New Poll - Following Scanlation Groups

3 weeks ago
Posts: 10806
This week's poll was suggested by F_J. Do you tend to follow any scanlation groups for updates? And if so, how many do you follow?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: Opinion on the usage of trigger warnings
- I'd like to see them used more often - votes: 368 (22.6%)
- I like them as they are now - votes: 615 (37.8%)
- I'd like to see them used more sparingly - votes: 645 (39.6%)
There were 1628 total votes. The poll ended: January 18, 2025
I guess it's a toss up all around
A just ruler amongst tyrants
3 weeks ago
Posts: 79
What's the point to follow groups? I follow only certain manga's. A group can do tens of titles simultaneously, but usually there's only 1 interesting for me.
3 weeks ago
Posts: 6
Follow a group?? Is there a way to follow a scanlation group on this website?? If so I would love to know how to!
(The poll probably means "following on SNS" now that I think about it, and not "follow on MU" ...)
I don't know, I'm following manga. I doesn't matter to me which group does scanilation. Yeah sometimes it happens that two or more manga are done by same group, but that is just coincidence. I'm not reading every manga one group has done.

3 weeks ago
Posts: 12
Idk either haha I follow some groups on Discord and Tumblr, but it's bc of the manga. So, in the end, I follow the manga updates.

3 weeks ago
Posts: 254
I don't know if official publisher ups count as scanlation groups, but i counted them, so 6-10
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And though it is impossible I exist. © Trimutius
3 weeks ago
Posts: 59
I used to regularly check groups who scanlated series I was interested in to see if they had other similar projects, especially back in the day when the otome isekai/rofan genre was just getting started and I was desperate for more, but while I sometimes occasionally still do check the pages of scanlation groups, I selected "none", because it's definitely not a regular thing, I don't do it very often at all anymore.
2 weeks ago
Posts: 4
I check groups pages sometimes to see if they have more titles that I'd like, but I don't really follow them. I used to do it when it was the only way to access the updates, but nowadays I don't read any manga like this. Mangaupdates solves most of my following needs and the rest I can usually solve in other ways that aren't directly following the group.

2 weeks ago
Posts: 26
In the early days of the internet, definitely followed tons of scanlation groups. Back then there were no file hosting, no manga sites to read online, no torrents, nothing. You'd sometimes go to forums to check for releases but world wide web wasn't very developed back them. Before modern web, there was IRC. Most of the time you'd be using mIRC to download from the distro bot. Sometimes you'd get horrible physical scans of the tankobon pages but still better than not being able to read your favourite manga. You'd eventually favourite these channels & end up lurking in multiple scanlation groups, anime/manga hub channels. Same goes for anime.
Nowadays though chapters are widely available online. Though i guess its less profitable for scanlation groups.

2 weeks ago
Posts: 140
I used to follow one or two, but now it's none. The community is usually done through discord, and I rarely use it, so I decided to uninstall my discord eventually.
Besides, even if certain group(s) translated 10 titles, I only read one or two titles. Additionally, scanlators usually have certain genres preferences to translate, but I'm more of a diverse genre reader. 😅
2 weeks ago
Posts: 243
Due to the nature of some groups hosting their own website and only working on one series I like, I technically fit into the 1-5 category.
I'm a jack of all trades but master of none. Too many jars and not enough hands.