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summer/winter clock

do you switch to summer clock or winter clock in you country?
yep, summer clock is evillll
what is... summer clock/winter clock?
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Post #505721
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9:26 pm, Nov 5 2011
Posts: 3503

We used to have day light saving, but not anymore. Well, there was something wrong if it was 9 pm and it wasn't dark yet.

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- Golden Kamui

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Post #505727
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the mu...

9:41 pm, Nov 5 2011
Posts: 1050

We don't have summer or winter here... Only drought and monsoon.

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1:55 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 497

Gotta love that extra hour of sleep when the clock is turned back an hour. On the other hand, having one hour less sleep when the clock is turned forward an hour again sucks.
No surprise that I love winter.

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Post #505779 - Reply to (#22775) by ares6
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Romance Fanatic

2:57 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 72

Quote from ares6
oh yes, anyone know if China have Day Light saving?

I don't think they have it there.

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12:01 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 1737

I like daylight saving time somewhat, since the day feels similar when observing the change from day to night.

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Post #505877
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12:13 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 79

i've always thought only London, England does this! because everyone around me kept complaining how London is the only place where we have to turn our clocks an hour forward/backwards and other countries doesn't have to.

but yeah i also do this lool i actually wait for the time to turn the clocks because i'm the one who's usually telling my friends and other people to turn the clocks laugh

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2:52 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 339

Turned my clock back an hour today (spring forward, fall back) and I'm loving the extra hour of sleep. Otherwise I'd be even more of a procrastinator right now than I normally am, by an hour lol. Of course, spring sucks because then I lose an hour of sleep. Yes, spring sucks a lot for that, though I love the season.

@otakubaybay: My high school had three floors and was a very small high school--only 800 odd people with students and staff combined.

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2:56 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 76

Oh yes I love my extra hour of sleep <3

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Sly Blue

5:54 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 514

Yea i do change my clocks.. but my family forgot and i ended up at my tutor class 1 hour early. -.-

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7:39 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 365

If you meant the DST, then yes. I actually just changed all the clocks in the house this morning before I went out.

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Slumbering Remnant

7:52 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 657

why yes...yes I do

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
Post #506312
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8:43 pm, Nov 8 2011
Posts: 417

We don't have DST in my time zone though I do need to check the times in the neighbouring provinces when going to festivals and seeing concerts roll eyes

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12:47 pm, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 141

We still do it here, and nowadays I personally think it's not necessary, but I sure thought of it as awesome and thrilling when I was in elementary school. So I wouldn't want to spoil children that joy that I felt then by abolishing it ^^°
I heard Russia abandoned it this year, though, as each time shift would cause their suicide rate to go up temporarily by 60%... Oo'

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