven't gone to my emo corner for a long time. x3

Either way I still act ebil (ITS TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM EVIL!!! EBIL IS THE NEXT LEVEL AFTER EVIL!! biggrin) and plot about world domination and stuffs like that and poke fun of more people. :3 It's a necissity to poke fun back at them coz they call me a perverted girl. D:<

Post #321577
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4:39 pm, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 1975

(I assume someone would have said this line by now...)
"What you see..err read.. is what you get.."

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5:25 pm, Sep 17 2009
Posts: 874

I'm the same online as I am in real life. I think maybe I should be different

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
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