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Post #577797 - Reply to (#577788) by story645
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9:18 pm, Nov 20 2012
Posts: 764

Quote from story645
I went to the counseling center at school and saw the very awesome therapist for a few months and it got better...

Lucky you, last therapist i saw told me mine was a clinical and give me some drugs, i swear they are no helping.

Anyway, How about, if you could ask for one thing that would be given to you as long as you don't show it to other people, what would you ask for?

Post #577799 - Reply to (#577797) by BlackOrion
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9:30 pm, Nov 20 2012
Posts: 510

Lucky you, last therapist i saw told me mine was a clinical and give me some drugs, i swear they are no helping.

Last psychiatrist I saw was the same way, wanted to put me on something after a 5 minute survey. Finding a good therapist is like finding a good pair of shoes, sometimes you get lucky but just as often you have to keep trying on pairs until you find one you could potentially break in well.

Anyway, How about, if you could ask for one thing that would be given to you as long as you don't show it to other people, what would you ask for?

I'm expecting that we'll be told off for going off topic/violating the thread rules on open-ended topics in a minute, but the answer is dunno, maybe a week off from everything?

Last edited by story645 at 9:39 pm, Nov 20 2012

Post #577804 - Reply to (#577799) by story645
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11:08 pm, Nov 20 2012
Posts: 764

Quote from story645
Last psychiatrist I saw was the same way, wanted to put me on something after a 5 minute survey. Finding a good therapist is like finding a good pair of shoes, sometimes you get lucky but just as often you have to keep trying on pairs until you find one you could potentially break in well.

Anyway ...

Oh, sorry, i just randomly said the first thing that come to my mind... also i had seen a lot of people over the years, the problem is that i don't produce enough of something in my brain, forgot the name, so it's not something you can treat with just talk and i also have an slight case of bipolarity, so i do need medicines but the problem seems to be that most drugs are infective in me (or need larger quantities than average) and for that i had medical interventions with out anesthetic more than once, anyway, long story short i just can't overcome my "problem", but at the same time i don't really feel like helping it, but that is a symptom too of my problem.. funny right?, i just write all that as a way of venting out.

So, does anybody knows what's the origin of the term crush?, i suddenly wanted to know.

Post #577806 - Reply to (#577804) by BlackOrion
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11:30 pm, Nov 20 2012
Posts: 937

@BlackOrion: From what I remember, I said -_-

And, The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms says it's a colloquialism dating from the late 1800s and derives from a slangy term with the same meaning from the early 1800s, "to have a case on." [Source: 20on]

The Online Etymology Dictionary says that in the sense of "person one is infatuated with" it is first recorded 1884 and to have a crush on is from 1913, with both uses deriving from the Old French "croisir," meaning to gnash (teeth), crash, or break. [Source:]

Other sources provide essentially the same information, but none offer any speculation as to how the term came to be associated with that meaning.

Read more: Where does the term "crush" come from (as in having a crush on someone)? | Answerbag


There are times when you will miss what you never had. I wonder how you will find what you so desperately need.
Post #577807 - Reply to (#577806) by Casey D. Geek
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11:36 pm, Nov 20 2012
Posts: 764

Quote from Casey D. Geek
@BlackOrion: From what I remember, I said -_-

And, The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms says it's a colloquialism dating from the late 1800s and derives from a slangy term with the same meaning from the early 1800s, "to have a case on." [Source: [u][/u] ...

Well that's interesting, i tough it was't that old, but I'm not from an English speaking country so what do i know right?

Thanks biggrin

Post #577910 - Reply to (#577797) by BlackOrion
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An F to judge M!

9:14 pm, Nov 21 2012
Posts: 387

Quote from BlackOrion
Anyway, How about, if you could ask for one thing that would be given to you as long as you don't show it to other people, what would you ask for?

Then I'd ask for a tool that can alter my abilities . For example, if I asked to be given the ability to draw well, I wouldn't be able to show anyone anything I drew. Now, if I ask for a set of tools that grants me the same ability, I'd only have to hide the tools. See? If I ask for a personal crew of Kebler Elves to make me a shit ton a cookies, then I could still share the cookies. Why would I care to show anyone the elves WHEN I HAVE AWESOME COOKIES??

That, or a credit card with a $10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollar credit limit that I'd never hafta pay back. Ya can't see digital muuuunny, amirite!?

Oooooo, ooooooo! How about x-ray vision? No, not for that, pervert! BUT! I could sure as shit up my chances at the casino playing black jack. I mean, there's no way I could SHOW you x-ray vision, right?

