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You know you are otaku when...

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Post #119315
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Smooth Operator
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5:25 am, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 5329

when you fantasize about musubi from sekirei (or any manga) more than jessica alba

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Post #119322
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

6:33 am, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 476

when you prefer hentai than porn
when you masturbate while watching hentai.
when you kiss the monitor to kiss the anime girls
when you dunno which is reality and imaginary.
when you dream about anime girl.

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Post #119361
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9:16 am, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 258

When you shout to your friends (who have no connection with anime/manga whatsoever)

Minaaaaide oniiii-chan.... azukashi
and other random shit like thatbiggrin

Mittsu no kokoro ga hitotsu ni nareba...
Hitotsu no seigi wa hyakuman pawaa.
- Getter Robo -
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3:51 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 2581

Warn: Banned

... if you've ever dressed your girlfriend/boyfriend up as your favorite anime character. (haven't done it yet)
... when more than half of what you know about sex was learned from reading Futari Ecchi. (guilty of this one)
... when you can give a well supported argument on the difference between yaoi and shounen-ai
... when you read any manga series that doesn't have an article on Wikipedia
... when you have a harem of naked women as your avatar

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #119533 - Reply to (#119531) by xombiemonkey
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3:55 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 752

Quote from xombiemonkey
... if you've ever dressed your girlfriend/boyfriend up as your favorite anime character. (haven't done it yet)
... when more than half of what you know about sex was learned from reading Futari Ecchi. (guilty of this one)
... when you can give a well supported argument on the difference between yaoi and shounen-ai
... when you read any manga series that doesn't have an article on Wikipedia
... when you have a harem of naked women as your avatar

Are they naked? OwO

(Picture is too small to be sure)

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Post #119534 - Reply to (#119533) by MajorMarmot
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3:57 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 786

Quote from MajorMarmot
Quote from xombiemonkey
... if you've ever dressed your girlfriend/boyfriend up as your favorite anime character. (haven't done it yet)
... when more than half of what you know about sex was learned from reading Futari Ecchi. (guilty of this one)
... when you can give a well supported argument on the difference between yaoi and shounen-ai
... when you read any manga series that doesn't have an article on Wikipedia
... when you have a harem of naked women as your avatar

Are they naked? OwO

(Picture is too small to be sure)

i think they are with tans

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4:02 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 588

...when you stay up for at least 3 whole days watching anime or reading manga.

Post #119544
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Smooth Operator
Super Mod

4:17 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 5329

if you've missed work in order to watch/ read manga/ anime (guilty) shy

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Livin just to keep from dyin
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Post #119548 - Reply to (#119534) by rockstar72
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4:21 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 2581

Warn: Banned

Quote from rockstar72
Quote from MajorMarmot
Quote from xombiemonkey
... if you've ever dressed your girlfriend/boyfriend up as your favorite anime character. (haven't done it yet)
... when more than half of what you know about sex was learned from reading Futari Ecchi. (guilty of this one)
... when you can give a well supported argument on the difference between yaoi and shounen-ai
... when you read any manga series that doesn't have an article on Wikipedia
... when you have a harem of naked women as your avatar

Are they naked? OwO

(Picture is too small to be sure)

i think they are with tans

yeah, they're naked with tans. Couldn't find the picture in a bigger size.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #144994 - Reply to (#119544) by ahoaho
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12:53 am, Mar 22 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from ahoaho
if you've missed work in order to watch/ read manga/ anime (guilty) shy


you know your an otaku when all of your shirts have some anime logo on it.

(just realized that a few of mine do -.-")

Post #145400
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Werd Nerd

4:07 am, Mar 23 2008
Posts: 590

When you're willing to jump and and down, screeching, in front of a full class of people, over one episode of a long-running series (like Bleach) or the fact that Vampire Knight's now an anime, and you don't even mind the comments you get afterwards about it because you're too giddy.

