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Site Poll - Chat Box 153 - 18+ Warnings

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12:47 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 10734

When did you start reading 18+ stuff (if you ever even started)?

Question: About the adult warnings
I'm underage, but I still read 18+ stuff - votes: 3946 (22.2%)
I'm underage, and I don't read 18+ stuff - votes: 427 (2.4%)
I'm an adult, yet I was underage when I started reading 18+ stuff - votes: 10707 (60.2%)
I started reading 18+ stuff after becoming an adult - votes: 2221 (12.5%)
I'm an adult, yet I've never read 18+ stuff - votes: 480 (2.7%)
There were 17781 total votes.
The poll ended: October 15th 2011

Last edited by lambchopsil at 10:06 am, Oct 15 2011

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12:54 pm, Oct 8 2011
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The mature mangas I started reading last year, but for hentai is technically this year.
I don't care much for the age restriction as long as the story is interesting, but I only touch hentai occasionally. I'm underage, by the way.

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Post #500017
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12:58 pm, Oct 8 2011
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I believe I was around 16.

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1:25 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 298

How about I was underage when I get my first taste of 18+, just to see what all the fuss was about, but stopped reading it completely by the time I passed 18... Same with beer.

I'll admit, there are a few Borderline H manga I enjoyed (a good story is a good story). But most of the times there's just way too much wanton sex.
I don't mind the sex bit much though, it's the senselessness that annoys me. Let it at least serve a purpose (like the ending of a romance arc, or the precursor of having a child).

I don't consider myself a prude, it just doesn't interest me. (I'm asexual btw, so maybe that's why).

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1:30 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 262

Ah.. Well, I've been reading mature/18+ things since I was around 14 probably.. Things for both graphic nature and because of theme and other such things.. x]]

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Mad With a Hat

2:14 pm, Oct 8 2011
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I've had "adult" things stuck in my head ever since I was a little child.
I'm not sure why, maybe it's just my nature.
Be it violence, sex or alcohol, I got the taste of them way before putting a check over the legal age bar.
Even though I prefer to see the better side of things, I don't think I've had an innocent outlook on life that excluded anything that would be considered "adult" after passing my first years.

As for the poll, its outcome is pretty obvious.

We're not talking about manga exclusively, right? ^^;

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4:36 pm, Oct 8 2011
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hmm is this poll retricted to manga only?

i first started reading stuff with 18+ content when i was 14
i think it all started when i read a story about a girl who was dealing with post-rape issues. but there wasnt anything graphic about it, it had a warning only because of the dark theme of the story.

i do read mature stuff, but by mature im not referring to ecchi or hentai.
i'm talking about stuff like sayonara midori-chan and river's edge/helter skelter(those are the last mature mangas i've read. nothing else comes to mind at the moment) know, stuff with themes like drugs, rape, abuse, pregnancy, suicide or prostitution.

Post #500062
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5:12 pm, Oct 8 2011
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14. i accidentally read my brother's hentai...

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5:28 pm, Oct 8 2011
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Violence wise, I was 8. (My 3rd manga I ever read was Elfen Lied... stumbled apon it by accident because it had the word "Elf" in the title.) I started reading Berserk that same year and fell in love.

I guess I started reading sex-wise 18+ when I was 13 or so. Searching for manga that involves violence eventually leads to H-Guru, so there we are. Even before I was reading stuff with the "hentai" tag specifically, I had read stuff like Ichi the killer, or Berserk, which touch on the subject but don't really show much.

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5:39 pm, Oct 8 2011
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Yeah, I also read 18+ when I was underage. Maybe when I was 16..
Well, the adult warnings just make me more curious bigrazz

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Post #500074

5:59 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 6

let's see i was 11 when i started watchin porn i was 14 when i truly began reading manga and watching anime at same time i found hentai and read/watched it i was 15 when i first really drank any alcohol and got wasted first time also (my head still hurts some when i think about it) i was16 when i started drinking regularly (regularly meaning a few beers on the weekend when i didnt have to worry about school) took a yr to get over first drink i was also 16 when i started having sex ive never botherd with drugs not my thing

i guess what im trying to say above is that teh so calld age restrictions really dont matter if u wanna read something r do something your gona prolly do it regardless of the rules/law or any warnings ppl give you just seems like human nature to me besides most ppl are physicaly adults around 15

stoping here before i get off topic and move into a rant lol ohh and im 22 now

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6:30 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 566

I was already over 18 when I started reading manga, but as far as tv and movies, I've always watched things that were 18+. I remember being a kid, like 7 or 8, and watching rated R movies with my family. They didn't care if I watched something that was violent, but when it came to sex scenes they either fast-forwarded or covered my eyes. I was around 11 or 12 when I started watching porn.

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6:38 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 188

It's this only for manga? V_V

I was... geez... 10 or younger when I started looking at porn. That lasted until I was 14 or 15 - then I found porn to be a waste of time. (Why view that when I have real girls? Lol) I was 12 when I first had a sexual relationship with one of my friends.

I frowned upon smoking all my life - tried it when I was 16, didn't like it. Had a bad experience with drinking at 17... and haven't drank since. Never did drugs. That's just stupid.

Manga wise, I started reading series marked mature at... 14, maybe 15 (around the time I stopped viewing porn). I'm used to violence and obviously sex, so reading mature manga is really nothing to me... no different from reading a kid's manga. (Just keep me interested! Haha)

Wow, it seems like everyone generally gets into mature things at around 14. laugh

Post #500078 - Reply to (#500016) by chineserider
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6:51 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 36

Quote from chineserider
I don't care much for the age restriction as long as the story is interesting

I 2nd this
I started reading mature stuffs before turning 18
And all i care is the art,i'll read whatever if it's eyes catching biggrin

Last edited by nailq at 6:57 pm, Oct 8 2011

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Certified addict

7:42 pm, Oct 8 2011
Posts: 301

If we're talking about manga, then I didn't even start reading manga until I was 18, so all the 18+ stuff I've read has been after I was 18.

If we're talking about other stuff then yeah, I looked at/watched/read it before I was 18. Who doesn't?

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