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Looking for a manga with a wealthy guy and a poor girl who worked for him.

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3:06 pm, Jul 8 2022
Posts: 2

From what I’m remember the site I read it on was OneManga, so it’s definitely been a while for those of you who remember that site and when it stopped hosting scans. I think it was also one of the most adult ones that site would host, as I think it was in the “ecchi” category (though I was young and didn’t know what that meant at the time, lol).

There was a girl who was poor and was hired to be a housekeeper for a wealthier classmate (maybe not a classmate, I don’t really remember if the characters attended school). And near the end of the manga there was this huge storm and the girl who was the maid was stuck on an island or something in an old building, and the guy found her. I think there was also a scene where she was walking somewhere in the rain and the guy or someone worked for him picked her up and drove her the rest of the way. They did get together at the end. I think I remember a bit more, but am also worried I’m getting it confused with another manga.

Please let me know if you have ideas as to what this might be. I’d like to read it again now that I’m older.

Thanks in advance!


1:09 pm, Jul 14 2022
Posts: 13

Maybe Desire Climax ?
I dont read it to the end so i have no idea

Post #798264 - Reply to (#798253) by mgnsjohn

7:15 am, Jul 15 2022
Posts: 2

That’s it! Thank you!!

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