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New Poll - Anime/Manga Merchandise 2

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10:37 pm, Jun 2 2017
Posts: 10691

This week's poll was suggested by Rasparr. It's a continuation of a poll from a few weeks ago. Many of you either seldom or never buy merchandise, so the natural thing to ask is why? The choices won't fit every situation, so feel free to comment below!

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you read doujinshi for a series that you like?
Yes, I go searching for all that doujinshi! - votes: 1245 (21.7%)
I don't go looking for it, but I'll read it if I encounter it - votes: 1865 (32.4%)
Very seldom - votes: 1297 (22.6%)
Never - votes: 1341 (23.3%)
There were 5748 total votes.
The poll ended: June 2nd 2017

I guess the natural follow-up would be to ask if the doujinshi you do read are of the 18+ nature or something tamer.

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12:27 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 2410

Not interested in the first place explains itself.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #692166

1:24 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 144

Combination of "Worried about what people might think of me" and "Not interested in the first place".

I want merchandise that doesn't scream "I'm otaku", merchandise that to people not in the know won't look any special or out of place - some lamp or chair from the anime I like, gaming console or controller with anime original design (with no character prints on it!), etc.
Too bad it's almost impossible to find such merchandise - about the only example I know is Ryuuko's jacket from KLK...

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Lone Wanderer

1:29 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 2127

For me it's a mix of "Not interested" and "not enough money." 99% of the time I couldn't care less about merchandise - especially considering the incredible amount of hassle it would take to ship something from Japan to the neglected corner of the world where I live - but on the rare occasions where I see something I'd love to own (like the incredibly adorable chibi keytags for Bungou Stray Dogs), the cost of the stuff + shipping acts as a very effective deterrent.

So I just make do with wallpapers, and in the case of the chibi keytags, printed out the life-size pics they had on its page and made my own bigrazz

Post #692172
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HanaKana Fanboy

6:20 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 16

Money. There's tons of merchandise (mostly figurines) I'd love to add to my collection, but it's just way too expensive, so I'm mostly sticking to manga volumes for now. Space is also a limiting factor, but I'd just remodel my room if I had the money to do so. Reputation is not a concern to me, the only person whose opinion I care about is my girlfriend and she has accepted my strange love for small plastic girls flashing their panties biggrin

Post #692173

6:39 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 80

I'm not really interested in merchandise, but I also haven't found anything anime related that has made me want to buy it. I don't like figurines or gundam models and maybe there is a really cool poster that I haven't seen that I would like, but that isn't thaat likely. Other than reading a manga and wanting to buy it because it was that good, I don't feel the desire to buy anything anime/manga related.


9:48 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 84

Let's see two main things. Not enough space for the stuff I might want and its difficult to find/buy what I want. I'd be cool with getting posters for my favorite stuff, but I only have so much wall space and I never like what they have to offer. Often its not particularly unique, they reuse the same art you have seen thousands of times, and sometimes the art is not particularly good. I'd be good with tee-shirts too because those are easy to store (I've got one that I like and can't get more copies anymore), but many again look ugly or go out of their way to scream "otaku!" I've got a couple of key-chains in a drawer somewhere that looked ok online, but talk about cheap crap when I got them. I've got a couple of artbooks, but they've turned out disappointing because not enough in them or once again recycling art that's been seen before. Stuff like figures is just too expensive for the quality ones and I already buy anime and manga, so don't need the extra expense. Plus Figures can put you into serious debt if you go crazy as I've seen some people do.

So basically while money and space are factors the main thing that keeps me from buying merchandise is that there's a ton of poor quality crap out there that just doesn't do it for me.

Post #692180
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10:50 am, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 3457

Defo not enough space.
I don't really care what others think. I'm at that age where I have my group of friends who all know what I like and know I'm a massive nerd. Why should I not make my room reflect my interests if it makes me happy? It's my personal space and I'll fill it with things that I like.
Any kind of clothing merch etc is usually low key. I like minimalist kind of clothing and accessories generally.

Until I get my own place however, I'm stuck in my room and it is running out of space. I love collecting figurines, and I've had to be really really picky about my purchases with them due to lack of space. I have no wall space left for posters (I actually have a pile of unused/rolled up posters that I can't put anywhere) so yeah any purchases I make, it's a calculated decision. I'm also pretty limited to what I can actually purchase as well since I am not an American and exchange/shipping fees are ridiculous sometimes.

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1:28 pm, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 62

There's a lot of reasons that I can't always get every manga I want.

I have no problem getting brand new manga because they are widely available and the price is good. My biggest problem stems from collecting old rare manga titles. That's when money can become an issue because I may need to spend 3-5x the cover price.

Space is a slight problem, but at the moment my book shelves are housing my manga collection comfortably.

Post #692185

1:55 pm, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 263

A good part of it is just general fear of the law.
Monster musume by many countries definitions is cp, they don't care about anything besides how it looks, and the harpy and demon girl could see people in jail for possessing the books.

The laws are so loosely worded that I have major concerns for my safety if I were to import what I read.

If that was not the case, I would likely go not enough money.

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4:06 pm, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 89

Not enough money! Comics in general are super expensive.

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10:12 pm, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 374

Availability is a big problem. I import stuff from Japan, but shipping costs are huge. I'm not that much into merchandise, but I'd probably buy more if I actually found something I really like.

Post #692192
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10:35 pm, Jun 3 2017
Posts: 774

Definitely money. Shipping cost is expensive, as are figures in general.

I'm also running out of shelf-space for my manga, but if I had more money, I would just buy more shelves so.

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1:35 am, Jun 4 2017
Posts: 421

Other than having everything I needed, money is indeed a issue. But, more significant than that is the import-export market. If the thing you want to buy costs a shitload on taxation because of unreasonable customs, would you feel like buying it.
But, the reason of 'being uninterested' still stands...I was never into Figurines and other decoration stuffs.
I buy clothing though, but only regular stuff like hoodies, shirts, t-shirts, bags, shoes/boots ets. Not those Cosplay costumes, which you'll only buy to wear a day to take pictures or do kinky stuffs and store them in your closet for rest of your life. That's just wasting money.
I get games, devices, wallpapers, posters etc.

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce
Post #692282
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7:41 pm, Jun 5 2017
Posts: 647

Not interested, but no space either.

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