~Just Lynz, drop the -ajw~
Post #145535 - Reply to (#119548) by xombiemonkey
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chasing oblivion

1:36 pm, Mar 23 2008
Posts: 1366

Quote from xombiemonkey
Quote from rockstar72
Quote from MajorMarmot
Quote from xombiemonkey
... if you've ever dressed your girlfriend/boyfriend up as your favorite anime character. (haven't done it yet)
... when more than half of what you know about sex was learned from reading Futari Ecchi. (guilty of this one)
... when you can give a well supported argument on the difference between yaoi and shounen-ai
... when you read any manga series that doesn't have an article on Wikipedia
... when you have a harem of naked women as your avatar

Are they naked? OwO

(Picture is too small to be sure)

i think they are with tans

yeah, they're naked with tans. Couldn't find the picture in a bigger size.
I think I have that picture in a bigger size, and if I don't I know where to get it. Ironically:
When you have a hard drive full of HQ pics of everything anime. and another one full of manga. Although I still consider myself borderline. I'm still ruled by reason more that fanatacism.

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
Post #145543
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2:08 pm, Mar 23 2008
Posts: 2342

you download manga.

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3:12 pm, Mar 23 2008
Posts: 12

1. When you sit in the college library watching 70 episodes of bleach (came in late) rather then attend class.

2. When you stay in your room for three months after you lost your job. Only to watch anime. To a lesser extent eat and sleep - When it doesn't interfere with your anime watching.

3. After you realized you have failed all your college courses - You still drive the 30 min to the college to watch anime, because they have free wireless internet.

4. Have accumated over 110 days worth of anime watching according to your Ethereal_Chime anime list at

5.Know that the list would be higher but there's:
a) anime you've forgot you've watch
b) Hentai and Yaoi, that even the Gods couldn't make you admit that you've watch.

6. Have a Manga list on MAL which proves that you've wasted 23 days of your life.

7. Are surprised when other don't know the acronyms of the anime/manga about which you are talking.

8. Try to convert others by talking up your fav. anime. - Even co-workers

9. Go into work with what could be a hang over, but is actually lack of sleep headache - 'Cause you had to watch all the latest episode release of your fav. anime that night. You had too; you didn't want too.

10. Have favorite Fan-Subbers. - or Scanlators groups.

11. You get pissed when a Fan-Subber group get a translation wrong.

12. Buy the legal version of manga because reading it online isn't enough.

13. Buy the legal version of manga because you want to make sure the Scanlator got it right.

14. Refuse to watch an anime unless it is in sub.

15. Start to find everyday English language grating - Even though it is your first language.

16. Realize that when you fantasized about wining the lotto - You're really fantasizing about all the mange and anime you'll buy.

17. Find yourself considering buying the raws then paying someone to translate - 'Cause the Scanlators are taking too long.

18. Buy a 160 gig external hard drive to store your anime and manga.

19. Fantasize about which manga characters you would do - Or rape (Hiromichi Kondou form Lovenista)

20. Obsess over making your anime page look perfect to the point of trying to learn codes.

21. Realize that you have over 20 reason why you are a otuku.

Last edited by Darkchime at 9:16 pm, Mar 26 2008

"I knew I didn't like these guys. They're Papists! Man I hate fanatics!'

~Sargent Major Kosutic~
March to the Stars
~By: David Weber and John Ringo

deadLights' Manga List
Post #145579 - Reply to (#145575) by Darkchime
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3:21 pm, Mar 23 2008
Posts: 588

Quote from Darkchime
9. Go into work with what could be a hang over, but is actually lack of sleep headache - 'Cause you had to watch all the latest episode release of your fav. anime that night. You had to you didn't want to.

10. Have favorite Fan-Subbers. - or Scanlators groups.

12. Buy the legal version of manga because reading it online isn't enough.

14. Refuse to watch an anime unless it is in sub.

15. Start to find the English language grating - Even though it is your first language.

16. Realize that when you fantasized about wining the lotto - You're really fantasizing about all the mange and anime you'll buy.

17. Find yourself considering buying the raws then paying someone to translate - 'Cause the Scanlators are taking too long.

18. Buy a 160 gig external hard drive to store your anime and manga.

20. Obsess over making your anime page look perfect to the point of trying to learn codes.

21. Realize that you have over 20 reason why you are a otuku.

Guitly as charged.

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