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Categories (Tags) Data

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3:01 am, Mar 4 2022
Posts: 58

Hello Manga-Updates Team!

I was hoping if you could give me your raw data on the categories. My hopes are to get access to the same data that appears on the Categories (Tags) Dictionary page.

(Optional request)
I was also curious to see how these tags are used by getting data about what categories are assigned to each series. As I know that is a lot of data and (likely) a pain to gather. You can ignore this second request for tagging related data if it is too much of a hassle.
(End of Optional request)

If you guys could get that data into a .CSV file, that would be fabulous. I am just curious about the trends and implications that your data could give.

If you guys do not want to share that data, that is fine (as the data I am asking for is available on the Categories Dictionary page and I will simply scrape the data). But I just wanted to ask and see if you had the other dataset as well.

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3:15 am, Mar 4 2022
Posts: 58

This forum post on NovelUpdates did something similar to what I wanted to look at for this website.

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