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Yaoi manga friends

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7:38 am, Feb 2 2021
Posts: 132

I'm looking for a yaoi manga about three friends in college, the uke is in love with a playboy, and the other friend (seme) finds him crying once after the playboy friend got a gf, ever since then he would comfort the uke whenever the playboy got a new gf. One day he asks the uke out and the uke says yes because the friend had made him start getting over the playboy and he was tired of being jerked around. They started going out but the seme got jealous whenever the uke met with the playboy and one day overheard the playboy say that he had a crush on the uke in highschool and then tries to break up with the uke and the uke gets mad and confessed to the seme

Post #788534
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Procrastinator and

7:43 am, Feb 2 2021
Posts: 1025

Calorie. Next time make sure you post it in the Yaoi/Yuri forum or else they will just lock your post.


9:22 am, Feb 2 2021
Posts: 132

Okay! Thanks for the tip, I actually didn't know it was like that 😕 I'll keep that in mind for any future posts 🙂

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