But in all seriousness, I'd ask for all my back pockets turned into secret compartments that lead to a different dimension, allowing me to store an infinite amount of items. That way, I'd be able to pull anything out my ass.


Nah, nah. Really, it's an easy answer. You ask for something you don't really care to show someone, but then give that something the ability to produce something you DO want, the timeless example being a goose that can lay a golden egg.

...Which is all fun 'n good, but if this is a psychiatric question to measure my selfishness (the question seems to be something of a trap), then gold shitting geese ain't gonna cut it. So instead, I'd make the one asking me such a leading question choke on my righteousness by asking for something ridiculous, like a crank that when I crank it, would provide the world enough food to be happy and healthy for the next twenty-four hours, and all I'd have to do to stop world hunger is to give it a turn, once a day.


Post #577922 - Reply to (#577910) by Badkarma
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12:18 am, Nov 22 2012
Posts: 764

Quote from Badkarma
Then I'd ask for a tool that can alter my abilities . For example, if I asked to be given the ability to draw well, I wouldn't be able to show anyone anything I drew. Now, if I ask for a set of tools that grants me the same ability, I'd only have to hide the tools. See? If I ask for a personal cre ...

Well that's clever, and sort of funny,
tough i would had gone for your first option, to be honest
i was planing on something among the lines of those "Abilities tools" you describe,
If i wanted to use it to help people i still could
by mastering medicine or making cures,
but alas i can use it to have fun too.

That or an invisible sword that pops out of my hand whenever i want and allow me to move wherever it might be in an instant.... because that would be awesome...

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10:18 am, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Here is my question:

Imagine if there was a place called the Void, what would you consider to be the opposite of that place?

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Post #584080 - Reply to (#584079) by Transdude1996
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10:32 am, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 479

Quote from Transdude1996
Here is my question:

Imagine if there was a place called the Void, what would you consider to be the opposite of that place?

the womb

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Post #584081 - Reply to (#584079) by Transdude1996
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An F to judge M!

10:38 am, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 387

Quote from Transdude1996
Here is my question:

Imagine if there was a place called the Void, what would you consider to be the opposite of that place?

You're misinterpting the meaning of "the void". It's not a place, it's the absence of a place. Abstract.

The opposite of an abstract "place" that doesn't have substance is a non-abstract place that does have substance.

I suggest you open your eyes.

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10:56 am, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

You're misinterpreting my question. I said imagine if there was called the void.

As a post note, asked one of my IRL friends and he suggested Diov. A bit cliche, isn't it?

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Post #584086 - Reply to (#584081) by Badkarma
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11:00 am, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 479

you really do try so hard to make yourself look intelligent don't you?

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Post #584093 - Reply to (#584085) by Transdude1996
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An F to judge M!

11:27 am, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 387

Quote from Transdude1996
You're misinterpreting my question. I said imagine if there was called the void.

As a post note, asked one of my IRL friends and he suggested Diov. A bit cliche, isn't it?

Hmm... I suppose I did if you say so, but I interpret it as if you were asking something like "Imagine if there was a place called Hell..." where 'Hell' is definitely a "place", but you still need to 'imagine' it since no one's ever actually seen it, and/or it's existence is fictional to begin with.

So I guess I did interpret your question right, but I imagine "the void" to be just that: a void, nothing, something that consumes absolutely no space and can only contain abstract things like forgotten memories or dreams. That's why I'd say the tangible universe around you is the opposite.

Quote from whatnot
you really do try so hard to make yourself look intelligent don't you?

It's almost as fun as trying to make yourself look witty.

Quote from whatnot
the womb


You tried!! It's ok, though. I often fail too.

Just remember: With a little patience and a lot of spit, an elephant fucked an ant.

Last edited by Badkarma at 2:42 pm, Jan 15 2013

Post #584134 - Reply to (#584093) by Badkarma
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his and her sonnet

8:50 pm, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 1127

I also think the universe is the opposite of the void

but anyway we've never seen a void and our brains don't have the capacity to imagine or depict a void so who knows

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9:19 pm, Jan 15 2013
Posts: 1737

I would also think that you make the Void an entity, then its opposite would be an non-entity, or nothingness. But eschewing that you have made the term a proper noun - therefore giving it an identity - if indeed the Void is what the term implies, then its opposite would be "something," anything that in our minds we perceive to exist; whether or not it exists in physical form notwithstanding.

Nulla in mundo pax sincera
"Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth." - Albert Camus
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