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Finals, anyone?

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Post #110280
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6:53 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 2896

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I had 2 As and 2 Bs

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
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6:56 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 2581

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Good for you, smartman.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #110282 - Reply to (#110278) by rinoa_cooly
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6:58 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 93

Quote from rinoa_cooly
I'm actually surprised how many people here are in AP classes. I'm in them myself...bah...I dropped one though, and it was my hardest AP class (American History). Now everything is really easy cause my AP English is SO random and i have a prep period.

My finals were actually pretty good except for my chemistry (basically meaning i didn't have any finals except for math, computer, and chemistry) Math and computer were really easy, but i thought i was gonna die on chemistry. I'm surprised i even got a (low) C. I don't pay attention during that class busy thinking about reading manga when i get home (chemistry is my last period) laugh

lol i did sooo bad in AP U.S. but luckily for me there was loads of extra credit and an 8-point curve added to my grade at the end of the semester so i ended up with a B smile
This semester i will have only 4 finals, 1 of which will actually matter since my grades in other classes are all pretty stable

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7:06 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 221

I'm taking mine this week...

I got a B on the AP Bio test that's counting, but on the county midterm I have a feeling I didn't do so well. (It covered a lot of stuff that we didn't get to yet, and most of the questions had to do with those two chapters, annoyingly enough.) I just want to know how many stupid mistakes I had to make to get twelve multiple choice questions wrong on the other test...

Other than Bio, the only other class I know about is AP Calc... XD I got a 45%, but the smartest kids are supposed to only get a 50%; you're supposed to fail it, so my teacher's gonna be putting it on a huge grading curve. Still, getting an eight out of twenty on the calculator portion was a downer...

I'm currently taking my AP Language and Composition and AP US History midterms, and they aren't too bad. AP English is only annoying 'cos the stupid essays we had to read were from the 1800s, so the writing style and grammar was all out-of-whack (so confusing). Surprisingly, the AP US test is pretty easy so far. ._.; I expected it to be atrocious, since our teacher is considered a "cool" teacher, but he goes on tangents (like how he killed his teacher's fish or beat up his brother when they were younger) a lot and the classes always do horribly on his tests.

Other than those, I only have Latin III, but the teacher's counting a project we did earlier in the year as the midterm, along with a grammar test.

/angry ranting proficienciez

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7:08 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 418

I'm taking mine next week, no sweat though.

I have all A's upset for one C- in math.... Oh how I hate math. -.-;

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7:14 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 10689

Quote from dirkbogardeonaproxy
Quote from ares6
Quote from lambchopsil
Finals next week for me. No biggie. My teachers aren't really preparing us for them, even though I'm in all AP/IB classes. They expect us to do it ourselves. Meanwhile, we're learning new material, same as usual (and of course it'll all be on the final, even though we may learn it the day before)

Don't you mean Midterms lamb? you're still in high school. They don't give finals in the middle of the year for most classes....

don't midterms come in the middle of the semester/

But the semester ends on Thurs of next week, which is why we're having finals next week...

Quote from ares6
Quote from TofuQueen
Quote from ares6
Don't you mean Midterms lamb? you're still in high school. They don't give finals in the middle of the year for most classes....

Pretty common around here for HS to be split into semesters, with finals at the end of each - even if the actual class doesn't change.

No finals for me, already done with HS once and college twice~ biggrin

yeah......lamb's not allowed in the 18+ section

Not like I post in there much except as an admin...A lot of the topics in there are like...totally weird...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #110297
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7:35 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 2009

Usually all A's, but that's not due to lack of anime, nope i balance anime and study time by taking away sleep bigrazz

Post #110300
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7:44 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 2896

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I usually get As too....but Chemistry is hard......MO theory[molecular orbital] totally just lost did the organic chemistry part...

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
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7:52 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 1279

I need to bump up my grade in History. cry

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8:12 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 29

what are IB classes?
my school only has AP and Honors but not IB confused confused

and finals are easier to say that midterms

math will be easy for me cuz my teacher goes SO friggin slow
we're only on chap 4 out of like i dunno 30?
and he said that we were ahead of schedule laugh laugh

im just mostly scared of AP classes, brit lit, us history (especially), and bio
our history teacher is new this year and boy...
do you know what she said when our class told her we didn't get the material?
something to the extent of
"oh, its ok! im learning it as the same time you are so don't worry"
none none none

hello moto
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8:17 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 223

my only real finals are honors chem and honors calc
theology and spanish dont count

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8:18 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 418

Our math teacher is like....retarded.

She speeds through chapters and doesnt explain the formulas well enough, leaving me bizajumbled. ( new word, whoooo )

Then she gives us like 10 problems on a test, so if we just get two problems long we get a B.

She should give us like... 30... retard teacher -.-;

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8:21 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 2581

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Yeah. I always wonder how teachers like that get hired. My Bio teacher seems like a total pothead and my friend's english teacher is most likely gay. Also, my keyboarding teacher was recently suspended for touching a girl student innapropriately. He always did seem like a petofile.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #110356 - Reply to (#110323) by xanimoox
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9:08 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 10689

Quote from xanimoox
what are IB classes?
my school only has AP and Honors but not IB confused confused

International Baccalaureate

It's another program that'll get you a separate diploma in high school. In my school, you can take IB classes without being in the IB program

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #110361 - Reply to (#110334) by xombiemonkey
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9:12 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 78

Quote from xombiemonkey
Yeah. I always wonder how teachers like that get hired. My Bio teacher seems like a total pothead and my friend's english teacher is most likely gay. Also, my keyboarding teacher was recently suspended for touching a girl student innapropriately. He always did seem like a petofile.

I dunno why being gay makes a teacher a lower quality. My favorite AP English Teacher was gay and he was the best damn teacher I ever had. (Sorry for the cursing). I made a 3 on the AP exam, my own fault for not studying, and was extremely pleased with my time and experience with his class and his person.

Too much evidence!
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