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WTH? Shoujo!

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Post #157715 - Reply to (#157711) by leoak
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The Gorilla King

8:19 am, Apr 30 2008
Posts: 1117

Quote from leoak
Where do you guys get there is a lot of yaoi being released? Today (so far) and yesterday, there was only one release. On the 28th there was 4 with one being a DJ and on the 27th there was only 3 (out of 50!) There are about 4 yaoi releases a day out of around 30. There have been one or two groups that have had an anniversary so they put out a few more release, but for the most part, there has been just a trickle of yaoi.

I do agree on there being a lot of shoujo releases recently and about a few months ago, I kept stumbling on quite a bit of hentai. From the looks of it, the number of genre releases come in pulses. I'm guessing an increase of yaoi is coming in the next few months. The last time there was a flood of yaoi releases, it was later in the year because the anniversary of several groups were close together.

hmmm true, but there are days full of yaoi too >_>; i have uaoi marked in red as a filter lol so i can them red days when i open the releases page and find it red XD must be a heavenly sight for yaoi fans >_>; lol

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9:05 am, Apr 30 2008
Posts: 641

This has been the norm for a good while, not really something that's recent.
There's always some shoujo or yaoi around, there's just more of them around.
Shonen is rather limited to the few major publishers and their weekly/monthly titles since the others don't get as much attention. Seriously, how many of you have heard Western Shotgun?

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Post #157720 - Reply to (#157223) by Indreju
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9:37 am, Apr 30 2008
Posts: 510

Quote from Indreju
Manga Abyss released a lot of it yesterday. It's not usually shoujo shoujo shoujo...

Lots of the big shoujo groups do batch releases (it seems more so than other genre groups) so some days half the release page is shoujo and it's only 'cause 3 big groups did their releases (plus one or two small ones.)

Thursday/Friday is usually a full shounen day 'cause of Jump, speed scans, and 3 groups doing the same title. (Though shonen's been the majority the past few days-I highlight the releases and that's the color showing up most.)

Last edited by story645 at 11:13 am, Apr 30 2008

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Lurker Queen.

6:50 am, May 1 2008
Posts: 779

Well let's do a little math shall we?
Sooo from May 1st (today) to Friday 25th there have been:
14 Hentai releases
26 shounen-ai/yaoi releases
5 josei releases
30 seinen releases
87 shounen releases
and 47 shoujo releases.

I agree to story645 about the batch releases, I'll have to watch for more days to get that factor out but eeh, counting releases is hard ^_^''.

So shoujo isn't that abundant as you'd thought. I was convinced shounen releases are the majority, it's just that we're soo used to it we don't even notice it anymore. I'm surprised as to how little yaoi (and it's even less, as I used the same color for both yaoi and shounenai, and remember doujinshis are floating EVERYWHERE ~X( ) stop complaining.
NO type of manga is threatening to take over. Actually they're pretty evenly released -___-''

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Mad With a Hat

7:08 am, May 1 2008
Posts: 4764

I guess that's because there is a lot of shoujo manga..
It's a popular genre (I think..).

I never gave this much of a though, expect that shounen and shoujo are being released quicker.
There was a thread, saying something similar about yaoi (that there are tons of yaoi and stuff..).

As you see above, by HeavennevaeH , yaoi is not the majority, not at all.
Maybe sometimes it just looks like some genre gets more attention, because of multipule realeses. But again, this can be just a mere quincidence.

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7:10 am, May 1 2008
Posts: 548

shoujo and yaoi probably become more popular in japan and people are translating it because of there popularity?

i was nervous at first it was big & long & went straight up i had to try it i eased onto it & liked it! i went up & down on it.... i love escalators now! biggrin

(great onizuka ftw)
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5:27 pm, May 3 2008
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Cuz, Shoujo is awesome possum. biggrin

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Post #158527 - Reply to (#157164) by Deathscythe636
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5:36 pm, May 3 2008
Posts: 45

Quote from Deathscythe636
I also find that there is alot of shoujo manga being released, but more shocking to me is that there is also an increase of yaoi manga as well


too many romantically frustrated females?

roll eyes

I dunno.

They like announcing these shoujo releases but at the same time, they make them a BITCH to download.

seriously, tired of finding a release, find the synopsis interesting, go to website/forum

then have to waddle though crap and hula hoops, just to even find the bloody download page/link.

Just when i though i finally get to read at leased chapter 01 to see if this manga has a good thing going, you find the bloody download removed/dead.

then told to get it on IRC or/and next link is available when i reach post 30 and p.m. someone to get password for something something.

like they never heard of free file hosting....

Either provide a link for Baka Updates or just stop listing the releases.


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5:38 pm, May 4 2008
Posts: 139

Usually when there's an influx of a particular releases, the releases may due to 1) Anniversary, 2) Founders' birthday, 4) Coincidence, groups releasing many at the same time.
5) I know a group that always release on certain day of the week which coincide with other groups' release making there seem to be a lot of releases for that day. They like to release 2 or 3 chapters per week at the same time, then one chapter alone whenever that chapter just finishes.

and 6) There are even groups who celebrate certain beginning of the month so they release more than one chapter at the beginning of a month. So nice of them.

What's with people wondering why there are more certain releases of certain genres. Somewhat of the same question were asked around Valentine Day. It's mainly due to the people who decide to work on these projects: The Scanlators, scanlators, scanlators, scanlators. No matter how many people want to read the manga or not, nothing will be release without the scanlators decide to work on them and release them.

Post #163310 - Reply to (#157326) by redlinks

10:57 am, May 18 2008
Posts: 11

Quote from redlinks
I always thought that there was more yaoi being released than anything. I rarely see any shonen manga being released. =/

Yeah, if you go to a site like manganews, all they talk about is yaoi now because that's all people seem to be releasing.

But statistically, on this site, yaoi doesn't compile the majority of the releases, but shounen takes more of it.

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