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8:40 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 38

What happens if you die in soul society?

Post #191030
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Smooth Operator
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8:43 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 5329

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9:06 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 38

this one is better

but anyway does anyone know? has anyone died in soul society (that we saw what happend to them)?

Post #191039 - Reply to (#191030) by ahoaho
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9:08 pm, Aug 14 2008
Posts: 2028

Quote from ahoaho

i lol'd, nice joke

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2:35 am, Aug 15 2008
Posts: 9026

They get reincarnated.


*sigh* Guess I have to dig for some proof to substantiate my claim.

"Souls released from Soul Society are watched over by Shinigami and born as living things in this world."

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #191144 - Reply to (#191142) by Dr. Love
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2:41 am, Aug 15 2008
Posts: 2028

Quote from Dr. Love
They get reincarnated.


*sigh* Guess I have to dig for some proof to substantiate my claim.

"Souls released from Soul Society are watched over by Shinigami and born as living things in this world."

i bow to the all knowing doc eek
but there is the answer

Post #191647

12:44 am, Aug 16 2008
Posts: 32

The thing that I don't get is: when people die in the living world and they go to the Soul Society and they usually can't find their real families and then they're suppose to make up substitute families, then how did the 4 noble families form? Do people in the SS have sex and make babies? And how come in the earlier episodes, Rukia told that kid he would meet his mother back in the SS? Why don't people who can't find their families ever look for their families? I mean, the SS doesn't really look all that big from what I've seen. And if the reason people who die in the SS go to the living world to regulate the amount of souls, then how come nobody in the SS ever dies, not even from old age? And why do people in the Soul Society retain their memories of their past lives, but the people in the living world don't? Except for Soul Reapers, for some reason they can't have their memories from their past lives? Why is that?

Seriously, this show is so stupid, it doesn't make a bit of sense, if it were meant to be anything other than anime like a novel or a movie, the distributors would've read the story, laughed their asses off, and never called Kubo back. It's like a 10 year old kid who draws really well created this thing.

Even if you look past all the obvious plotholes, it's not that great. After the SS arc, it pretty much just recycles that whole plot for HM arc.

Last edited by eatpork at 12:52 am, Aug 16 2008

Post #192716 - Reply to (#191647) by eatpork
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7:03 am, Aug 19 2008
Posts: 115

Quote from eatpork
The thing that I don't get is: when people die in the living world and they go to the Soul Society and they usually can't find their real families and then they're suppose to make up substitute families, then how did the 4 noble families form? Do people in the SS have sex and make babies? And how come in the earlier episodes, Rukia told that kid he would meet his mother back in the SS? Why don't people who can't find their families ever look for their families? I mean, the SS doesn't really look all that big from what I've seen. And if the reason people who die in the SS go to the living world to regulate the amount of souls, then how come nobody in the SS ever dies, not even from old age? And why do people in the Soul Society retain their memories of their past lives, but the people in the living world don't? Except for Soul Reapers, for some reason they can't have their memories from their past lives? Why is that?

Seriously, this show is so stupid, it doesn't make a bit of sense, if it were meant to be anything other than anime like a novel or a movie, the distributors would've read the story, laughed their asses off, and never called Kubo back. It's like a 10 year old kid who draws really well created this thing.

Even if you look past all the obvious plotholes, it's not that great. After the SS arc, it pretty much just recycles that whole plot for HM arc.

Shhh... Don't spoil it for them.

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Post #192719
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

7:13 am, Aug 19 2008
Posts: 476

When I think about soul society, the first question came was where is the white people..All I see is japanese..

I don't think soul society is enough to put 155,000 people that die per day..

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